War Poetry Collection
presented by an Anonymous Donor
in Memory of
Private William John Billington,
2/24 London Regiment (Queen's),
formerly of 2/2 South Midland Field Ambulance,
who fell in Palestine, March gth, 1918
Printed for the Donor
by The Birmingham Printers, Ltd.
Catalogue of the
War Poetry Collection
•A /\ ' CANO- '
War Poetry Collection
presented by an Anonymous Donor
in Memory of
Private William John Billington,
2/24 London Regiment (Queen's),
formerly of 2/2 South Midland Field Ambulance,
who fell in Palestine, March 9th, 1918
Q <
,^ 3 0 -21
Printed for the Donor
by The Birmingham Printers, Ltd.
Reproduction of Book Plate used in the Collection
(i) (ii) (iii)
Breton Czech Danish French
(ii) (iii)
Anthologies and Collections Individual Authors History and Criticism . .
Anthologies and Collections Individual Authors History and Criticism . .
German (Swiss) Italian
(i) Anthologies and Collections (ii) Individual Authors
49 49 49
49 50
58 58
THE collection of poetry relating to the Great War of 1914-18, here catalogued, was presented to the City of Birmingham Reference Library by a gentleman who wishes to remain anonymous, in memory of Private William John Billington, who fell in action in Palestine in March, 1918. The object of the donor was to form, as far as possible, a complete collection of poetry of the British and Allied Nations relating to the War.
As the formation of the collection was not begun until November, 1918, it is obvious that much of the material suitable for inclusion was then difficult to get. Many verses of merit appeared in newspapers and magazines, which cannot easily be obtained when no longer current. Locally produced verse is also difficult to trace, as it does not pass through the ordinary trade channels. So far as Colonial and Foreign verse is concerned, these difficulties exist in an exaggerated form.
It will be readily understood that the value of a collection, as distinct from a selection, depends largely upon its completeness, and any additions to the present collection will be welcome.
While gifts will be gratefully received, the donor is willing and anxious to purchase suitable additions at their market value, and will be very grateful for any assistance which will help to make the collection complete. Communications in reference to material offered should be addressed to —
THE CHIEF LIBRARIAN, Public Libraries,
Ratcliff Place,
The War Poetry Collection is displayed in a special bookcase in the Reference Library, for which, and for the present catalogue, the Public Libraries Committee are indebted to the donor of the collection.
The Donor wishes to express his indebtedness to various authors and others for contributions to the collection. Some of these were privately published and would have been unobtainable in the ordinary way.
Chief Librarian.
June, 1921.
282362 Ainger (A. C.) and Courtenay (C.) Marching Songs for Soldiers, adapted to well-known tunes by A. C. Ainger, arranged with pianoforte accom- paniments by C. Courtenay. pp. 16. fol. [1915]-
279751 American Patriotic Songs. Copyrighted and published by R. E. Sherwood. Pp. [24]. (New York.) duo. 1917.
276665 [Amphlett (E. B.)] In Memoriam : [extracts, letters, and verse relating to Captain Edward Baylie Amphlett, who was killed in action in Gallipoli, 1915, collected by C. L.] pp. 31. 8vo. ? 1915.
283456 B. (L. H.) [ed.] Joyful Sorrow : [an anthology of poetry and prose], duo. 1918.
274896 [Blue Cross Fund], A Book of Poems for the Blue Cross Fund, to help horses in war time. pp. vi, 90. duo. 1917.
286426 Braithwaite (W. S.) ed. The Golden Treasury of [American] Magazine Verse. [1905-1917.] duo. [1919].
278873 [0^-] Victory ! Celebrated by thirty-eight American poets, with
an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt, pp. viii, 84. (Boston, [Mass.]) 8vo. 1919.
283167 [Bridges (R.) ed.] The Spirit of Man : an anthology in English and French from the philosophers and poets, made by the poet laureate in 1915. duo. 1919.
J 288784 Cambridge Poets, 1914-1920: an anthology, compiled by E. Davison. (Cambridge.) duo. 1920.
275072 Camp Song Book [with music] for use by the Y.M.C.A. with H.M. Forces. 4to. ? 1915.
288820 [Cardiff and District] Victory Crusade Papers, 1918. [Objects, poems, etc.] pp.24. [Cardiff], duo. [1918].
277825 Case (C. B.) [ed.] Wartime and Patriotic Selections for recitation and reading. (Chicago.) duo. 1919.
276671 [Charterhouse. War Poetry from] " The Carthusian " : [magazine of Charterhouse School.] (Godalming.) 4to. 1914-18.
276669 [Christ's Hospital. War Poetry from] " The Blue," published at Christ's Hospital. (Horsham.) Svo. 1916-19.
279234 Clapp (J. M.) Reading Aloud : war-time suggestions [on reading war poetry, with selections], pp. 13. (Eastern Illinois State Normal School Bulletin No. 61.) (Charleston.) duo. 1918.
281 785 Clarke (G. H.) ed. A Treasury of War Poetry : British and American poems of the world war, 1914-19. duo. [1919].
, 274935 \f 274670
277804 274894
284756 V 275885
v/ 274898 \S 282363
,/ 274683
277794 V* < <
279242 Clarke (G. H.) ed. \ Treasury of War Poetry: British and American poems of the world war. (Boston, [Mass.].) duo. 1917 — yVvt
Collins (V. H.) [ed.] Poems of War and Battle. (Oxford.) duo. 1914.
Crown (A) of Amaranth : poems to the memory of the gentlemen who have given their lives for Great and Greater Britain, 1914-1917. pp. 84. duo. 1917.
Cunliffe (J. W.) [ed.] Poems of the Great War. (New York.) duo. 1919.
Curzon of Kedleston (G. N, Curzon, ist Earl) War Poems, and other trans- lations, duo. 1916. Davison (E.) [ed.] Cambridge Poets : an anthology : see Cambridge
Poets. Eaton (W. D.) ed. The War in Verse and Prose. (Chicago.) duo. 1918.
Edwards (Mabel C.) and Booth (Mary) [eds.] The Fiery Cross : an anthology. Pp. 96. 8vo. 1915.
