oeneaiogical Library^ LIBRARY Brigham Young University GIFT OF Utah County Genealogical and Historical Society Do Not Circulate ^^^n^.^^// r^l^//^. 'l^nC^. TRA:2S?:R:i:D to utah vauey BR. GEMSAlOGJCAl UBRARY AT B.Y.U. by UTAH COUNTY GB^AlOStCAl AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Brigiiam Young University http://www.archive.org/details/registersofdench73denc THE REGISTERS OF DENCHWORTH CO. BERKS. -i^n^ V iemeh to §ub0xrib(r0 bii THE PARISH REGISTE^.,^^^4X{,Bj^^TAi,VAlUY ^'-'"""^ BR. GEUEMOCiCAl liBRARY AT B.t.U. by JCTAH COUNTY GENEAX<)GICAl4 / Of /' 97 1 9 ^■''^ THE REGISTERS OF DENCHWORTH CO. BERKS. 1540 — 18 12 EDITED BY The Rev. E. R. NEVILL, B.A., F.S.A. LATELY VICAR OF WEST HANNEY CONTENTS PAGE The Register 1.96 Index 97-109 London : Privately Printed for the Parish Register Society 1914 BRISHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY FROVO. UTAH 2)encbwottb, Berks. VOLUME I. Transcribed by the Rev. E. R. Nevill, B.A., FS \ Vicar of Hanney, with the consent of the Rev. C. J. Pickering, M.A., Virar of Denchworth, 19 14. One of tlie interesting points about the names in the Register is that Pisey or Pizzie is plainly a variant of Pusey ; and also Alder of Aldworth, several times the name is written Alder alias Aldworth Vol. I, 16 leaves ; first three cut. Marriages and Burials begin 1538; but the series is not continuous till 1580 owing to the cut leaves. Bound in parchment 2-^ in. by 5. BAPTISMS. 1540. Ales W. . ., bapt. 1 1 Sept. Thomas Wite „ 19 March. 1541- John, s. of William Elyat, 7 May. Thomas, s. of Thomas Piper, 20 June. Lawrence, s. of Margery Gyssell, 9 Aug. Eme, d. of William Payne, 30 Aug. Edward Gyree, s. of John Geere, 1 7 Sept. Olyver, s. of John Geere, 1 7 Sept. Mr. Michaell Earlye, sone and heire of Mr. John Earlye, gentleman, was baptized the xxix daie of September, 1C41 1 homas, s. of Olyver Sutton, 4 March. 1542. Elyn, chylde of Richard Gierke, 2 May Margery, d. of John Pope, 6 July. Margery, d. of John Wiblin, 16 Aug. Page cut. 1547 (Baptismata). Johanna, filia Georgii Belcher, August. Infantem Johanne . . ., son of Richard Godart, 10 ... . The Register of Margea, infans Willelmi Godfree, 12 ... . Willmus, infans Willelmi Moscrope, 15 Nov. 1548. William, s. of John Apugh, 4 Dec. Arthur Hide, s. of William Hide, Jun., 20 Jan. William, s. of George Belcher, 1548 (sic), 26 Ap. Pages torn out. 1555- William, son of William Paine. John, son of William Moscrope, 25 Feb. Thomyson, dau. of John Hide (Thomasine), 2 Feb. 1556. Edward, son of William Muscroppe, 10 Oct. Margrett, dau. of Mr. John Hide, 6 Nov. 1558. John, s. of Mr. Thomas Morre, 30 Aug. 1560. Brigett, dau. of Thomas Foddesley, 14 Nov. William, son of William Wiblin, 3 Dec. . . . son of Thomas Savery, i Mar., 1568. 1568. Richard, son of William Wiblin, i June. Caterine, dau. of Richard Wiblin, 9 Sept. Margett, dau. of John Mores, 14 Sept. 1569. Elizabeth Frogley alias Foddesley, dau. of Alexander Frogley alias Foddesley (Anno Regine Domine nostrae Elyzabeth), 9 Feb. Anne, d. of John Gyringe, 19 April. Torn page. 1572. Jane, dau. of Henry Holton of Lyford, 16 Ap. William, son of Richard Wiblin, 23 Oct. Frannces, son of Thomas Foddesley, 24 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 1573- Mary, dau. of William Wiblin, 24 June. William, son of Thomas Savery, 22 Oct. Richard, son of John Pusie, 3 Nov. 1574- William, son of William Elton, 13 Mar, Elyzabeth, dau. of William Tubb, 8 June. Margett, dau. of Thomas Foddesley, 10 Oct. Joane, dau. of Richard Wiblin, 14 Jan. 1575- Jane, dau. of John Pusye, 25 Sep. 1576. Edward, son of Thomas Savery, 20 Jan. Elynore, dau. of Thomas Frogley, 1 9 Feb. Annes, dau. of John Wells, i July. 1578. William, son of William Elton, 30 William, son of Thomas Payne, i8 Mar. 1579- William, son of John Pusie, 1 8 Dec. 1580. Caterin, dau. of Master Franncis Glenton, i o May. Thomas, son of William Tubb, 24 June. John Coolye, son of John Coulye, 27 July, lone, dau. of William Wiblin, 3 Oct. William, son of Richard Tubb, . . . Nov. lone, dau. of Thomas Payne, 2 1 Dec. 1580-1. Margery, dau. of Thomas Savery, 13 Jan. Edward, son of John Newberry, 4 July. Bartholomew, son of Thomas Savery, 26 Nov. Anne, dau. of George Parke, 2 Dec. 1581. lone, dau. of William Belcher, 23 Jan. 4 The Register of Peter, son of John Coully, 4 Mar. Purnell, dau. of Thomas Savery, 20 June. Philipp, dau. of William Wiblin, 7 Aug. 1584. Elen, dau. of William Tubb, 23 Feb. William, son of William Belcher, 8 Mar. Thomas, son of Thomas Payne, 1 9 April. 1585. Thomas, son of John Pusie, 11 May. Thomas, son of John Jones, 20 April. John, son of Thomas Prater, 4 Oct. William, son of Edward Gyr)'e, 7 Sep. 1586. Alexander, son of Thomas Frogley, i June. 1587. Avis, dau. of John Jones, 10 Nov. 1588. John, son of Edward Gerye, 20 . . . er. Katherine, dau. of Moses Stone, i Nov, Mathye, dau. of Thomas Savery, 12 Feb. 1589. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Payne, 20 Mar. Dorethy Stower, 6 June. Anne Johnes, dau. of John Jones, 16 Sep. John, son of John Cox, 8 Dec. Harry, son of William Tubb, 29 Jan. Thomas, son of John Francklen, 7 Feb. Margery, dau. of Thomas Starke, 7 Mar. Martha, dau. of John Belcher, 14 Mar. 1590. Alis, dau. of William Belcher, 5 May. Thomas, son of Richard Whilier, 23 Sept. William, son of William Alder, 24 Jan. Edward, son of Edward Gyringe, 30 Jan. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Griffithes, 1 1 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 1591. Dorytie, dau. of Thomas Savery, 6 July. Martha, dau. of John Fiancklin, 10 July. Marye, dau. of Edward Payne, 13 Mar. 1592. Margery, dau. of John Jones, 30 Mar. John, son of William Gamball, 13 May. Margery, dau. of John Jeames or James, 8 July. Briget, dau. of William Belcher, 19 . . . 1593- William and Mathewe ; twin sons of Thomas Whichlowe, 2 1 Mar. Alee, dau. of Thomas Savery, 8 Ap. John, son of Thomas Shipton, 19 Ap. Ann, dau. of Edward Gyrye, 29 Ap. John, son of John Frankelon, i May. Robert, son of John Cox, 6 Sept. 1594. John, the son of a wandering woman, 1 3 Jan. Joane, dau. of William Alder, 14 Jan. George, son of \Villiam Belcher, 4 Feb. William, son of Richard Vokins, 6 Feb. John, son of William Tubb, 17 Feb. William, son of Edward Payne, 1 7 Feb. Thomas, son of John Benett, 23 Feb. Abraham and John, twin sonnes of Richard Williams, Minister and Vicar of Denchworth, 24 Feb. Thomas, son of Thomas Shipton alias Hamon, 9 May. Magdalen, dau. of John Keins? 20 Oct. 1595. Caterine, dau. of Thomas Whichlowe, i June. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Willms, Minister and Vicar of Denchworth, 13 June. Joane, dau. of John Cox, 8 Dec. Mary, dau. of Thomas Savery, 20 Dec. Christian, dau. of Edward Geerye, 3 1 Dec. 1596. Richard, son of William Belcher, 3 Mar. 6 The Register of Ann, dau. of Edward Smith, 28 Mar. Dorytye, dau. of Richard Belcher, 20 Ap. 1597- William, son of William Wiblin, 3 Nov. William, son of John Belcher, 9 Dec. 1598. Thomas, son of William Belcher, 18 Ap. William, son of William Coxe, 14 Aug. Richard, son of Richard Williams, Minister and Vicar of Dench- worth, 23 Sep. Mathewe Craven, dau. of Myls Craven, a poore wanderinge man, 3 Nov. 1599- Margerye Gybbs, dau. of Robert Gibbs, 23 Feb. Marye, dau. of William Wiblin, 28 Feb. Dorytie, dau. of Olyver Jackson, 1 1 Ap. 1600. Ann, dau. of William Belcher, 5 Feb. Joane, dau. of Edward Newbery, 1 7 Feb. Richard, son of Jane Scogin, a poore wandringe woman, 30 Feb. (sic). Ellen, dau. of John Cox, 25 Ap. Richard, son of Edward Gyringe, 1 7 Aug. Joane, dau. of William Wiblin, 19 Aug. Alice Williams, dau. of Richard Williams, Minister and Vicar of Denchworth, 14 Nov. 1601. John, son of Richard Belcher, 25 Ap. Joane, dau. of Alee Gyring, 3 May. Edward, son of Edward Newbery, 28 May. Ellen, dau. of Robert Gybbs, 19 July. Roger, son of William Alder, 27 Aug. Joane, dau. of Richard Pusie, 2 Oct. 1602. John, son of William Wiblin, 9 Feb. Edward, son of Edward Savery, 18 Mar. Robert, son of William Belcher, 25 Dec. Denckworth, Berks. 