Sold for the benefit of the Red Cross Society.
Elliott (H. B.) ed. Lest we Forget : a war anthology. Foreword by Baroness Orczy. 8vo. 1915.
Evans (C. S. )[ed.] Our Glorious Heritage : a book of patriotic verse for boys and girls. Introduction by H. C. Beeching. duo. 1914.
Fawside (J.) [ed.] The Flag of England : ballads of the brave and poems
of patriotism, duo. 1914. Fifes and Drums, a collection of poems [by the Vigilantes] : set
Vigilantes (The).
Forshaw (C. F.) ed. One hundred of the best Poems on the European War. 2 vols. duo. 1915-16.
Vol. 1 — One hundred poems by poets of the Empire.
2 — One hundred poems by women poets of the Empire.
- ed. Poems in memory of the late Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener. (Bradford.) duo. 1916.
Foster (A. E. M.) [ed.] Lord God of Battles : a war anthology, pp. So. duo. 1914.
277831 Foxcroft (F.) ed. War Verse. (New York.) duo. 1918.
281684 Friends' Ambulance Unit. Lines of communication. A souvenir volume. Friends' Ambulance Unit, No. 17 Ambulance Train, B.E.F., France. 8vo. 1919.
Contains a number of poems.
283152 Garvin (J. W.) ed. Canadian Poems of the Great War. (Toronto.) duo. 1918.
283174 Georgian Poetry, [edited by E. M., i.e. E. Marsh] 1913 — duo. 1918 —
277834 Gibbons (H. A.) [ed.] Songs from the Trenches. The soul of the A.E.F. [American Expeditionary Force] : a collection of verses by American soldiers in France. (New York.) duo. 1918.
yj 286411 Goodchild (G.) ed. The Blinded Soldiers and Sailors' Gift Book : [stories, poems, etc.] 8vo. [1915].
" Profits from sale of the volume will be set aside for the brave fellows at St. Dunstan't [Hostel]."
274897 [ed.] England, my England : a patriotic anthology, duo. [1914].
y' 274672 Graham (P. A.) ed. The " Country Life " anthology of verse, duo. [1915].
276668 Gretton ([Mrs.] M. Sturge) Calendar of the War, 1914-1918 [with appropriate readings, chiefly poetry]. 8vo. [1919].
284754 Grumbine (H. C.) [ed.] Humanity or Hate, which ? (Boston, [Mass.]) duo. 1918.
Contains English translations of German and French war songs, etr.
275084 Gwynn (S.) and Kettle (T. M.) [eds.] Battle Songs for the Irish Brigades. pp. 32. (Dublin.) duo. 1915.
274999 Hallett (C. T.) [ed.] Follow the Flag : poems and prose, duo. [1915].
276661 v/ 277807
27494«> 284749
274949 s/ 274930
' 283366 ^ 275338 v/ 274883
^ 274735 274750
277850 / 274642
288783 279088
274749 283440
Halliday (W. J.) [ed.] Pro patria : a book of patriotic verse, duo. 1915.
[Highland Light Infantry.] Battalion Ballads, from "The Outpost": magazine of the I7th Service Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. (Glasgow.) duo. 1916.
Holman (Carrie E.) [ed.] In the Day of Battle : poems of the great war.
(Toronto.) duo. 1918. Ingersley (R. M.) [pseud., i.e.] R. Markland : see Markland (R.).
[Jaquet (E. R.) ed.] These were the Men : poems of the war, 1914-1918. duo. 1919.
Jenkinson (Editha) [ed.] The Malory Verse Book : a collection of contem- porary poetry for schools and general use. duo. 1919.
Jones (Edna D.) [ed.] Patriotic pieces from the great war. (Philadelphia.) duo. 1918.
Kane (W. R.j [ed.] Soldier's Scrap Book, full o' fighting songs and poems with pep, including gems of prose and poetry. (Ridgewood, New Jersey.) duo. 1918.
Khaki (The) Song Book [with music] for our soldier and sailor boys, and the folks they leave behind them. pp. 68. (Boston, [Mass.]) 4to. 1917-
The " Kitchener Army " Song Book. 101 favourite songs with music, duo. ? 1915.
Kreymborg (A.) ed. Others : an anthology of the new verse [1916] —
(New York.) duo. 1916 — . [L. (C.) ed.] In memoriam : [extracts, etc., relating to Captain E. B.
Amphlett] : see Amphlett (E. B.).
L. (M. A. A.) [ed.] Patriotic War Songs and Poems, pp. 45. duo. 1914. Leonard (R. M.) [ed.] Patriotic Poems. (Oxford Garlands.) (Oxford).
duo. 1917. Lloyd (B.) ed. The Paths of Glory : a collection of poems written during
the war, 1914-1919. duo. 1919.
ed. Poems written during the great war, 1914-1918 : an
anthology, duo. 1918.
[Lucas (E. V.) ed.] Remember Louvain ! : a little book of liberty and war.
pp. viii, 86. duo. 1914. [M. (E.), i.e. E. Marsh ed.] Georgian Poetry : see Georgian Poetry.
Macklin (Alys E.) ed. The Lyceum Book of War Verse, pp. 58. duo. 1918.
Markland (R.) ([pseud.] R. M. Ingersley) ed. The Glory of Belgium, with
a preface by E. Cammaerts. duo. 1915. [Marsh (E.) ed.] Georgian Poetry : see Georgian Poetry.
Mellor (J.) [ed.] British War Songs, Old English Ballads, and other miscel- laneous selections, pp. 20. (Pittsburgh.) 4to. 1916.
Nettleingham (F. T.) [ed.] Tommy's Tunes : a collection of soldiers' songs, marching melodies, etc., composed, collected, and arranged on active service ; and More Tommy's Tunes, etc. 2 vols. duo. 1917-18.
Northern Numbers : being representative selections from certain living Scottish poets. (Edinburgh.) duo. 1920.
Nott (Miss M. L.) [ed.] A Letter from the Front, by Sir Henry Newbolt, with other animal poems and stories, contributed by Sir Herbert Warren and others, pp. 32. (Bristol.) duo. ? 1918. Published in aid of the fund for wounded horses at the front.