1603. Alee, dau. of William Wiblin, 3 Dec. Amy, dau. of William Cox, 25 Mar. Robert, son of Roger Lacy, Gen., 29 July. William, son of Edward Newbery, 19 Aug. Jane, dau. of Edward Savery, 8 Aug. William, son of Robert Gybbs, 6 Oct. Annes, dau. of Richard Williams, clerk, minister, 13 Jan. 1604. Thomas, son of Richard Pusye, 3 June. Henry, son of Oliver Jackson, 26 June. Dynes (Denise), dau. of Henry Battin, 20 Oct. Annes, dau. of Edward Savery, 29 Oct. John, son of William Alder, 23 Dec. William, son of John Cox, 6 Jan. Mistress Jane Hyde, dau. of the Right WorshipfuU Sir George Hyde, 13 Jan. Mary, dau. of Richard Williams, clerke. Vicar of Denchworth, 23 Mar. 1605. William, son of Roger Lacy, 13 April. John, son of John Coolye, 1 7 Aug. Mary, dau. of Edward Newbery, 3 Oct. Thomas, son of William Wiblin, Anno dni, 1603 (sic), 17 Mar. Master Francis Hyde, the son of the Right Worshipful! Sir George Hide, 19 Mar. 1606-7. John, son of William Frogley, 20 Mar. 1607. Richard, son of Richard Pusie, 1 5 May. Thomas, son of Edward Savery, 1 7 June. Ellen, dau. of Thomas Ellton, 19 Sept. i6o8. Martha, dau. of Richard Williams, clerke, Vicar of Denchworth, 23 June. Master David Hyde, son of the Right WorshipfuU Sir George Hyde, 3 July. John, son of Edward Newbery, 28 Aug. William, son of John Cooly, 9 Dec. 8 The Register of 1609. Martha, dau. of William Wiblin, 7 April. Elyzabeth, dau. of John Brynson, baptised 9 Feb., compleat 1610, curent (sic). 1610. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Elton, 21 Sep. John, son of John Thatcher, 14 Oct. John, son of Richard Pusye, 14 Oct. 1611. Hary, son of Edward Savery, 3 Ap. Joane, dau. of Richard Williams, clerke and Vicar of Denchworth, 3 May. Richard, son of William Wiblin, 12 May. Peter, son of John Cooly, 28 July. 1612. Doryty, dau. of Edward Newbery, 16 Jan. 1613. Doryty, dau. of William Belcher the younger, 19 May. John, son of Richard Williams, clerk and Vicar of Denchworth, 2 July. Martha, dau. of John Cooly, 4 Dec. Alee, dau. of William Pusie, 22 Dec. 1614. William, son of Richard Pusie, i April. Thomas, son of John Cooly, 22 Nov. 1615. Edyeth, dau. of William Stambrooke, 3 June. Ellen, dau. of William Wiblin, 2 Sept. John, son of William Alder, the younger, 22 Sep. 1616. Ann, dau. of William Frogley, 3 April. Dorytie Standbrooke, dau. of William Standbrooke, 9 Nov. 1617. Richard, son of John Cooly, 1 1 Ap. Brigett, dau. of Thomas Elton, 2 June. Denckworth, Berks. 1618. Ann, dau. of William Belcher, 29 Mar. Annis, dau. of Richard Pusic, 4 Nov. Martha, dau. of Richard Belcher, 1 1 Nov. William, son of Thomas Elton, 4 Jan. Mary, dau. of John Cox, 7 Feb. i6ig. William, son of William Standbrook, 9 Ap. Gathering, dau. of William Frogley, 27 Ap. George, son of John Cooly, 30 Ap. Robert, son of Thomas Stone, 15 July. Mary, dau. of Nycolas Stokes, being a wandering poor man, 24 Sep. 1620. William, son of William Belcher, 8 Oct. Joane, dau. of Thomas Stone, 30 Jan. 1621. Mary, dau. of John Cooly, 3 April. Alee, dau of Richard Belcher, 25 Oct. Ann, dau. of John Newbery, 6 Jan. Bridged, dau. of Richard Pusye, 3 Feb. Martha, dau. of Thomas Alder, 23 Mar. Robert, son of William Frogley, 23 Mar. 1622. Ellen, dau. of Thomas Stone, 19 Nov. Martha, dau. of John Coolye, 26 June. Alee Thorton, dau. of Robert Thorton, 24 Feb. 1623. John, son of William Belcher, 23 May. Robert, son of William Belcher, the elder, 25 Dec. William, son of Alexander Wellman, 15 Feb. John, son of John Newbery, 23 Feb. Richard, son of Richard Belcher, 2 7 Feb, 1624. Danyell, son of William Wiblin, 6 June. Mary, dau. of William Belcher, 9 Sep. Ann, dau. of Robert Thirtton, 25 Nov. William, son of Augustin Stone, 20 Mar. lo The Register of 1625. Alexinder, son of John Coolye, 13 Nov. William, son of Alexander Wellman, 8 Jan. Alexander, son of Alexander Wellman, 20 Jan. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Thorton, 10 Mar. 1626. Ellen, dau. of Richard Williams, clerk and Vicar of Denchworth, 10 Sep. Martha, dau. of William Belcher, 14 Sep. Mary, dau. of William Wiblin, 30 Oct. 1627. Joane, dau. of Nycolas Smart, 30 Nov. Susanna, dau. of William Wiblin, 8 Jan. William, son of William Wiblin, the younger, 23 June. Roger, son of Richard Williams, clerk and Vicar of Denchworth, 18 Aug. Frannces, son of Rychard Belcher, 20 Sep. William, son of William Alder, the younger, 5 Nov. 1630. John, son of Alexander Wellman, 5 May. Robert, son of WiUiam Belcher, 26 Oct. Martha, dau. of John Wiblin, 3 1 Oct. 1631. Mr. Richard Williams, Viccar of Denchworth, was buryed the 9 daie October, 1631. Roger Aldworth and Ann Woodlie, 24 Oct. Joane, dau. of William Wiblin, farmer, baptised 30 Oct. Bridget Gearye, wife of William Gearye, was buryed the 10 daie of November. William Smarte, the sonn of Nicholas Smarte, was baptised the 25 of November. Steven Biggs & Marie Russell, 14 Dec. Richard Belcher, buried 16 Jan. Moses, son of William Wibline the younger, baptised 13 Feb. Joane, dau. of John Plate, Viccar, baptised, 20 March. Abraham, John, Elizabeth, Richard, Alee, Ann, Mary, Martha, Joan, John, Jane, Roger, ye sons and ye daughters of Master Richard Williams, Vicar of Denchworth, Berks. Denckworth, Berks. ii Anno Domini, 1538, Annoque. Regni Regis Henrici, Octavi 30. Weddings in Denchworth in Comitatu Berks Imprimis. 1538. Edward Jonson & Elizabeth Griffin, 17 Oct. John Pecke of Garforde & Annis Aldworthe of this parish, 24 Nov. 1540. William Danyell & Alee Wiblin, 26 Oct. 1541- William Payne & Joane Kymersh, 7 Nov. Robert Hedd & Jane Feryman, 20 Nov. 1542. Richard Coolye & Annis Sparowhawk, i Feb. 1543. John Pusye & Amye Frodishe, i May. Andrew Yate & Margery Sparowhawk, i8 Oct. Edmond Dawstrie & Alee Colins, 25 Oct. John Richards & Mawd Yevan, 29 Oct. 1544- John Tovie & Elyzabeth Turall, 5 Oct. Thomas Seerege & Amye CowU, 7 Nov. Zacarye Brintoy & Margery Parker, 19 Nov. 1545- William Pinnock & Christian Hyd, 10 Aug. William Byshoppe & Jane Wason, 7 Nov. 1546. William Sadler & Annis Sutton, 5 Jan. Richard Smyth & Annis Gerye, 20 July. George Belcher & Margarett Salmon, 8 Oct. William Godfry & Ane Wiblin, 27 June. 1547- Franncis Leys & Margery Spicer, 20 Jan. ti Tlie Register of 1548. John Heringe & Margery Edwards, 20 July. George Wodcoke & Ann Hide, 6 Aug. John Hide & Mary Kidwiche, 6 Aug. 1549- Robert Draper & Margery Alw'ath, 13 July. 1550- Thomas Moore & Margett Hide, i Feb. 1556. Master Lowencott ? Hide & Friswide Morys, i Dec. 1558. George Buttler & Elen Downe, 8 July. Thomas Aldworth & Annis (sic), 3 Oct. 1561. John Strange & Jone Home, 7 Nov. Richard Wiblin iS; Margery Wancell, 1 7 Ap. Master William Daniell & Mistres Cyssell, 1 7 Nov. 1562. William Coxe & Elen Clements, 9 Aug. Edward Jonson & Margett Wancell, 1 Oct. Thomas Angell & Annis Walter, i Oct. Richard Cooly & Ann Richards, 18 Oct. John Newber)' & Annis White, 21 Oct. John Geringe & Eme Coomber, 6 Nov. 1563. Lynell Holton & Margery Pope, 6 May. 1564. Thomas Alworth & Annis Clements, 13 Aug. 1565. Robert Love & Alee Comber, 20 Aug. 1566. Richard Wiblin & Ann Whithome, 17 May. Denckworth, Berks. 13 Arthure Bedellcome & Jane Hide, 29 July. Master John Moris & Ann Hide, 29 July. Alexander Foddesle & Philipe his wife, 7 Oct. 1568. Master William Whit & Mistres Margett Hide, 15 Feb. 1569. Richard Ryme & Jone Godffrie, 2 Dec. William Elton & Elen Cox, 28 Aug. 1570. Master Franncys Glynton & Mistres Mary Hyde, 15 July. 1573- John Pusye & Jone House, 15 Jan. 1574- Richard Tubb & Elyzabeth Hedd, i Jan. William Tubb & Annis Belcher, 6 June. 1575- Robert James & Ann Payne, 3 Nov. 1576. William Marett & Elyzabeth Smyth, 28 Oct. William Thatcher & Ann Pope, 3 Nov. 1577- Richard Thatcher & Alee Ollard ? 2 1 Oct. Richard Whyler & Sysell Heringe, 3 Nov. 1578. John Cox & Jone Comber, 23 Oct. William Wiblin & Anne Jegins, 24 Oct. 1579- John Newbery & Margery Pirk, 5 Ap. 1580. John Cooly & Margery Robins, 29 Oct. 14 The Register of 1581. George Perks & Margery Gearinge, 24 Aug. John Kimber & Jone Gearinge, 9 Oct. 1583- Lawrenc Shorte & Em Smith, 17 Nov. 1584. William Belcher & Philip Brooke, 2 June. 1585- Edward Geery & Annes Benett, 7 July. Thomas Froggle & Jone Tuckye, 1 1 May. Moses Stone & Elin Alder, 29 Jan. 1588. John Cox & Alee Newbery, 9 June. William Ellett alias Alder & Alee Wiblin, 3 Oct. John Belcher & Brygett Newbery, 7 Oct. 1589. Edward Payne & Jane Benet, 24 Sep. Mathew Floyde & Anne Wanborowe, i Mar. 1593- Thomas Whichlow & Margery Cooly, 27 Jan. Richard Vokins & Mary Gyrye, 1 3 Nov. 1595- John Bunce of Childrey & Catherine Wiblin, 10 Nov. William Wiblin & Mary Hawkins, 27 Nov. John Keepe & Elyzabeth Frogley, 15 Dec. 1597. John Smarte & Alee Alder, 7 July. Thomas Ogborne & Jane Stone, 18 July. 1599- Richard Thrupp & Ede Whyght, 1 9 Aug. 1600. John Nycols & Margett Prater, 1 2 Oct. Richard Pusie & Mary Barr, 9 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 15 1601. John Stone & Joane Wiblin, 24 Aug. 1602. John Coolly and Amy Cole, 30 Jan. 1602. Roger Lacy, gen. & Ellen Homes, 2 June. 1604. John Jacob & Margett Frogley, 5 Oct. William Frogley & Joane Combb, 25 Nov. Richard Smith & Elyzabeth Brook, by Licence, 25 Nov. 1610. John Blagrove & Margery Pledell, by Licence, 23 Aug. 1611. William Elton & Elyzabeth Streat, i April, William Pusye & Joane Hayes, 13 Sept. Buryalls in Anno Dni, 1538, in the pTsh. of Dench worth in the Com. of Berks. 