Osborn (E. B.) ed. The Muse in Arms : a collection of war poems, duo. 1918.
Oxford Poetry, 1915 — . (Oxford.) duo. 1916—.
284765 283369 274677 275837
276692 278862
275373 285039
274685 v* 275031
289115 S 283341
i/ 274653
274892 279232
278870 274847
^ 274741
v 282827
'-' 275074
Patriotic Songs and Poems, pp. 16. (The Patriot Series. II.) duo.
1914- Patriotic Songs of America [with music). (Oliver Ditson Company.) pp.yz.
(Boston. [Mass.]) 8vo. [1917].
Poems of the Great War. Published on behalf of the Prince of Wales's National Relief Fund. pp. 39. 8vo. 1914.
Poems of To-day : an anthology. (Published for the English Association.) duo. 1918.
[Prangley (C. W.) ed.] Quis separabit ? Who shall separate us ? A meditation in prose and verse, pp. 32. duo. [1918],
A memorial anthology to Charles Dean Prangley, 2nd Lt., Lincolnshire Regiment.
[Preston Catholic College. War poetry from] " Sons of the Eagle " : magazine of the Catholic College, Preston. (Preston.) 8vo. 1918 — 19.
Pro patria (a little book of verse). [War poems from " The Times,"
Aug. gth, 1915.] pp. [28.] 8vo. 1919. Quis separabit ? Who shall separate us ? . [edited by C. W. Prangley] :
see Prangley (C. W.). Remember Louvain I , [edited by E. V. Lucas] : see Lucas (E. V.).
Roberts (D. E.) and Benham (De Witt M.) [eds.] Sayings and Songs for Soldiers and Sailors, pp. 62. (Baltimore.) duo. ? 1917.
Rookie Rhymes, by the men of the ist and 2nd Provisional Training Regiments, Plattsburg, New York, May 15 — Aug. 15, 1917. (New York.) duo. 1917.
Roth (H. L.) and Jolley (J. T.) [eds.] War Ballads and Broadsides of previous wars, 1779-1795. pp. 18, 33. (Halifax, Bankneld Museum Notes, 2nd series, No. 5.) (Halifax.) ^to. 1915.
Ruthven (G.) Songs for the Army and Navy. [Music by G. Ruthven.l pp. 70. duo. [1916].
Sargant (E. B. and Marie) eds. The Country's Call : a short selection of patriotic, verse, pp. 32. 8vo. 1915.
[Scrap Book.] War Poetry Scrap Book. A collection of broadsides. leaflets, newspaper cuttings, etc. 4to. 1914 — .
Seymour (W. K.) ed. A Miscellany of Poetry, 1919, with decorations by Doris Palmer, duo. 1919.
Shaw (M.) Six Songs of War set to music, pp. 31. 4to. 1916. Sitwell (Edith) [ed.] Wheels : an anthology of verse : see Wheels.
Soldier Poets. Songs of the fighting men. 2 vols. duo. 1917-18.
Songs and Sonnets for England in war time : lyrics by various authors inspired by the great war. duo. [1914].
Songs of the Soldiers and Sailors, U.S. Issued by the Commissions on training camp activities of the Army and Navy Departments, pp. 62. (Washington.) duo. 1917.
Spirit (The) of Man : an anthology made by the poet laureate : see Bridges (R.).
Stevens (Ruth D. and D. H.) eds. American Patriotic Prose and Verse. (Chicago.) duo. 1918.
Tait (S. B.) [ed.] Chambers's Patriotic Poems for the young, duo. 1915. These were the Men : poems of the war, 1914-1918, [edited by E. R. Jaquet] : see Jaquet (E. R.).
Thompson (Theodora) ed. The Coming Dawn : a war anthology, with a foreword by Sir O. Lodge, duo. [1918].
Trotter (Jacqueline T.) ed. Valour and Vision : poems of the war, 1914- 1918. duo. 1920.
Tuting (W. C.) ed. For Consolation, pp. 32. duo. [1915].
275071 Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital Book. pp. 64. (? Belfast.) 8vo. ? 1916.
[U.S.] Provisional Training Regiments : see Rookie Rhymes.
276670 [Uppingham School. War Poetry from] The School Magazine, Uppingham. (Uppingham.) 8vo. 1914-19.
277818 [Vigilantes (The)] Fifes and Drums: a collection of poems of America
at war. (The Vigilantes Books.) (New York.) duo. 1917.
^ 286429 Walters (L. D'O.) [ed.] An Anthology of recent Poetry, duo. 1920.
283153 Wetherell (J. E.) ed. The Great War iu verse and prose, with an intro- duction by Hon. H. J. Cody. (Toronto.) duo. 1919.
277819 Wheeler (W. R.) ed. A Book of Verse of the Great War, with a foreword
by C. M. Lewis. (New Haven.) 8vo. 1917.
283156 Wheels: an anthology of verse, 1916 [first cycle] — , edited by Edith Sitwell from third cycle. (Oxford.) duo. 1917 — .
„ 274924 White (A. C.) ed. A Little Book of Irish Verse, pp. 79. duo. ? 1915.
288821 Wilkinson (Mary E.) [ed.] Poems of Manhood. (Gleanings from Australasian verse.) (Melbourne.) duo. ? 1919.
V 275096 [Yale Review.] War Poems from " The Yale Review," with a foreword by the Editors, pp. 47. (New Haven.) duo. 1918.
V 285585 Yanks A.E.F. verse, originally published in " The Stars and Stripes," the official newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces. (New York.) duo. 1919.
278237 A. (J. C.) The Last of Four : a poem of the Federated Malay States and the War, August, 1915, founded on fact. pp. 39. (Lincoln.) 8vo. 1916.
274916 Abel (George) Wylins fae my wallet : [poems]. Biographical sketch [of the author] by A. Gammie. (Paisley.) duo. 1917.
270657 Adams (Arthur H.) My friend, remember ! Lines written on reading Lissauer's Chant of Hate. pp. 12. (Sydney.) duo. ? 1915.
284748 Adams (Katharine) Light and Mist : poems, pp. [xii], 49. (Boston, [Mass.]) duo. 1918.
279865 Adamson (Bartlett) Twelve Sonnets, pp. 16. (Auckland.) duo. 1918.
274603 Adamson (Margot Robert) A Year of War, and other poems, pp. viii, 80. duo. 1917.
274682 Adcock (Arthur St. John) Songs of the World-War, duo. 1916. A. E. [pseud.] : see Russell (G. W.).
284049 Aiken (Ednah), Mrs. Charles Sedgwick Aiken. The Hate Breeders : a drama of war and peace in one act and five scenes, with an introduction by H. La Fontaine. pp. [x], 66. (Indianapolis.) duo. 1916.
274793 [Alchin (Gordon)] Capt., Royal Flying Corps. Oxford and Flanders : by " Observer, R.F.C." pp. 40. (Oxford.) duo. 1916.
274820 Aldington (May) Roll of Honour, and other poems, pp. 32. (Rye.) duo. [1916].
282229 Aldington (Richard) Images of War. pp. 64. duo. 1919.
285044 Alexander (Julius Myron) The Flag of Peace, and other poems, pp. 63. (Healdsburg. Cal.) 8vo. 1916.
274812 Allan (John) ([pseud.] Allan Junior) Poems of Consolation, pp. 32. (Glasgow.) duo. ? 1916.
v 283536 Allpass (Harry BIythe King [Rex]) 2nd Li., Essex Regiment. Oxford,
St. Bees, and the Front, 1911-1916 : duo. ? 1920.
[verse and prose], pp. xii, 80.
274835 Allsopp (Henry) Songs from a Dale in War time. pp. vi, 32. duo. 1915. Alpha [pseud.] : see Mackareth (Mrs. A.).
278240 Amcotts (J. C.) The Poems of a Patient, pp.26. (Valletta, Malta.) duo.
? 1919- American, An. [pseud.] : see Wallis, (J. H.).
274604 Anderson (David) Edith Cavcll, and other poems, pp. vi, 82. duo. 1918.
274962 [Anderson (Melville B.)] The Great Refusal: a war poem by a Citizen of the United States, pp. 28. (Florence.) duo. 1916.
282249 Andrews (Francis) Poems and Songs. (Bristol.) duo. 1915.
277751 Andrews (Mary Raymond Shipman) Crosses of War. pp. [xviii], 22. (New York.) duo. 1918.
282221 Andreyev (Leonid) The Sorrows of Belgium : a play in six scenes. Authorised translation by H. Bernstein. (New York.) duo. 1915.
283356 Anglin (Norman) A.B., Royal Navy. [Nineteen-nineteen.] 1919. pp. 79. (Manchester.) duo. 1919.
274720 - The Wandering Wind. pp. 52. duo. 1916.
274915 Anglo-American, An. [pseud.] The Ballad of KaiserWilhelm, or the invasion of Belgium, pp. 29. duo. ? 1915.
274960 Another Neutral. [Progress at the Vatican. The Pope interviewed : a poem],byD.S.M., [i.e.,D. S. MacColl]. pp. g. (Glasgow.) 8vo. 1915.
277801 Appleton (Everard Jack) With the Colors : Songs of the American Service.
(Cincinnati.) duo. 1917.
277853 Archer (William) War is War, or the Germans in Belgium : a drama of 1914. duo. 1919.
282118 Arkwright (John Stanhope) The Supreme Sacrifice, and other poems in time of war. With illustrations by B. Bairnsfather, W. Lunt, L. Raemaekers, L. Raven-Hill, pp. 78. 8vo. 1919.
278876 Arnell (Charles John) Love in a Mist, and kindred verse, by the author of Random Rhymes of a Vectensian. pp. 50. (Newport, Isle of Wight.) duo. ? 1919.
274711 Arthur (Frederick) Unseen Horizons, duo. 1915.
274605 Asquith (Herbert) Lt., Royal Field Artillery. The Volunteer, and other
poems. 2nd edition, with new poems added, pp. 47. duo. 1917. "Aunt Sarah and the War," Author of : see Meynell (W.).
279863 Austen (Peter) A ustralian A rmy Medical Corps. Bill- Jim. pp. 30. (Sydney.) duo. ? 1917.
279851 The Young Gods. pp. 46. (Sydney.) duo. 1919.
Australis [pseud.] : see Corlette (H. C.). B. (A. E.) : see Broad (Miss A. E.). B. (C. E.) : see Burton (C. E. C. H.).
277802 Bacon (Josephine Dodge Daskam), Mrs. Selden Bacon. The Twilight of
the Gods : [a dramatic sketch], pp. 43. (New York.) duo. 1915. 275041 Baerlein (Henry) British Ambulance Committee Service. Rimes of the
Diables bleus [the French Chasseurs Alpins]. pp. 64. duo. 1917. 275060 Bagott (Eugene) The Genesis of the Great War. pp. 16. duo. [1918].
274839 Bain (Gilbert) Lt., Gloucestershire Regiment. The History of the Gloucester- shire Regiment. " The Slashers " : a ballad of " The Old Braggs," or " The Fore and Aft." pp. 15. (Bristol.) duo. 1918.
275044 Bain (James Leith Macbeth) The Great Peace, being a New Year's Greeting to our Motherland and the nations at present in conflict. [A mosaic of unrhymed songs, etc.]. (Theosophical Publishing Society.) duo. 1915-
283344 Baker (Olaf). The Questing Heart, pp. 59. duo. 1918.
286432 Balderston (John Lloyd) The Genius of the Marne [Marshal Joffre] : a play in three scenes, with an introduction by G. Moore. (New York.} duo. 1919.
275364 Bannell (Charles Samuel) Seaforth Highlanders, Canadian Force. His Offering, pp. [xii], 28. (Liverpool.) duo. ? 1918.
275884 Barber (Cecil) Sandbag Ballads, and Snow- water Songs, pp. 64. duo. 1919. Barber (Emma Cowan) : see Cowan (Ella F.) and Barber (Emma C.).