1538. Imprimis Marye Gyrye the daughter of Gyrye (sic), 4 Nov. 1539. Alee Sparowhawke, 15 April. Margery Gierke, 17 May. Moris Johnson, 3 Jan. John Byshoppe, 13 Nov. 1541- John Westbrooke, 28 Feb, 1542. Annes Kynge, 30 Mar. Lawrence Syssell, 29 Oct. John Heringe, 10 Nov. 1 6 The Register of 1543- John Clerk, 14 Mar. Thomas Fowler, a poore walkinge man was buried, 2 May. Margery Pusy, 9 June. John Ger)'e, i July. John Sparohawk, 21 Nov. 1544- Edmonde Cooke, 6 Ap. Thomas Dowlye and Margaret Whitloock, 5 May. Sir David Ab Jenkin, Vicar of Denchworth, 12 May. Edith Hearinge, 20 Aug. Elyzabeth Yeat, 10 Sept. John Head, 16 Sept. The last day of November was buried a certayne poore man whose name was .... Agnes Peter, 14 Dec. 1545- William, child of Robert Hedd (no date). Oliver Coxe, was buried in the yere and moneth above written (no date). In the yere and moneth above written was Robert Cowper, an Infant, buried in Denchworth. The X day of September was Thomasson Yerly, the sonne of John Yerly, buried in the yere and day above written. Agnes Hosley, 10 Feb. John Payne, 4 Mar. 1546. William Payne, 6 Aug. Alexander Muscrope, son of William Muscrope, 1 1 Oct. Elizabeth, the infant of John Apyley, 18 Oct. 1547- Joane, the infant of John Tovie, 4 Nov. William, the infant of John Pusie, 14 Jan. Margarett Hearinge, 25 Dec. 1549- Gemy, the infant of John Tovye, 10 Jan. Thomas Rive, 5 Oct. Denchworth, Berks. if 1550- Richard, the infant of Richard Cooly, 2 1 Sep. John Cornishe, 17 July. Edyth Sutton, widow, 26 Oct. Thomas Williamson, 5 Aug. William Alder, 16 Oct. John Wiblin, 3 Jan. Thomas Grene, 4 Feb. Alexander Hide, 19 Sept. Lewis Powell, 21 Sept. Em Payne, 20 Nov. Margery Payne, 13 Dec. 1551- 1553- 1554- 1555- 1556. 1557- Master William Hyde of Denchworth was buried in Denchworth Church, 3 May. Mistres Ann Knight, 12 Dec. 1558. Roger Ascu, 16 Feb. Mistres Margett Tomson, 23 Feb. Master John Hyde, 29 June. Thomas Comber, 23 Aug. Richard Smyth, i Sept. William Manninge, 26 Sept. John Wiblin, 28 Oct. 1559- Margery, wife of John Pope, 6 June. B 1 8 r The Register of 1561. Master Lovencott Hyde, 6 Jan. Eme Coxe, 27 Sep. Annes Alder, 6 Oct. John Pope, 7 Dec. 1562. Annes Coolly, 13 April. Mistres Margery Hide, the wife of Master William Hyde, 27 June. Mawde Alder, 21 Aug. Mary Comber, 30 Aug. Mistres Margerye Hyde, the daughter of Master William Hyde, 2\ Sep. Margery Wiblin, 4 Feb. Caterine Newbery, 13 Oct. John Pusye, 6 Nov. Christian Alder, 9 April. George Wiblin, 24 Feb. Oliver Geere, 6 May. Thomas Coxe, 15 May. Annis Newbery, 4 Nov. Alee Dauston, 4 May. Master William Hyde, 22 July. Alee Patie, 14 Sept. 1563. 1564. 1565- 1566. 1567- 1568. Margett ,Connbly, 9 Ap. 1569. William Coxe, 5 Jan. Mistres Elyzabeth Thorpe, 4 June. Denchwortk, Berks. 19 1570- William Foddeslie, 5 May, Mary Pusy, 12 Dec. 1571. John Geerye, 13 Sept. Alee, the child of Master Frannces Glynton, 3 April. 1572- William Wiblin the elder, 6 Nov. I573. Annis, childe of Thomas Savery, 2 1 May. Jone, wife of Robert Hedd, 6 Sep, Margery, wiffe of George Belcher, 29 Sep. 1574- William, son of William Elton, 30 Mar. Elizabeth, child of William Tubb, 1 5 June. 1575- Alee Foddesle, 2 Sept, William Baker of Charney, 8 Dec. 1576. Elen Mumford, 2 Jan. Elizabeth Newell, 3 Nov. 1578. John Huthin, 24 Aug. Elizabeth Marrett, 2 Dec. George Belcher, 20 Jan. 1578. ? 1579. Margery Savery, 28 April. 1580, Catherine, the childe of Master Frannces Glynton, 19 June, 1581. Richard Coolly, 18 April. B' The Register of Thomas Smyth, lo Mar. Edmond Jackson, 14 May. Jane Thatcher, 3 Oct. 1583- 1584. Mistres Alee Hyde of Denchworth, 19 Nov. Amye Coolly, 2 Dec. 1585- John Coolly, 18 Mar. The vi of May was Father. Heale buried in Denchworth Churchyarde in the yere of our Lord God, 1585. Elinor Frogley, 11 Aug. Em Gyerye, 18 Sep. 1586. The viii daye of November was Mystres Radishe of Lockinges buried, 1586. 1587- Mother Comber, i Nov. 1588. Philippe, wife of William Belcher, 27 Oct. 1589. Thomas Whiche alias Marks, 4 Dec. John Francklen, 12 Feb. 1592. William Marrett, 17 April, Marie, dau. of John Jeames, 15 July. William Wiblin the elder, 10 Oct. 1593- John, son of John Newbery, 15 Feb. Mathew, daughter of Thomas Whichlow, 7 Ap. William, son of Thomas Whichlo, 1 7 Ap. Annes, wife of Thomas Churche, 28 Dec. Denchworth, Berks. 21 IS94- Thomas, son of Thomas Shipton, 16 May. Janne, dau. of John Pusy, 9 Oct. Frannces, son of Alexander Frogley, 2 2 Oct. 1595- Mary, dau. of William Wiblin, 23 May. Marye, dau. of William Tubb, 25 May. 1596. Joane, wife of William Payne, 8 April. William Payne, i June. William Elton, 4 Nov. 1597. Thomas Palmer, 26 July. Joane, wife of Thomas Frogley, 2 Dec. Thomas, son of Thomas Savery, 22 Jan. Thomas, son of Thomas Payne, 9 May. 1598. Memorandum that uppon the xxith day of December was the Right Worshipfull Master William Hyde Esquier buried. John Pusy, 1 5 Jan. 1599- Margett Jackson, widowe, 23 July. Ellen, wife of Thomas Savery, 24 Sep. Brigett, dau. of William Belcher, 14 Dec. John, son of Richard Belcher, 19 Mar, 1602. John Ley, a poore wandering man, 3 Ap. Alee, wife of William Sutton, i May. Thomas Alder, 25 Dec. Amy, wife of John Coolye, 30 July. Mary, a strange woman, 24 Aug. 1603. John, son of William Tubb, 4 Sept. William Tubb, 7 Sept. 2 2 The Register of John Home, 9 Sept. Annes Tubb, wife of William Tubb, 1 1 Sept. Joane, dau. of Edward Savery, 1 1 Sept. Anne, dau. of John Home, 14 Sept. Margery, dau. of John Home, 1 9 Sept. Annes, wife of Edward Gyrye, 7 Oct. 1604. Annes, dau. of Richard Williams, clerk, 14 May. Robert, son of Roger Lacy, 1 8 Feb. 1605. Mistres Jane Hide, dau. of the Right Worshipfull Sir George Hide, 15 May. Joane, wife of John Grimway, 3 Nov. William, son of John Grimway, 19 Feb. 1606. Thomas Froggley, 27 June. Alee Meckocke, 1 1 Dec. 1608. William Sutton the younger, 9 Dec. 1609. William Sutton the elder, i Ap. 1 610. Joane Payne, 7 April. Thomas, son of Richard Wiblin, 13 July. Thomas Savery, 25 Aug. John Stone, 23 Dec. 1611. 1612. Annes Alder, widow, 3 Jan. Richard Tubb, 21 Mar. 1613. Alee, wife of John Coxe, 1 7 May. Marye Wiblin, wydowe, 5 Dec. Martha, dau. of John Coolye, 29 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 23 1614 non. 1615. Alexander Frogley of Cyrcot, i Jan. William Belcher, the elder, 22 June. Phillipp Frogley, widowe, 10 Aug. Amy, wife of Edward Gyry, 7 Aug. Ellen EUton, wydowe, 28 Aug. Richard Wiblin the elder, 22 Nov. 1617. Margerye Pusye, 15 Aug. Anne Wiblin, wydowe, 21 Oct. Elizabeth Paine, 13 Oct. Anne, wife of William Wiblin, the elder, 8 Nov. Brigett Elton, dau. of Thomas Elton, 14 Jan. 1618. Joane Williams, the daughter of Richard Williams, Gierke and Vicar of Denchworth, 9 May. Dority, dau. of William Standbrook, 1 2 May. Joane, wife of William Pusye, 8 Sep. 1620. Mistres Alee Williams, the wife of Richard Williams, Vycar of Dench- worth, was buryed, 9 May. Richard Townsend, 18 May. Joan Pusy, wydowe, 10 Aug. John Persyfald, 20 Aug. Mary, wife of William Wiblin, no date. Margery Cooly, wydowe, 30 Dec. John Belcher, 21 Feb. 1621. Gaterne Wiblin, wife of William Wiblin, 25 Sept. 1622. Ann, the wife of Robert Stone (sic), 8 June. 1623. John, son of William Belcher, the younger, 25 May. Dorytye Belcher, wydow, 19 June. Martha, dau. of John Gooly, date cut. 24 ^he Register of 1624. John Wilshire, 24 Nov. 1625. Christian Newbery, wydowe, 24 Nov. Alexander, the childe of John Coolye, 24 Nov. William Weston, i Jan. 1626. Elyzabeth Thorton, dau. of Robert Thorton,'3i July. Robert Thorton, 23 Aug. Annes Townsend, wydowe, 5 Jan. Burials end. 1635. Mixed Entries. Joane, dau. of William Froglie, the yonger, baptised, 15 July. John Jackson & Marie New, married, 30 July. John Butt & Elizabeth Elston, 13 Aug. William WibUne, buried, 23 Aug. William, son of Anthonie Parsons, bapt^, 2 1 Oct. Catherine, dau. of Robert Cox, bapt^, 20 Oct. Alexander, son of William Gearie, 18 Nov. William, son of Thomas Wibline, 13 Jan. 1633. John Lyforde [& Marie Steere?] of Steventon, married (Lie), 6 May. Roberte Paine of Wantage & Margaret Stevenson of East Hannie (Lie.) 10 July. Thomas Willis alias Westbrooke of Abington & Elizabeth Yonge (Lie), . . . Aug. William Froglie of Cirket, buried, 3 Oct. Roberte Langbridge of Letcombe . . . and . . . Prettie (Lie), 19 . . . Ralfe Coxheade & Elizabeth Morlande, 28 Dec. Joane Battinn, widdow, buried, 15 Jan. William Kymber & Marie Orson, 30 Jan. Edmunde Woodlie & Elizabeth Willames, 2 Feb. Margerie Aldworth, buried, 4 Feb. . Marie, dau. of William Wibline, junior, bap. 4 Feb. Dorrithie dau. of Alexander Wellman 2 Mar. Denchworth^ Berks. 25 1634. Dorrithie, dau. of William Belchere & Marie Belchere, 24 June, William Doe & Alee Coles of Chawlie, 8 July. Augustine Dodd & Susanna Veale, 1 5 Dec. William, son of William & Dorrithie Gearie, 28 Dec. Elizabeth Browne, buried, 10 Jan. Martha, dau. of Nicholas & Joane Smarte, baptised, 27 Jan. Dorrithie, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Alder, baptised, 25 Feb . . . ssomes? Bennett, widdowe, bur. 4 Mar. John, son of Anthonie & Elizabeth Parsons, bapt"^, 1 7 April. Roberte Stone, bur., 13 May. Thomas Bande & EHzabeth Pawmer, 8 Nov. Thomas, son of Thomas & Annis Wiblin, bap. 25 Dec. Dorrithie, dau. of William & Dorrithie Wiblin, 15 Feb. [End of Vol. I.l lEEAH COUNTY GENEAI/OGTCAT 26 The Register of VOLUME 11. 12 in. by 7, parchment bound in parchment, 12 leaves; several cut. Begins 1637, ends 1675. On fly leaf, Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, Anno Dni, 1692. Bound with it is a separate paper book 1 679- 1 695, 3 leaves paper — one parchment. Henry Bright, M.A., Vicar, 1775. The Register Booke of Denchworth for Christenings, Weddings and Burialles. CHRISTENINGS. 1637. Ann, the daughter of James Wilkinson, Vicar, was bapt., April 2. Richard, the sonn of Anthonie Parsons, bap., Sept. 23. Jane, the dau. of Thomas Alder, bap., Dec. 26. James Wilkinson Vicar. Robert Dickenson & William Alder, Churchwardens. 1638. Richard, son of William & Dorothie Geerie, bap., 18 May. James, son of James Wilkinson, Vicar & Ann, 31 Aug. Martha, dau. of Robert & Elenor Cox, 20 Oct. Mary, dau. of Richard & Jane Pizzie (Pusey), 3 Nov. Nicholas, son of Nicholas & Joane Smart, 15 Dec, William son of William & Dorothy Bowles of Hannie, 7 Mar. 1639. James Wilkinson, Vicar. William Alder and William Frogly, Churchwardens. Henry, son of Henry & Elizabeth Jackson, 18 Aug. Martha, dau. of William & Dorothy WibUn, 29 Feb. Ja. Wilkinson, Vicar. William Frogly & William Wiblin, Churchwardens. 1640. Jane dau. of Richard & Jane Pizzie (Pusey), 14 April. Dorothy, dau. of Edmond & Elizabeth Woodly, 9 May. Alice, dau. of Anthony & Elizabeth Parsons, 21 June. t)enchworth, Berks. if Richard, sonn of Richard & Elizabeth Wiblin, 23 Aug. Ellenor, dau. of one Haskins, a wandering woman, 24 Feb. 1641. EUeanor, dau. of Robert & Margery Bernard . . . May. John, sonn of Nicholas & Joane Smart, 22 Jan. 1642. Mary, dau. of Richard »S; Joane Pusey, 20 July. 1643. Jane, dau. of Robert Bernard & Margery, 14 May. Robert, son of William & Alice Norwood, beinge the sone of a vagrant, 9 July. 1644. John Pusay, the sonne of Richard Pusay & Jane his wife, baptised, 9 Oct. William, the sonne of Anthony Wilkins & Dennis his wife, baptised, 28 Oct. Andrew, the sonne of John Dowlinge «Sj: Bridgett his wife, 18 Feb. 1645. Jane, the dau. of Anthony Parsons & Elizabeth his wife, bapf^, 18 May. Thomas, the son of John Burte, bapt., 10 Aug. Katherine, dau. of Richard Wellman & Katherine his wife, bapt., 20 Aug. Jone, dau. of William Pusey & Alice his wife, 30 Aug. Robert Helmes, bapt., 14 Sept. Richard Elloway, bapt., 14 Sept. Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Knowles & Jone his wife, bapt., 2 Sep. Judeth, dau. of John Clements, 3 Oct. John, the sonne of John Prince & Ann his wife, 3 Dec. Elizabeth, dau. of Henrie Jackson and his wife Elizabeth, i Jan. 1646. Richard and Anne, the sonne and daughter of Richard Pusey and Jone his wife, 2 Sept. William, the son of John Taylor and Elenor his wife, 4 Sept. Robert, sonne of Robert Dickenson & Joane his wife, 3 Nov. Mary, dau. of John Dowlinge and Bridgett his wife, 1 1 Jan. William, sonne, of John Alder & Avice his wife, i Mar. The Register of 1647. Susanna, dau. of John & Martha Payne, 27 Sep. Alexander, son of Alexander & Dorothie Wellman, 13 Feb. 1648. Marie, dau. of Thomas & Mary Lewes, a vagrant, 1 1 May. Alice, dau. of William Belcher, jun., and Katheryn, 11 Sept. Daniel, son of Daniel, & Mary Wiblen, 18 Sept. 1648. Thomas, son of Robert & Jone Dickenson, 9 Oct. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Christian Froglie, 17 Oct. Jo. Keate vie. ibidem. Robert, son of Robert & Margery Bernard, 3 Jan. William, son of William & Katheryne Belcher, 20 Mar. 1649. Jone, dau. of John & Avice Alder, 3 Dec. John, son of John & Bridget Dowlinge, 19 Dec. Martha, dau. of John & Martha Payne, 30 Dec. 1650. Martha, dau. of William Belcher Junior, & Katheryne, 22 April. William, son of William & Christian Froglie, 30 Sep. William, son of Daniel & Marie Wiblen, 1 1 Nov. Dorothie, dau. of Alexander Wellman the younger, & Dorithie, 17 Feb. 1651. Francis, son of Henrie & Elizabeth Jackson, 24 Ap. Mary, dau. of Robert & Margery Bernarde, 26 Jan. William, son of William Belcher junr., & Katheryne, 10 Mar. 1652. Anne, dau. of Thomas & Jone Goulding, 15 Ap. Thomas, son of William & Alice Tombes, 9 May. John, son of William & Christian Frogley, 16 Nov. Dorothie, dau. of William & Martha Wiblin, 10 Jan. Mary, dau. of Daniel & Mary Wiblin, 15 Feb. John, son of John & Martha Payne, 19 Mar. Denchworth, Berks. 29 1653. Elizabeth, dau. of Francis & Ann Belcher, 25 Oct. Richard, son of William Belcher junior, & Katherine, 1 2 Mar. 1654. Francis, son of Francis & Martha Westbrooke, 20 Feb. 1655- Ann, dau. of Francis & Ann Belcher, 29 Mar. John, son of John & Avice Alder, 21 May. Francis, son of Daniel & Mary Wiblen, 26 Feb. Anne, dau. of William & Katherine Belcher, 14 Mar. 1656. William, son of John & Martha Payne, 23 April. Martha, dau. of Robert & Margery Bernard, 7 May. William, son of William & Alice Frogley, 18 Nov. Francis, son of Francis & Anne Belcher, 2 7 Nov. Gregory, son of Gregory & Martha Gearinge, 18 Dec. Mary, dau. of Henery Prier, 30 Jan. 1657- Francis, son of William & Christian Frogleye, 14 April. Francis, son of John & Jane Taylor, 14 April. Martha, dau. of William & Mary Ellis, 2 Dec. Thomas, son of Gregory & Martha Gearing, 22 Dec. Francis, son of Francis & Marie Attewell, 23 Dec. 1658. Daniel, son of William & Katherine Belcher, 6 May. Martha, dau. of Francis & Anne Belcher, 25 Nov. Agnes, dau. of William & Alice Froglie, 13 Dec. 1659. Mary, dau. of Richard & Dorothie Tull, 5 July. Martha, dau. of Wiblin (sic) & Martha his wife, 5 Aug. William, son of Francis & Marie Attewell, 1 1 Oct. Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Anne Ralye, 1 5 Nov. 1660. Robert, son of Robert & Cicely Belcher, 26 May. 30 The Register of Jone, dau. of Francis & Anne Belcher, 27 Oct. Dinah, dau. of William & Katherine Belcher, 10 Nov. William, son of William & Elinor Alder, 8 Jan. Mary, dau. of Gregory & Jone Gearinge, 19 March. 1661. Jane, dau. of William & Jone Wiblin, 2 2 May. Daniell, son of William Belcher the Elder, & Joane, 23 Aug. 1662. Thomas, son of Francis & Marie Attewell, 9 April. Richard, son of John & Marie Wellman, 9 Ocf. William, son of Nicholas & Elizabeth Smart, 19 Oct. William, son of William & Jone Wiblen, 23 Nov. Martha, dau. of John & Martha Payne, 6 Mar. 1663. Gregory, son of Gregory & Joane Gearinge, 9 April. Robert, son of William & Katherine Belcher, 12 April. Richard, son of Francis & Anne Belcher, 13 Sept. Marie, dau. of Francis & Marie Attewell, 3 Jan. Nicholas, son of Nicholas & Elizabeth Smart, 8 Feb. Elinor, dau. of William & Elinor Alder, 10 Mar. 1664. John, son of William & Jone Wiblen, 29 Jan. 1665. William, son of Gregory & Jone Gearinge, 9 May. Joseph, son of Willyam & Caterine Belcher, 10 June. John, son of Jonathan & Jane Keate, 15 Jan. Anne, dau. of Richard & Jane Walters, 2 1 Jan. 1666. Martha, dau. of Francis & Anne Belcher, 14 June. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry & Jane Jackson, 4 July. Dorothy, dau. of Richard & Dorothy Tull, 25 July. Willyam son of Alexander & Alice Gearing, 26 July. John, son of Andrew & Susan Dorrling, 3 Sept. John, son of Nicholas & Elizabeth Smart, 4 Dec. John, son of William & Elnor Alder, 30 Dec. John, son of John & Mary Welman, 10 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 31 1667. Amie, dau. of Gregory «& Joane Gearinge, 1 2 June. Marai, dau. of Francis & Mari Attewell, 24 June. William, son of William & Jane Alder, 20 July. Richard Dolphin, Vicar. 1668. Mary, dau. of Richard & Joan Walter, i May. Hanna, dau. of William & Mary Belcher, 6 Dec. Mary, dau. of Andrew & Susan Dowling, 2 Feb. Benabine (sic), son of Francis & Avis Belcher, 6 July, Richard, son of Richard & Elizabeth Smart, 14 Mar. William, son of William & Martha Wiblin, 31 Aug. 1669. Thomas, son of John & Tamsin Wiblin, 13 April. Jane, dau. of Henry & Jane Jackson, 2 1 April. Richard, son of William Alder, 2 May. Mary, dau. of William Alder, 10 Feb. Richard, son of Francis Attewell, 3 Oct. Richard, son of Alexander Gearing, 1 7 July. Anne, dau. of Greccory Gearing, 10 Oct. 1670. Tomisin, dau. of John & Mary Wellman, i May. Rebeckah, dau. of John & Ann Pusey, 18 June. Joseph, son of Francis Belcher, 10 Nov. 1671. Richard, son of Richard & Joan Walter, 7 May. Susanna, dau. of Andrew & Susanna Dowling, 4 June. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Mary Belcher, 10 Sep. Martha, dau. of Grigory & Joane Gearinge, 17 Oct. Martha, dau, of Richard & Dorothie Tull, 18 Jan. 1672. Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas & Elizabeth Smart, 31 Mar. William, son of Francis Belcher, 20 Aug. Jane, dau. of William & Jane Alder, 20 Oct. 1673. Mary, dau. of Nicolas & Elizabeth Smart, 5 Nov. 32 The Register of 1673. Jane, dau. of Andrew Dowling, 28 Dec. Joseph, son of Joseph & Jone Painton, 4 Feb. Richard, son of William Belcher, 30 Dec. 1674. Thomas, son of Robert & Margrate Bernard, 1 2 Ap. John, son of John & Bridget Pusey, 5 Feb. Alexander, son of Alexander & Alice Gerrey, 2 1 June. Mary, dau. of Richard & Jane Pusey, 28 June. Robert, son of Robert & Ann Dickson, 30 Nov. Mary, dau. of Francis & Ann Belcher, 20 May. 1675- John (sic), son of William & Jane Alder, 28 Nov. Mary, dau. of William & Katherine Alder, 1 2 Dec. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Susana Frogly, 12 Dec. Ann, dau. of William & Elnor Alder, 5 Jan. 1676. James, son of Nicholas & Elizabeth Smart, 24 Sept. Richard, son of Richard Pisey, 29 Dec. Thomas, son of Robert Dickeson, 31 Dec. Thomas, son of John Pisey, 4 Feb. 1677. William, son of Francis Belcher, i Ap. rest of leaf cut to 15 July, 1677. Mary, dau. of Elexander Gearing, 15 July. Catherane, dau. of John Pisey, 7 Feb. Joane, dau. of Nichallos Smart, 10 Mar. 1678. Alee, dau. of William Frogley, 9 June. John, son of John Alder, 8 July. Elizabeth, dau. of William Alder, 4 Aug. Peter, son of Robert Dickeson, 7 Feb. 1679. William, son of John Pisey, 1 1 Ap. Joane, dau. of Joseph Paynton, 13 Ap. Jonathan, son of Richard & Dorothy Tull, 1 1 Nov. John, son of Richard Pusey, 16 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 33 A model form of Presentment at Visitation on the back of the cut leaf ; but bottom half blank. In Volume III note says : The following Christening was left out in ye old Register but ye parents gaue me ye information yt their child ought to be registered thus. Martha ye dau. of Andrew & Susanna Dowley, 4 Aug., 1679. WEDDINGES. 1637. Wee had none. Robert Dickenson & William Alder, Churchwardens. James Wilkinson, Vicar. 1639. William Kinge & Joan Castle, 24 June. 1 640- 1. None. 1642. Marmaduke Rawlins & Margarett Hobbs, 3 Nov. Richard Belcher & Edythe Wilkins, 14 Nov. 1643. Anthony Wilkins & Dennis Frogley, 15 Oct. John Tayer & Mary Church, 3 March. 1644. William Pusey & Alice Samwell, 17 June. Robert Lempster & Elizabeth Bowles, 7 Oct. Robert Tombes & Elinor Stone, 6 Feb. 1645. Francis Hilton & Martha Pusey, 16 Ap. John Keepe & Jane Acres, i May. Thomas Bonde & Jone Wallington, 8 May. John Spicer & Jane Stone, 18 May. John Taylor & Elinor Alder, 5 Oct. John Witt & Mary White, 24 Oct. John Porter & Margarett Cole, 2 Nov. John Alder & Avice Thacther, 9 Feb, C 34 The Register of 1646. Robert Dickenson & Jone Wilkinson, 20 July. Alexander Wellman & Dorothie Frogley, 8 Feb. by John Keate, Vicar, 1647. John Payne & Martha Belcher, 13 May. John Butler & Jane Ayres, 20 May. John Dorman & Anne Povye, 24 June. Richard Gates & Mary Buckle, i Aug. John TuU & Jone Barre, 13 Jan. William Haskins & Ann Frogley, 6 Feb. Richard Ellis & Alice Pusey, 13 Feb. 1648. None. 1649. Edward BuUpitt & Katheryn Doe, 23 July. Master Thomas Cox & Mistris Margarett Dewe, 30 Aug. 1650. John Frogley & Martha Coventrie, 25 Mar. John Davie & Dorithie Turner, 22 July. William Wiblen & Martha Wiblen, 29 July. Richard Parker & Anne Robinson, 3 Feb. Master Richard Sherwood & Mistris Millisent Ayleworth, 6 Feb. 1651. Thomas FuUbrooke & Jone Alder, 6 Oct. Vol. Ill gives PuUbrooke wrongly. Robert Spinnage & Jane Moulden, 13 Oct. Robert Chyles & Judith Middleton, 23 Oct. Thomas Gouldinge & Jone Smart, 2 7 Nov. 1652. Robert Elliott & Margaret Ellis, 4 May. William Borr & Mary Smert, 5 June. William Wiblen & Elizabeth Jones, 2 Aug. Justinian Barnard & Margarett Porter, 19 Sept. William Godfrey & Frauncis Eales, i Nov. Master William Castle & Mistres Lucy Blagrave, 29 Nov. Richard Kinge & Sarah Johnson, 2 1 Feb. Denchworih, Berks, 35 1653. Master Roger Knight & Mistres Mary Webb, 15 Aug. Henry Withers & Alice Ay res, 24 Aug. 1656. George White & Lettice Hopkins, 25 Sept. 1657. Master John Keepe & Mistris Margarett Brookes, iS May. Thomas Church & Jane Alder, 6 Aug. Richard Hopkins & Jane Collins, 5 Nov. 1668 (sic). Richard Tull & Dorothy Belcher, 29 July. 1659. Francis Robynson & Martha Wiblen, 25 Ap. Robert Belcher & Cicely Southby, 28 June. William Wiblen & Jone Whittier, 9 Oct. William Belcher & Jone Dickenson, 19 Jan. 1660. Henry Tull & Mary Bush, 21 May. 1660-1. John Wellman & Marie Pusey, 28 Jan. 1661. Richard Kent & Martha Smart, 22 July. Nicholas Smart & Elizabeth Hopkins, 4 Oct, 1663. John Church & Anne Hassle, 22 June. given wrongly as Castle in Vol. III. Francis Thacther & Joane Belcher, 18 Sept. Reppington Thacther & Abigail Knappe, 13 Oct. 1665. Thomas Jones & Dorothy Ratye, 10 Ap. wrongly given as Patye, Vol. HI. Henry Jackson & Jane Alder, 24 Ap, C 36 TTie Register of 1673- John Pusey & Bridget Rowland, 31 Mar. 1675- Richard Pusey & Jane Saddler, 6 Oct. 1674. William Frogly & Susana Maine, 13 Feb. wrongly given as Mames, Vol. III. Rob Winterburne of Hanny & Ann Clemance of Hanny, 10 Oct. 1677. John Pisey & Martha Belcher (Pusey, Vol. Ill), 6 Oct. John Aldworth & Mary Prior (Alder, Vol. Ill), 5 May. 1678. John Lambell & Mary Vamy, i April. leaf cut here. 1673. Robert Dickeson & Ann Perker, married at Fernham Hants by Richard Oates, minister, 18 Feb. (at end of burials). Erased entry repeated. Gregory Ralph, son of Ralph & Elizabeth Kedden Vicar, of Denchworth ; was born at Childrey, April 29, and was baptized 7 May, 1 69 1. BURIALLS. 1636. Dorothy, wife of Oliver Jackson, 5 Jan. 1637. Dorothy, dau. of William Wiblin, 15 Ap. 1638. William Wiblin ye elder, 5 May. William, son of Alexander Wellman, 23 June. Mary, dau. of Richard & Jane Pizzie (Pusey, Vol. Ill), 5 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 37 1639. William Frogly, the elder, 1 1 May. Martha, dau. of Robert «S: Eleanor Cox, 15 June. William Alder, the elder, 14 Nov. Elizabeth Percivall, widdow, 7 Jan. 1640. William Pizzie (Pusey, Vol. Ill), 26 Ap. Richard, son of Richard & Elizabeth Wiblin, 26 Aug. 1641. Mary, wife of William Belcher, 24 Mar. Margarett Clarke, 14 May. Thomas Hidden, i June. Dionysia Frogly, widdow, 1 1 June. Martha Wiblin, 24 Aug. Oliver Jacksonn, 22 Oct. Thomas Wiblin, 9 Mar. Ann Belcher, 19 Mar. 1642. Mary, wife of Richard Pizzy (Pusey, Vol. Ill), 13 Ap. John, son of Nicholas Smart, 27 Ap. 1642. Philip Hidden, 30 June. Joane, wife of Marmaduke Rawlins, 8 July. Mary Wiblyn, 16 Oct. Jone Cox, widdowe, 18 Nov. Alice Parsons, 14 Dec. Susanna Wiblyn, 9 Feb. Richard Wiblyn, 14 May. Anne Dickenson, 9 Nov. William Hawkins, 13 Dec. Master Edward Ellis, 16 Feb. Jane Prince, 4 July. 1643. 1644. 1645. 