274715 Baring (Maurice) Staff Officer, Independent Air Force. Poeras : 1914-1917.
PP- 39- duo. 1919. Barnes (Ronald Gorell) $rd Baron Gorell : see Gorell.
287422 Barney (Danford) Chords from Albireo, with a foreword by L. Mason. (.\'ew York.) 8vo. 1920.
275065 Barrie (Sir James Matthew) Der Tag : a play. pp. 40. duo. 1914. 282^58 - Echoes of the War : [four plays], duo. 1918.
./ 274972 Barry (Armstrong) Laurel and Myrtle, pp. 78. (Glasgow.) duo. ? 1917.
277860 Bartholeyns (A.) Chimes for the Times, or Light, Love, and Liberty : a modern pean. pp. 32. duo. [1919].
277772 Bartlett (Brenda Shreeve) Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. Songs of the Younger-born, pp. 88. duo. 1919.
283168 Bashford (Henry Howarth) Songs out of School, pp. x, 46. (The New Poetry Series.) duo. 1916.
284767 [Bates (Brainard Leroy)] Doughboy Ditties : popular parodies for the Battle
Hims of the Republic, by Brainless Bates, pp. 29. (Boston, Mass.)
duo. 1918. 277821 Bates (Katherine Lee) The Retinue, and other poems. (New York.) duo.
1918. 274927 Beckett (Arthur) Sussex at War, and poems of peace, pp. 36. (Lewes.)
duo. 1916.
275O23 Beckh (Robert Harold) 2nd Lt., East Yorkshire Regiment. Swallows in Storm and Sunlight, duo. 1917.
** 274721 Begbie (Harold) Fighting Lines, and various reinforcements : [poems], duo. 1914.
L* 274907 Bell (Dobree) Praise of Life. pp. [viii], 86. duo. 1916.
277799 Bell (Henry James) [New Zealand] Camp Fire Recitations, duo. [1915].
276651 Bell (Mackenzie) Poetical Pictures of the Great War, suitable for recitation, duo. 1917 — .
v' 278246 Bell (May) What of the night ? and other [dramatic] sketches, pp. 92. duo. [1919].
275839 Bendall (Frederic William Duffield) Lt.-Col., London Regiment. Front Line Lyrics, pp. 51. duo. 1918.
279867 Benson (J. M.) Poems, pp. 32. duo. [1919].
275846 Berrill (Roland F.) Lt., Royal Field Artillery. Inspirations of Armageddon. pp. 32. duo. [1919].
274838 Betham-Edwards (Matilda) War Poems, pp. 24. (Bristol.) duo. [1917].
279859 Betts (Margery Ruth) Remembering, and other verses, pp. 46. (Melbourne.} duo. 1917.
274708 Bewsher (Paul) Capt., Royal Air Force. The Bombing of Bruges, pp. 81. duo. 1918
274777 - The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator, pp. 40. duo. 1918.
274669 Binns (Henry Bryan) April nineteen-fifteen, with six preludes in winter. pp. 31. duo. 1915.
277776 November : poems in war time. pp. 93. duo. 1917.
274607 Binyon (Laurence) The Anvil : poems, pp. 43. duo. 1916.
274867 Bombastes in the Shades: a play. pp. 28. (Oxford Pamphlets,
1914-1915). (Oxford.) duo. [1915]- 277786 The Cause : poems of the war. (Boston, [Mass.]) duo. 1917.
274608 For the Fallen, and other poems, pp. [56]. 8vo. [1917].
276658 The Four Years : war poems, duo. 1919.
274979 The New World : poems, pp. 39. duo. 1919.
274744 The Winnowing Fan : poems on the great war. pp. 37. duo. 1915.
275076 Birch (William Thomas) Armageddon, and other poems. (Manchester.) duo. 1918.
27535 1 Birrell (William Dunbar) War and Patriotic Poems, pp. 64. (Dundee.)
duo. [1918]. Birt (Francis Bradley Bradley-) : see Bradley-Birt (F. B.).
274939 Black (John) The Flag of the Free, and other poems, with a foreword by the Dowager Marchioness of Londonderry, pp. 42. (West Hartlepool.) duo. 1917.
274891 Blackball (Charles W.) Capt. Songs from the Trenches, pp. 59. duo. 1915.
274803 Blair (Wilfred) For Belgium : poems on behalf of the " Daily Telegraph " Christmas Shilling Fund. pp. 31. (Oxford.) duo. 1914.
274728 - [Nineteen-fifteen.] 1915, and other poems, pp. 39. (Oxford.) duo.
1915- 274727 " 'Tis simple mirth." pp. 39. (Oxford.) duo. 1915.
275092 Blakeley (Clarice A.) Waste Cities: [dialogues on the devastation of Belgium], pp. 61. duo. 1919.
288779 Blakemore (Trevor) The Flagship, and other poems, pp. 97. 8vo. 1915.
274965 Blakeney (Edward Henry) Poems in Peace and War, 1912-1918. pp. viii, //. 30. (Ely.) duo. 1918.
286416 Blaker (Hugh) The Ballad of Disdain, pp, [iv], II. 30. duo. 1919.
274686 Bloom (Ursula), afterwards Mrs. A. B. Denham-Cookes. Lyrics of Life.
pp. 24. (Galashiels.) duo. 1918. Bluegum (Trooper) [pseud."] : see Hogue (O.).
283343 Bhmden (E. C.) Lt., Sussex Regiment. Pastorals : a book of verses, pp. 36. (Little Books of Georgian Verse, 2nd Series.) duo. 1916.
277796 Boas (Frederick Samuel) Songs of Ulster and Balliol. pp. 43. duo. 1917. 274864 Bomford (Nora) Poems of a Pantheist, pp. iv, 43. duo. 1918. 274904 Bonavia [pseud.'] Britain's Defeat, pp. [8]. duo. 1918.
282265 Booth (William) Gentlemen All ! and other poems of the war. pp. 30. (Salford.) duo. 1915.
274977 Boraston (J. Maclair) The Shining Trail, and other poems. (Manchester.) duo. 1918.
283181 Border Songs and other Verse, by M. J. D. and W. G. M. D. pp. 21. (Dumfries.) duo. 1914.
Published on behalf of the war relief hinds.
281780 Bosanquet (Helen) Mrs. Bernard Bosanquet, and Bosanquet (Bernard) Zoar : a book of verse, pp. 60. duo. 1919.
277778 Botrel (Theodore Jean Marie) [" Chansonnier des armies."] Songs, with prefaces by Theodore Botrel and Anatole Le Braz, and extracts from the works of Emile Souvestre. Translated by Winifred Byers. duo. ? 1916.
274862 Boulton (Oscar) Poems, duo. 1916.
275013 Bourdillon (Francis William) Christmas Roses for Nineteen hundred and fourteen, pp. [iv], 25. duo. ? 1914.
283442 Easter Lilies for Nineteen hundred and Fifteen. pp. [vi], 25.
duo. [1915].
277862 A Hymn of Hope [for the League of Nations], pp. [4]. duo. [1919].
274991 Russia Re-born, pp. 29. duo. 1917.
282370 Bowman (Archibald Allan) Sonnets from a [German] Prison Camp. duo. 1919-
274943 Boyle (Mary E.) Aftermath, pp. [36]. (Cambridge.) duo. 1916.
Sonnets to the memory of the author's brother, David Boyle, killed at Le Cateau, 1914.
275°45 Bradley-Birt (Francis Bradley) Martha in War-time : [a play], with a foreword by Lady Carmichael. (Calcutta.) duo. 1915.
274788 Braimbridge (Kathleen A.) Dream-songs. pp. 41. (Little Books of
Georgian Verse, and Series.) duo. 1916. Brainless Bates [pseud.] : see Bates (B. L.).
277822 Braley (Berton) In Camp and Trench : Songs of the Fighting Forces. pp. 84. (New York.) duo. 1918.
285571 Brand (C. Neville) Sub-Lt., Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. The House «f Time, and other poems, pp. 48. [The Satchel Series.] duo. 1918.
275892 Brennan (C. J.) A Chant of Doom, and other verses, pp. 4*!. (Sydney. \ duo. 1918.
282246 Brereton (Cloudesley Shovell Henry) Mystica et lyrica. duo. 1919.
288826 Brereton (John Le Gay) The Burning Marl. pp. 29. (" Fellowship" Pubh'cations, No. 3.) (Melbourne.) 8vo. [1919].
284056 Bridges (Robert) Poet Laureate. October, and other poems, with occasional verses on the war. pp. xii, 64. duo. 1920.
27782 ] Bridgman (Amy Sherman) Song-flame : poems. (Boston, [Mass.]) duo. 1918.
283349 Bristowe (Sibyl) Provocations, with an introduction by G. K. Chesterton, pp. 77. duo. 1918.
274856 Brittain (Vera M.) Voluntary Aid Detachment. Verses ot a V.-A.D. [Voluntary Aid Detachment.] pp. 46. duo. 1918.
283742 Britton (Herbert E.) of Birmingham. Diane, and other poems, pp. 80. duo. ? 1920.
278879 [Broad (Miss A. E.) of Birmingham.} War Poems, 1914-18, by A.E.B.
Pp. [24]. Newspaper Cuttings, etc. duo. ? 1914-18.
275000 Brock (Blanche Adelaide) Flights at Twilight, pp. 79. duo. [1916].
282225 Brockway (A. Fenner) The Recruit: a play in one act. pp. 31. (Man- chester.) duo. [1919].
" Written in prison whilst the author was serving a sentence for resisting conscription."
281787 Brodie (Charles L.) The Outcast, and other poems, with drawings by H. J. Gunn. duo. 1919.
278253 Brook (Kenneth) Lt., Royal Naval Reserve. Poems, pp. 20. duo. [1919].
283971 Brooke (Brian) ([pseitd.] Korongo) Capt., Gordon Highlanders. Poems, with a foreword by M. P. Willcocks. duo. 1918.
274609 Brooke (Rupert) Sub.-Lt., Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Collected Poems, with a Memoir [of the Author by E. H. Marsh], duo. 1918.
274663 [Nineteen-fourteen.] 1914, and other poems, pp. 63. duo. 1918.
286414 Brooks (Fred Emerson) Patriotic Toasts. pp. 96. (Chicago.) duo.
1919. 274880 Brown (Frank S.) Sergt., Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.
Contingent Ditties, and other Soldier Songs of the Great War, edited
by H. Jackson, pp. 79. duo. 1915.
274863 Brown (J. L. Crommelin) Lt., Royal Garrison Artillery. Dies heroica ; war poems, 1914-1918. pp. 93. duo. 1918.
288780 Browne (Miss K. M.) Voluntary A id Detachment. " Pot Luck." (With the E.E.F. [Egypt Expeditionary Force]): [stories and poems], pp. 96. duo. 1920.
274978 Bruce (Sir Michael William Selby) Baronet, 2nd Lt., Royal Field Artillery. Songs from the Saddle : a collection of rhymes and songs, pp. 48. (Dublin.) duo. 1917.
283362 Brundrit (Daniel F.) Gleanings, pp. 59. duo. 1919.
287424 Bryce (Catherine T.) To arms for liberty : a pageant of the war for schools and societies, [with] Choruses and Incidental Music, [and] Chorus parts for treble voices. (Boston, [Mass.]) 3 vols. 8vo. 1918.
277759 Buchan (John) Lieut.-Col. Poems, Scots and English, duo. 1917.
282816 Buck (Howard Swazey) The Tempering, pp.- 77. (The Yale Series of Younger Poets, Vol. i.) (New Haven.) duo. 1919.
274986 Buckingham and Chandos (Alice Anne, Duchess of) War-time Ditties. pp. 40. duo. [1917].
283151 Buckton (Alice M.) Daybreak, and other poems; [also, The Coming of Bride : a pageant play], duo. 1918.
285596 Bulkeley (Henry John) Four War Plays for School Children, duo. 1917.
274928 - With Courage : some sonnets of William Wordsworth, ani Sonnets
and other verses mostly written during the present war, by H. J. Bulkeley, with supplements, duo. 1914 — .