3 8 The Register of 1646. Jane Parsons, i July. William Pusey, 6 July. Richard Belcher, 26 Aug. Margery Bernard, 17 Oct. Richard VVoodley, 9 Dec. 1647. 1650. 1651. Elizabeth, the wife of William Frogley, the younger, 13 July. The widdow Frogley of Surcott, 8 Dec. Ann Pusey, 9 Mar. 1652. Katharine Frogley, 4 Sept. 1653. John Newberrie, 13 May. John Pusey, 20 June. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Bonde, 4 Dec. William Smart, 25 Dec. Margarett Rawlins, 28 Feb. 1654. Richard Pusey, 28 Dec. Jone, wife of Nicholas Smart, 20 Mar. 1655- Susanna Payne, 10 May. John Dowlinge, 1 1 May. Martha Gerrey (Geering, Vol. Ill), 1 1 June. Francis Pusey, 20 July. Nicholas Thomas, 1 2 Aug. 1656. Richard Belcher, 12 July. Elizabeth Alder, 7 Aug. Gregory Gearinge, 20 Feb. Martha Belcher, 16 Mar. Denchworth, Berks. 39 1657- Marmaduke Rawlins, 8 July. Alice Alder, 8 Sep. Anne Newberry, 13 Sep. Thomas Gearinge. 28 Dec. Elizabeth Lyford, 5 Feb. 1658. Martha, wife of Mr. Gregory Gearinge, 28 Mar. Dorothie, wife of William VViblin, the elder, 29 May. Margarett Stone, wife of Thomas Stone, 28 Dec. Martha Belcher, 4 Mar. 1659. Master Robert Dickenson, 14 June. Jone Wiblin, 16 July. John Cullie, 28 Nov. Phillip, the wife of John Wellman, 31 Jan. Mane Dowlinge, 3 Feb. John Wiblen, 9 Feb. 1660. Robert Belcher, an infant, 3 Aug. Thomas Ratie, 5 Mar. 1662. William Belcher, 9 Oct. Dorothy Gerrey, 30 Sep. William Gerrey, 4 Oct. Thomas Attewell, 13 Jan. 1663. Mary Thacther, widdow, 22 July. Jane Keate, widdowe, 27 Nov. William Wiblen, 28 Dec. Cicely Belcher, 9 Jan. Joane Pusey, widdowe, 5 Mar. 1664. Jacob Adams, 2 7 Mar. 1665. Master John Keat, Vicar of Dench worth, 26 June. 46 The Register of Agnes, wife of Alexander Welman, 7 Oct. Richard Pusey, 24 Mar. 1666. Robert Belcher, 24 Sep. Mary, dau. of Francis Attewell & Mary, 3 Mar. Alexander Welman, 10 Mar. 1667. Thomas Alder (Thos. Alder, sen.. Vol. Ill), 15 Jan. John Alder of Hanney, 7 Mar. 1668. William Frogly, 16 Ap. 1669. William Wiblen, senex, 10 Oct. Briget Douleing, i Oct. Willyam Alder, 3 Oct. John Wiblen, 30 Oct. Anne Gearing, 2 Mar. Marey Coulley, 2 Oct. Thomas Thirtene, 10 Mar. 1670. 1671. John Cully, 7 May. Elen Cox (Eleanor, Vol. Ill), 19 June. Franncis Wiblen, 24 Aug. Amye Gerringe, 3 Sep. Mary Wellman, 21 Nov. Leaf cut. Anne Pusey, 23 Mar. 1^ . jyy Martha Alder, 24 Mar. j 1674. Ann, wife of William Frogly, i Aug. Mary Dowling, 13 Sep. Mary Sm^rt, 1 2 Nov. Elinor Alder and Mary Attiwell both of Bench worth in the county of Berks take oath that Jonathan Alder of Denchworth aforesaid was buried in Wollen According to the Act of Parliament and Denchworth, Berks. 41 sworne the XXI day of May, 1679, before Edward . . . Esq. Registered per Gulielmum Milner, Vicar. Mary Attiwell and Jane Alder of the Parish of Denchworth in the County of Berks hath made oath that Willm Frogly of the said parish was buryed in Wollen according to the Act of Parliament and . . . the 26 of July, 1679, before Mr. Keite Esqr. Registered per Gul Milner, Vicar. Jonathan, son of Richard Tull, bap^, Nov'', the .... John, son of Richard Pisey, bap^ Nov"", the .... Mary, daughter of Richard Pisey was buried in wollen according to the Act of Parliament (Pusey, Vol III), November the i. 1680. Dorothy, dau. of Alexander & Alee Gerry, 25 Ap. Baptised. John, son of Richard and Alee Pusey was buried in woollen accord- ing to ye Act of Parliament, May ye 15. Jane, ye dafter of William & Jane Alder was buried in woollen ac- cording to ye Act of Parliament, June ye 2. Mary, ye dafter of John & Mary Alder was baptised, June ye 6, 1680. VVillyam, son of Richard & Ann Strainge was baptised September ye 12 day, 1680. John Clemment of Grove & Elizabeth Franklin of Ufington were maried, Oct. 3. Next page blank. October the second 1 680 I William Milner, Vicar of Denchworth ac- cording to the Cannon of the Church of England make Robert Dickenson of Denchworth the Parish Clark of the said Parish during his Naturall life and him to receive his accostomed dues where unto I subscribe my Name, Daniell Wiblen. Gulielmus) , ^^ u ..u ^., [of Denchworth. John, son of John & Dorothy Tubb, bapt*^, 26 Oct. William, son of William & Mary Belcher, bapt"^, 2 Jan. Richard Hicks of Wallingford & Elizabeth Sury of Duxford in Hin- ton was married, 19 l.)ec. The child of Robert & Mary Butler buried, 23 Jan. Katerine, ye dafter of William and Katerine AUder was babtised, 6 Feb. Ann & Joane, ye dafters of Robert & Ann Dickeson, baptised booth, 12 Feb. Thomas Wiblen was buried in woollen, ye 1 1 day, 1680 (sic.) 1681. Mr. William Joanes was buried, June ye 9, 1681. Nicolas, ye child of Nicolas Smart buried (Thomas the child. Vol. Ill), 12 May. 4* The Register of Richard, ye son of John & Martha Pusey, bapt'', i Aug. Robert, ye son of Nicolas & Ann Smart, bapt"^, 5 Feb. Martha Wiblen was buried in woolen, 17 Feb. Joane, the wife of Richard Wolte, buried in woollen, 16 May. Jane, the wife of Henry Jackson buried in woollen, 9 June. Mary, the wife of John Alder jun"", buried in woollen, 14 June. 1682. Mr. Daniel Wiblen, 7 April. William, son of William (& Joan, Vol. Ill Pusey), bapt*, 18 Sep. Richard Walter, buried, 10 Aug. Mary Pryor, widow, buryed, 28 Jan. Joane, the dau. of William (& Susannah Frogly, Vol. Ill) bapt"*, 20 Jan. Mrs. Elizabeth Keit, buried, 17 Feb. 1683. Edward Keep & Martha Frost, married, 8 May. Samuel, son of Cornelius Batty, buried, 20 May. William, son of William (& Katherine, Vol. Ill Alder,) bapt, 26 Aug. Martha, dau. of John Pusey (Pisey spelt Pusey in Vol. Ill always), 3 Feb. Robert, son of Nicolas Smart, buried, 2 Jan. Nicolas Smart, buried, 17 Feb. Richard, son of John Simons, bapt., 2 Mar. Grace, dau. of Robert & Ann Dickeson (Vol. Ill), 10 Mar. Martha, wife of John Payne, buried, 1 7 Feb. 1683 (sic). John, son of Richard Pusey (& Alice, Vol. Ill), bapt., 2 Aug. 1684. Ann, daw. of Nicholas (& Ann, Vol. Ill) Smart, bapt., 22 April. Anthony Parsons, buried, 10 June. Thomas Church of Hanny & Martha Wiblen were maried, 17 April. John Alder, jun. & Joane Smart of Harwell, 4 May. Mr. William Wiblin & Mary AUder of Wantage, at West Challo, 29 Sep. Vol. Ill, Mrs. Mary Aldworth of Wantage. 1684 John Lay & Mary Attiwell, 9 Oct. Richard Tubb, buried, 16 Nov. Elizabeth, dau. of Willm. Frogley, buried, 9 Dec. Denchworthy Berks. 4J Martha, dau. of Francis Taylor (Vol. Ill), buried, i Mar. William, sonne of John (& Joan, Vol. Ill) Alder, bap*^, 20 Sep. Henry, son of Robert (& Ann, Vol. Ill) Dickeson, bap**, 3 May. Mrs. Mary Geering of London (Vol. Ill), buried, 4 Mar. John Payne, buryed, 24 Oct. Mary, daw. of Mr. Wm. Wiblen <& Mary, bap. (Vol. Ill), 19 Jan. Mary, daw. of John Pusey (Vol. Ill), 1 7 Feb. Next page Jonas Stevens of Wantage, buried (Vol. Ill), 23 Mar. April the 18, 1682. It is concluded by the Minister Churchwardens and Inhabitants that the Minister and Churchwardens is to have two shillings allowed them appece for their diner at every visitation but noe more. Gul. Milner, Vicar, Wm. Payne, James Perry, William Wiblin, William Belchar, William Frogley, William Belchar, Francis Belchar, William Alder, John Alder, Francis Hillton (autographs). 1684. Jane, dau. of William (& Joan Pusey not Pisey, Vol. Ill) Pusey, bapt"* 7 May. Anthony Parsons, buryed (1684, Vol. Hi), 10 June. Richard Tubb, buryed (1684, Vol. Ill), 16 Nov. Martha, dau. of Francis Taylor, bur., i Mar. Mary Gary of the City of London, bur. (see Geering), 4 Mar. Jonas Stooker? of Wantage, bur. (Stevens), 23 Mar. 1687. Mr. Andrew Duly and Mrs. Jane Milner (1685 in Vol. Ill, rightly — 1687 a mischievous correction), Aug 25. Mary, dau. of William & Mary Wiblen, bap'*, 19 Jan. Mary, dau. of John Pusey, bapt*^, 17 Feb. 1686. Mary, dau. of Richard & Mary Arnold, bap*^, 20 Ap. Daniel, son of William & Ann Wiblen, bap*^, 5 May. Robert Stone, buried, 28 May. Henry, son of Nicholas (and Ann, Vol. Ill), Smart, bap**, 22 Aug. Mary, dau. of Richard & Ann Higs, 23 Aug. Ann, dau. of William Belcher, buried, 19 July. 44 The Register of 1686. John, son of Francis (& Alice, Vol. Ill) Taylor, bap., 29 Aug. Henry, son of Nicholas Smart, bap., 22 Aug. William Frogly, bapt. son of VV" & Susannah (Vol. Ill), 3 Oct. William Belcher, buried, 18 Nov. Jane, dau. of Rich. (& Alice, Vol. Ill), Pusey, bap., 16 Nov. John, son of Willm (& Katharine, Vol. Ill), Alder, bap., 26 Feb. Daniel, son of Robert (& Ann, Vol. Ill), Dickeson, bap., 2 Mar, 1687. Elizabeth Parsons, bur"*, 23 