274879 Burdett (Osbert) Songs of Exuberance, together with The Trenches, duo.
1915- 284051 Burr (Amelia Josephine) Life and Living : a book of verse. (New York.)
duo. 1916.
277824 The Silver Trumpet : a book of verse. (New York.) duo. 1918.
282367 Burrow (Charles Kennett) Poems in time of war, in time of peace, duo. 1919.
274997 [Burton (Claude Edward Cole-Hamilton)] Fife and Drum, by "Touchstone" of " The Daily Mail," and " C.E.B." of " The Evening News." duo. 1915-
277764 Burton (H. B.) Der Kaiser von Potsdam, pp. 42. (Dublin.) duo. 1915.
274868 Burton (Henry) Britain to America : a war poem. pp. 27. duo. [1918].
282260 Killed in action, and other war poems, pp.26, duo. [1918].
274747 Burton (John Francis) The Quest of New Life : sonnets, lyrics, and ballads of war and peace, 1914-1917. pp. 56. duo. [1917].
284769 Bushnell (George H.) of Birmingham. Emptyings of my Ash-tray : miscellaneous poems, pp. 27. (Longton.) duo. ? 1918.
275367 Butcher (W.) Poems, pp. 8. ( ? Luton.) duo. ? 1918.
277763 Byerley (Hubert F.) Songs of the War and Faith and Hope. pp. 29. (Portsmouth.) duo. [1919].
277769 Byles (Charles Edward) Rupert Brooke's Grave, and other poems, pp. 57. duo. 1919.
275090 C. ( de) A Rubaiyat of the Trenches, pp. 63. duo. 1917. C. (M. A.) : see Macfadyen (D.).
275046 Call (The) : verses, by M. A. C. [pseud., i.e. D. Macfadyen]. pp. 33. duo. ? 1916.
275812 Call (Frank Oliver) In a Belgian Garden, and other poems, pp. 46. (Little Books of Georgian Verse.) duo. 1917.
275027 Cameron (W. J.) War and Life : poems, pp. 46. duo. 1916.
275845 •^74893 274610 274894
2 75034 283444
275893 279864
274611 275080 282235 277762
285601 274968
286434 284763
277863 274755
274664 274778
277826 282232 274823
Cammaerts (Emile) Belgian poems. Chants patriotiques et autres poemes. English translations by Tita Brand-Cammaerts. duo. 1916.
Messines, and other poems [in French, with] English translations by
Tita Brand-Cammaerts. duo. 1918.
New Belgian poems. Les trois rois et autres poemes. English
translations by Tita Brand-Cammaerts. duo. 1916.
[Seven poems in French with English translations]. In Curzon of
Kedleston (G. N. Curzon, ist Earl) War poems and other translations. duo. 1916.
Cammell (Charles Richard) Casus belli : a satire, with other poems, pp. 31.
8vo. 1915. Campbell (Ivar) Lt., Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Poems. With
Memoir by G. Ridley, duo. 1917.
Campbell (John), of Birmingham. Patriotic rhymes suited to the times. pp. 16. (? Birmingham.) duo. ? 1915.
Campbell (Norman) The Dinki-di Soldier, and other jingles. Ammunition by Norman Campbell, fired by Leonard Nelson, pp. 36. (Sydney.) duo. 1918.
Campbell (R. W.) Capt. The Making of Micky McGhee, and other stories in verse, duo. 1916.
Cannan (May Wedderburn) Voluntary Aid Detachment. In war time : poems, pp. 80. (Oxford.) duo. 1917.
The Splendid Days : poems, pp. 80. (Oxford.) duo. 1919.
Cappe (Lucas) [pseud.] : see Mann (A. J.).
Carmichael (Amy Wilson) Made in the pans. With a foreword by the Bishop of Durham. (Edinburgh.} duo. [1918].
Carpenter (Rhys) The Plainsman, and other poems, duo. 1920.
Carroll (John S. and Kathleen Mary) Heroes all : war and other verses. pp. 64. (Glasgow.) duo. 1915.
" Or sing a sang at least " : war and other verses, pp. 47. (Glasgow.)
duo. [1915].
Carton (Ronald Lewis) Lt., Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Steel and flowers, pp. 47. (Vigo Cabinet Series.) duo. 1917.
Cash (Helen) The Dreamer, and other poems, pp. 62. duo. 1918.
Chaloner (John Armstrong) Jupiter Tonans : a sequence of seven sonnets. //. io, pp. 11-27. (Roanoke Rapids, N.C.) 8vo. 1916.
Chamberlin (Henry Harmon) The Broad Way, and poems on the great
war. pp. 29. (Nantucket.) 8vo. 1916. " Chansonnier des Armees ": see Botrel (T. J. M.).
Chappell (Henry) The Day, and other poems, with an introduction by Sir H. Warren, pp. 80. duo. 1918.
Cherry (Mary G.) Quartermaster of a Red Cross Hospital. Hill and heather, or England's heart, pp. 46. (Little Books of Georgian verse.) duo. 1915.
Chesterton (Gilbert Keith) Poems, duo. 1917.
Choyce (A. Newberry) 2nd Lt., Leicestershire Regiment. Crimson Stains : poems of war and love. pp. 56. duo. 1917.
Memory: poems of war and love, pp.68. (New York.) duo. 1918.
Church (Richard) Hurricane, and other poems, pp. 46. duo. 1919.
Flying Corps Songs, pp. [iv], 31. (Cambridge.)
Cinquante quatre :
duo. 1918. Citizen of the United States, A.
[pseud.] : see Anderson (M. B.).
285600 Clark (Alfred) Capt., New Zealand Medical Corps. The Margaret Book. [Chiefly in verse.] duo. 1919.
274871 My Erratic Pal. duo. 1918.
284755 Clark (William F.) The Charge on the Hindenburg Line, and other war poems ; [also] A Brief History of Company B, [Geneva, New York], and Geneva's Honor Roll. pp. 58. (Geneva, N.Y.) duo. 1919.