Ap. An infant of William Payne, bur'', 8 June. John Pusey, buried, 25 Aug. Daniel, son of Mr. William Wiblin & Mary, bap., 12 Oct. John, son of John Lay & Mary, 16 Aug. Francis, son of William & Joan Pusey, bap., 22 Oct. Ann, dau. of Mr. Andrew & Jane Dully, bap., 27 Nov. Ann, dau. of John Auldworth, bap., i Jan. (In Vol. Ill John & Joan Alder — Alder & Aldworth are interchang- able. E.R.N.) James Head & Sara Cawcot (Calcott, Vol. Ill), mar., 27 Jan, 1688. William, son of John Alder, buried, 4 May, Sara, dau. of Rich. Arnold & Mary, bap., 14 Sep. Ann, dau. of Henry Lawrence & Joan bap. 21 Oct. Mary, wife of William Paine, buried, 19 July. Andrew, son of Andrew Duly or Dully & Jane, bap., 9 Dec. 1689, Vol. Ill Mr. Bennet Dew & Mrs. Sarah Harding, i Dec. 1690, Edmund Milner & Mary Allen, mar,, 24 Feb, Joane, dau. of Wm. Andrews & Sarah, bapt., 27 July. Bathshebah, dau. of Wm. & Bathshebah Belcher, bapt., 10 Sept. Thomas, son of Nicholas & Ann Smart, bapt., 19 Oct. 1691, James, son of Robert Dickison & Ann, bapt., 17 June. Benjamin, son of Henry & Joan Lawrence, bapt,, 13 Sept. Richard, son of Francis & Alice Taylor, bapt., 13 Sept. Daniel, son of William & Catherine (Alder in Vol. Ill) Aldworth, bap., 4 Oct. Gregory Ralph Kedden was born son of Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, 29 April. Denchivorth, Berks. 45 1692. Gregory, the son of the Worshipfull Greg''. Geering Esq"" and Martha his wife was born the twentieth day of Aprill, and was baptised the lifth day of May following at Satton Courtney in the county of Berks. John, son of William & Sarah Frogley, bapt., 25 Aug. Elizabeth, daw. of William & Sarah Andrews, bapt., 18 Sept. Daniel, the son of Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth and Eliza- beth his wife, bapt. (born 6 Nov.), 15 Nov. 1693. John, son of W™ & Susannah Frogley, 21 May. Daniell, son of John & Joane Alder, bapt., 9 July. William, son of William & Sarah Frogley, bapt., 20 Aug. John, son of William & Joan Pusey, bapt., 17 Sept. Mary, dau. of William & Bathshebah Belcher, bp., 14 Oct. Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, & Elizabeth his wife, bapt. (born 9 Feb.), 18 Feb. 1694. Hannah, dau. of Robert & Ann Dickeson, bap., 20 May. William, son of Joseph & Mary Bayley, bap., 17 June. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry & Joan Lawrence, bap., 20 June. Mary, dau. of Willm Wiblen Jun. and Mary Wiblen, bap., 29 July. Caleb, son of Francis & Alice Tayler, bap., 16 Dec. William, the son of the Worshipfull Greg. Geering Escj., & Martha his wife, bapt. (born 29 Jan.), 14 Feb. 1695. Elizabeth, ye daughter of William & Susannah Frogley, bapt., 14 Ap. Mary, dau. of William & Sarah Andrews, bp., 26 May. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Elizabeth Paine, bp., 14 July. Thomas, son of Ralph Kedden clerk and Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, bapt., 22 Oct., born i6th. Mark, son of Francis & Alice Taylor, bap., 5 Dec. William, son of William & Bathsheba Belcher, bp., 14 Jan. End of Volume. 46 T%e Register of Next Vol. 6 in. by 5, bound in leather, many blank leaves at end ; not in good condition, Title the Register Book of Denchworth Berks, A. Dni., 1695. Ralph Kedden, Vicar. William Wiblen, Richard Wilkins, Churchwardens. April 2"'', 1696. This Register being transcribed at ye request of ye Churchwardens and several inhabitants of this Parish was examined and com- pared with ye old Register and found to be agreeing w''' it. Witness C hands Gregory Geering Esq'. Ral Kedden Vicar. Robert Dickeson. Parish Clerk. The Register Book of South Denchworth within the Deanery of Abingdon in the County of Berks. April ye second, A Dni., 1696. The Old Register Book being much defact and confused viz ye Christenings Marriages and Burials being intermixt at ye re- quest of ye Churchwardens of this parish it was faithfully tran- scribed from ye years 1637 to ye year 1690 by Ralph Kedden Vicar of this Parish Master of Arts of Queens College in Oxford. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed O' Names Ral Kedden Vicar William Wiblen 1 ^. , , Richard Wilkins {Churchwardens Gregory Geering Esqr. William Wiblin William Belcher Sen" William Frogley jun' William Alder Francis Belcher jun"^ John Alder jun"" 1688. Baptisms. Ruth, dau. of Robert & Ann Dickeson, bap., 28 Jan. John, son of Mr. John Pope & Amy, bap., 24 Feb. William, son of Andrew & Jane Dully, bap., 5 Jan. William, son of John & Joane Alder, bap., 5 Jan. Denchivorth, Berks. 47 1690. Nicholas, son of Willm & Susanna Frogley, bap., 20 May. Other 3 entries in Vol. II to 1695. 1696. Richard, son of WiUiam & Joan Pusey, bab., 13 Ap. Mary, dau. of Robert & Ann Dickeson, bap., 25 May. Joseph, son of Jose[)h & Jane Painton, bap., 12 July. Martha, dau. of ye worshipfuU Gregory Geering Esq. & Martha his wife, was born July 11, was baptised at Sutton Courtney Berks, bap., 29 July. Mary, dau. of John & Jane Wellman, bap., 30 Aug. Joseph, son of Henry & Joane Lawrence, bap., 1 1 Oct. 1697. Thomas, son of William & Jane Alder, bapt., 4 Ap. Mary, dau. of Willm & Elizabeth Paine, bap., 25 Ap. Sarah, the Daughter of Ralph Kedden Clerk and Vicar of Dench- worth and Elizabeth his wife, was born May 3''*, was bapt. May 10. Sarah, dau. of W*" & Sarah Andrews, 22 Aug. Jane, the Daughter of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq'' and Martha his wife, was born August 15 and was bapt., 7 Sept. Andrew, son of Will"i & Bathshebah Belcher, 28 Nov. William, son of Willm & Mary Wiblen, 12 Jan. 1698. Mary, dau. of Francis Taylor a Day- Labourer and Alice his wife, was baptised. May 15. Ye Tax due to ye King, 2^. Ann, ye Daughter of Willm Frogly a Day-Labourer and Susannah his wife, was bapt., July 3. The Tax to ye King 2^. Richard, ye son of John Welman a Day- Labourer and Jane his wife, was baptised, July 17. The Tax to ye King 2^. The Male child of Daniel Belcher a Taylor and Mary his wife, was born, October 23. The Tax to ye King 2^. Edward, the son of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth and Elizabeth his wife, was bapt. (born Nov. 16), 24 Nov. 1698/9. Mary, the Daughter of ye worshipful Gregory Geering Esq. and Martha his wife, was born, January 8 and was bapt. at Sutton, Courtney Berks, 3 r Jan. William, the son of William Alder a Day-Labourer & Jane his wife 29 Jan. 48 The Register of Martha, dau. of Henry Lawrence a Day- Labourer & Joan his wife, 29 Jan. Jane, dau. of Joseph Painton a Day-Labourer & Jane his wife, 12 Feb. 1699. Sarah, dau. of William Frogley yeoman & Sarah his wife, 26 Mar. John, son of William Paine yeoman & Elizabeth his wife, 6 April. Martha, dau. of William Wiblen yeoman & Mary his wife, 20 Aug. 1700. Hannah, dau. of Willm Belcher, jun"", yeoman & Bathshebah his wife, 21 April. Charles, the son of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esqr, was born April ye 17 and was Bapt., 30 Ap. Ann, the Daughter of Mr. Ral Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, born May 6, bap. 7 May. Margaret, dau. of Francis Belcher yeoman & Joan his wife, 15 Sept. Margaret, the Daughter of Francis Belcher yeoman and Joan his Wife, was bapt., 15 Sep. The female child of Daniel Belcher a Taylor and Mary his Wife, was born, Feb. 13. Jane, the dau. of William Alder a day-labourer and Jane his wife, bapt., 17 Aug. Martha, dau. of William Paine yeoman & Elizabeth his wife, bapt., 21 Sep. 1701. Johanna, the dau. of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, was born and bapt., 28 Nov. Joan, the dau. of Joseph Painton a Day-Labourer & Jane his wife, bapt., 28 Dec. Daniel, son of \Villiam ^Viblen, jun^ yeoman & Mary his wife, bapt., 19 Jan. 1702. Ann, the Daughter of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq. & Martha his wife, was born, March ye 8 and bapt., 26 Mar. Surveyed by Tho. Bayley. Jane, dau. of John Wellman a Day-Labourer & Jane his wife, bapt., 25 May. Francis, son of Francis Belcher yeoman & Joan his wife, bapt., 4 June. Denchworth, Berks. 