282222 Clarke (Isabel C.) The Pathway of Dreams, and other poems, pp. 55. duo. [1919].
Clarke (May Herschel-) : see Herschel-Clarke (May).
285603 Claudel (Paul) Three poems of the war, translated into English verse by E. J. O'Brien, with the French text. Introduction by P. Chavannes. PP- 53- (New Haven.) duo. 1919.
275040 Cobber ( ) Lance-Corporal. The Anzac Pilgrim's Progress : ballads of Australia's Army, edited by A. St. John Adcock. duo. [1918].
274762 Cock (Albert A.) and Lodge (John) Lt., Bedfordshire Regiment. Songs from Camp and College, pp. 60. (Little Books of Georgian Verse, 2nd series), duo. 1916.
274937 Colcord (Lincoln) Vision of War. (New York.) duo. 1916.
286412 Coldicott (Rowlands) London Men in Palestine and how they marched to Jerusalem. 8vo. 1919.
Contains a number of poems.
283179 Cole (Tom E.) of Birmingham. War poetry. Newspaper cuttings, etc. 8vo. 1915-19.
275321 Coleman (Ellen) Beyond the war zone, and other poems, pp. 95. duo. ? 1918.
274861 There are no dead, and other poems, pp.62, duo. [1918].
287421 Coleman (Helena) Marching Men : war verses, pp. 40. duo. 1917. 275838 Colleer (Claude) Youth and Age. pp. 28. duo. 1918.
275^54 Collier (Madeleine) Fragments. pp. 32. (A mersham, Bucks.) duo. 1918.
285569 Collins (Gilbert) Sidelights of Song. pp. 62. duo. 1920.
274612 Colly (Alice) of Birmingham. A Book of Verse, pp. 47. (Birmingham.) duo. 1916.
274929 Colonial, A. [pseud.] Kitchener's Army : an acrostic, pp. 20. (Edinburgh.) duo. 1916.
275004 Cone (Helen Gray) A Chant for England, and other poems, duo. 1915.
283448 Conkling (Grace Walcott Hazard), Mrs. Roscoe P. Conkling. Afternoons of April : a book of verse. (The New Poetry Series.) duo. 1916.
282234 Constable (M.) and Whitney (T.) Dies Dei : [the marshalling of peoples after
the war in the Halls of Heaven, described in heroic verse], pp. 32.
duo. [1919]. 274837 Cook (Augustus Henry) The Happy Warrior, and other poems, pp. viii, 85.
duo. 1917. 274848 Cook (Jane Elizabeth) On the wings of the wind : a poem. Illustrated by
Muriel I. Perrin. pp. 32. 4to. 1915.
Profits on sale given to the Red Cross Fund.
277867 Cooke (Alice M. P.) Irish heroes in red war. pp. 31. (Dublin.) duo.
1915- Cookes (Mrs. A. B. Denham-) : see Bloom (Ursula).
289329 Cooper (Allan) Britons arise!: [a song]. Words by A. Cooper, music by A. de Louvain. [In E flat and F.] pp. 7, 7. (Southampton. ) fol. 1914.
275029 [Fifteen] 15 Patriotic Songs. New words to old tunes for camp,
recruiting, etc. pp. 16, 8. (Southampton.) 8vo and 4to. 1915.
289330 Cooper (Allan) On we will go!: [a song]. Words by A. Cooper. Music, Purcell's " Lilliburlero," adapted and arranged by A. de Louvain. pp. 7. (Southampton.) fol. 1915.
279653 The World's new birth, an ode to liberty and peace, and other poems.
pp. 80. duo. 1919.
274845 Cooper (Eric Thirkell) Major, London Regiment, Royal Fusiliers. Soliloquies of a subaltern somewhere in France, pp. 52. duo. 1915.
274613 Tommies of the Line, and other poems, duo. 1918.
275362 Corah (William) of Birmingham. Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars, (Yeomanry). War ditties, pp. 10. (? Birmingham.) duo. 1915.
274889 Corbett (Noel M. F.) Lt., Royal Navy. A Naval motley : verses written at sea during the war and before it. pp. x, 51. duo. 1916.
275358 [Corlette (Hubert Christian) Major} The Rivals, the words, and the
signs, and other recruiting rhymes, by Australis. pp. 67. (Norwich.) duo. 1917.
275359 -A- Song of life in sonnets, and other verses, by Australis. pp. 60.
(Norwich.) 8vo. 1917.
284776 Cot 5, [by E. Knoblock]. pp. vii, 35. duo. 1917.
Couch (Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-) : see Quiller-Couch (Sir A. T.).
274614 Coulson (Leslie) Sergt., London Battalion Royal Fusiliers. From an outpost,
and other poems, pp. 56. duo. 1918.
275831 Courtney (Joseph M.) Capt., Royal A rmy Medical Corps. As the leaves fall,
and other poems written in France, pp. 61. duo. 1918. Coutts (Francis) : see Latymer (Baron). Coutts-Nevill (Francis Burdett Thomas) , Baron Latymer : see Latymer.
283978 Cowan (Ella F.) and Barber (Emma Cowan) Somewhere in France, and other poems. Illustrated by Helen Walley. pp. 55. (Kansas City.) duo. 1917.
274958 Coxwell (C. Fillingham) Chronicles of Man. duo. 1915.
275059 Craig (L.) " A Glad glad time in England," and other verse, pp. 15. duo. [1918].
282256 Crampton (A. W.) War poems, pp. 48. duo. 1919-
284760 Crandall (Charles Henry) War songs for the boys in khaki, pp. n. (Stamford, Conn.) 8vo. 1918.
278262 Craven (Edith A.) Poems in war-time. pp. 35. (Amersham, Bucks.) duo. 1919.
285043 Craven (Lady Helen Emily), ind daughter of ^rd Earl of Craven ; afterwards Lady H. E. Forbes. The Saga of the Seventh Division, pp. 74. 8vo. 1920.
274774 Crawshay-Williams (Eliot) Capt., Leicestershire Royal Horse Artillery. The Gutter and the stars, pp. 86. duo. 1918.
274794 Songs on service. (Oxford.) duo. 1917.
283352 Creston (Dormer) The Clown of