49 Martha, dau. of Henry Bellinger yeoman & Martha his wife, bapt., 13 July. The male child of John Pusey yeoman, was born, 2 Aug. Dinah, dau. of William Belcher yeoman & Bathshebah his wife, bapt., 16 Oct. Mary, dau. of William Alder carpenter & Deborah his wife, bapt., 10 Nov. 1703. Mary, the Daughter of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, was born March 29 (on blank side of leaf), bapt., 6 Ap. George, the son of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq'' and Martha his wife, was born, Sepf 16 and bapt., 5 Oct. Mary, dau. of Robert Paxford cordwainer & Mary his wife, ba['t., 18 Nov. John, son of William Alder a Day-labourer & Jane his wife, bapt., 4 Jan. Jonah, son of William Payne yeoman & Elizabeth his wife, bapt., 28 Feb. 1704. Christian, dau. of John Alder Jun. a Day Laborer & Elizabeth his wife, bapt,, 13 Aug. William, son of William Alder carpenter & Deborah his wife, bapt., 17 Sept. John, son of William Wiblen Jun. yeom. & Mary his wife, was born 26 Sept., bapt., I Oct. Sarah, dau. of William Belcher yeoman & Bathshebah his wife, was born, Nov. 15 and was bapt., 17 Nov. on blank page opposite The male child of Daniel Belcher a Taylor, was born, 15 Sept, 1703. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Painton Jun. Day-labourer & Jane his wife, born & bapt., 26 Nov. Anne, the dau. of Richard Wellman husbandman & Anne his wife, was born, 2 Dec. & bapt., 4 Dec. William, son of William Attawell Day Labourer & Mary his wife, was bapt., 31 Dec. Anne, dau. of Francis Belcher husbandman & Joan his Wife, was bapt., 5 Jan. 1705- Sophia, the Daughter of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq. & Martha his wife, was born & bapt, 20 June, D 5© The Register of William, the son of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, born, 6 July, bapt., 8 July. Mary, dau. of William Belcher a Day Labourer & Margaret his wife, was born & bapt., 1 1 Oct. Jonathan, son of \s^ Alder a Day- Labourer & Jane his wife, born, 13 Jan., bapt., 14 Jan. 1706. Anna, dau. of W'" Paine yeoman & Elizabeth his wife, born, 26 Ap., bapt., 27 Ap. Mary, dau. of ^V'" Brunsdon a butcher & Dorothy his wife, born 12 & bapt. 14 July. Surveyed for ye Queen by Tho. Bayley. Mary, dau. of Willm Attawell a day labourer & Mary, bap., 25 Aug. John, son of W'" & Deborah Alder, bapt, 15 Sept. William, son of William & Margaret Belcher, bapt., 20 Oct. 1707. Nathaniel, son of the Worshipful Gregory Gearing Esqr. & Martha his wife, born, Jan, 11, bapt., 6 Feb. 1 John, son of John & Elizabeth Alder, born, 2 Feb., bap., 9 Feb. I Justice, son of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Elizabeth his wife, born 15 Feb., bapt., 20 Feb. Dinah, dau. of W™ & Bathshebah Belcher, bap,, 24 Mar. John, the son of Francis and Joan Belcher, 28 May. Hannah, the dau. of W"^ & Mary Onion, was bapt., August 20 by a Presbyterian Minister, 20 Aug. Willm, the son of Wm. & Elizabeth Warner, born, i6 Oct. 1708. Sarah, dau. of W™ & Dorothy Brunsdon, bap., 8 Ap. William, son of W™ & Elizabeth Alder, bapt., 20 May. Sarah, dau. of John & Jane Wellman, bapt., 30 May. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ann Barnes, bapt., i Aug. Jane, dau. of Richard & Jane Walter, bapt., 26 Sep. Ann, dau. of W'" & Deborah Alder, bapt., 26 Sept. Sarah, dau. of Gregory Geering Esq. & Martha his wife, bapt., 28 Dec. ' 1709- Richard, son of Wm & Jane Alder, bapt., 6 Mar. Mary, dau. of Rich & Hannah Wellman, bapt Mar. John, son of Joseph & Anne Painton, bapt., 18 Aug. Mary, dau. of John & Mary Aldworth, bapt., 27 Nov. John Baker, of Wantage, an Anabaptist Convert, bapt., 6 Dec. Denchworth, Berks. 51 Richard, son of Richard & Jane Walter, bapt., 15 Jan. Joseph, son of Wm & Bathshebah Belcher, 20 Jan. 1710. I Martha, dau. of Wm & Dorothy Brunsdon, 27 Ap. Elizabeth, dau. of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq. & Martha his wife, born and bapt., 27 Ap. John, son of John & Jane Welman, 31 July. Thomas, son of Willm & Mary Atwell, i Oct. Joseph, son of Wm & Eliz Paine, 30 Dec. Francis, dau. of Jos : & Ann Painton, 6 Jan. Isabel, the dau. of Mr. Ralph Kedden Vicar of Denchworth & Eliz his wife, 20 Feb. 1711. Thomas, son of Francis & Joan Belcher, 1 1 Ap. Hannah, dau. of Rich & Hannah Wellman, 1 1 Ap. 1712. Daniel, son of John & Elizabeth Alder, 20 July. Anne, dau. of Edward & Mary Scarlet, 28 Jan. Mary, dau. of Rich*^ & Jane Walter, i Feb. 1713- Ann, a dau. of Wm and Mary Atwell, 30 Mar. William, son of Wm & Dorothy Brunsdon, 8 May. Anne, dau. of Richard & Hannah Welman, 16 Aug. John, the son of the Worshipful Gregory Geering Esq and Martha his wife, was born Sept. 12 and bapt., 13 Sept. Edward, son of Joseph & Ann Painton, g Oct. Edward, son of Edw & Mary Keepe, 1 1 Jan. 1714. Anne, dau. of John & Mary Coxe, 16 Nov. John, son of John & Elizabeth Alder, 9 Jan. 1715- Deborah, dau. of Wm & Deborah Alder, g Ap. Mary, dau. of Edward & Mary Scarlet, 1 5 June. Anna, dau. of Wm & Dorothy Brunsdon, 3 July. George, son of Rich'^ & Jane Walter, 5 July. John, son of John & Anne Barnes, 10 July. Joshua, son of Joseph & Anne Painton, 15 Oct, 52 The Register of 1715- Sarah, dau. of VVillm & Sarah Grove, 19 Dec. 1716. Elizabeth, dau. of Willin & Elizabeth Belcher, 4 Dec. 1717. Mary, dau. of Mr. Daniel & Ann Wiblen, 2 1 May. Ruth, dau. of W'". & Dorothy Brunsdon, 11 Aug. Mary, dau. of Tho : & Sarah White, vagrants, 13 Oct Jonathan, son of Joseph & Ann Painton, 26 Dec. Thomas, son of John & Eliz : Alder, 16 Jan. William son of VVilliam & Sarah Grove, 23 Mar. 1718. Richard, son of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 6 Ap. Richard, son of Rich'* & Hannah Welman, 2 June. James, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 15 June. Richard, son of Richard & Jane Walter, 22 June. Ursula, dau. of Edw. & Mary Scarlet, 6 Jan. William, son of W™ & Elizabeth Belcher, 19 Jan. 1719. William, son of W" & Mary Parker, 24 May. James, son of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 20 Sep. Thomas, son of W & Dorothy Brunsdon, 8 Nov. Daniel, son of Mr. Daniel Wiblen & Anne, 21 Dec. Anne, dau. of Joseph & Anne Painton, 7 Jan. 1720. (Philip Barton Vicar, on blank page opp.). Elizabeth, dau. of W" & Eliz. Alder, 13 Nov. Elizabeth, dau. of W" & Sarah Grove, 20 Nov. William, son of John & Elizabeth Alder, 23 Nov. James, son Richard & Jane Walter, 25 Dec. Anne, dau. of Richard & Jane Thorn, 27 Dec. 1721. John, son of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 14 May. Thomas, son of William & Elizabeth Belcher, 26 Dec. Jane, dau. of Edward »&: Mary Scarlett, 14 Jan. Mary, dau. of William & Elizabeth Alder, 3 1 Jan. Denchworth, Berks. 53 1722. Alice, dau. of William & Dorothy Brunsdon, 22 Ap. Martha, dau. of Edward & Mary Keep, 14 May. Willm, son of VVillm & Martha Frogley, 2 Sept. Mary, dau. of Richard & Jane Thorn, 2 1 Oct. Mary, dau. of Richard «& Jane Corderoy, 17 Feb. William, son of William & Sarah Grove, 10 Mar. 1723. Anne, dau. of W" & Margaret Perrey, 14 April. Kempster, son of George & Mary Burgess, 7 July. Anne, dau. of Richard & Jane Walter, 22 Sept. William, son of William & Elizabeth Alder, 3 Nov. 1724. Sarah, dau. of W" & Martha Frogley, 12 July. Anne, dau. of Edwd : & Mary Keep, 18 Oct. Sarah, dau. of Richard & Jane Walter, 25 Oct. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 29 Nov. Richard, son of Richard & Jane Thorn, 2 1 Mar. 1725- Mary, dau. of Willm & Sarah Grove, 29 Mar. Mary, dau. of Richard & Mary Lewes, 2 May. Sarah, dau. of William & Elizabeth Alder, 27 Oct. Sarah, dau. of Edwd : & Mary Scarlett, 3 1 Oct. 1726. Richard, son of William & Elizabeth Belcher, 24 July. Mary, dau. of John & Mary Filpes, 22 Jan. Willm, son of Lawrence & Faith Smith, his wife, both common beggars, 5 Feb. William, son of Daniel & Mary Alder, 15 Feb. 1727. Susanna, dau. of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 2 Ap. Mary, dau. of Richd. & Jane Kilingsburey, 3 Sept. John, son of W" & Elizabeth Alder, 1 7 Sep. 1728. Ally, dau. of Richard & Jane Thorn, 26 May. Jane, dau. of John & Mary Felpes, 30 June. Richard, son of Richard & Mary Lewes, 26 Jan. 54 The Register of 1729. Daniel, son of Daniel & Mary Alder, 24 Aug. William, son of Edward & Ann Goodenough, 31 Aug. William, son of Mr. Daniel & Anne Wiblen, 9 Oct. Jonath", son of Richard & Jane Kilingsburey, 26 Oct. Sophia, dau. of Edwd «& Mary Scarlett, 25 Jan. Thomas, son of Rich"* & Jane Corderoy, 22 Mar. 1730. John, son of John & Mary Filpes, 22 Nov. 1731- Sarah, dau. of Benjamin & Anne Hatton, 9 May. Henry, son of Richd & Jane Thorn, 10 Oct. Jonathan, son of Edw** & Anne Goodenough, 31 Oct. 1732. Charles, son of Daniel & Mary Alder, 23 Ap. Mary, dau. of Grace Hewer, a Single woman, 25 July. 1732. Anne, dau. of John & Mary Felpes, 30 July. Martha, dau. of John & Mary Wiblen, 28 Jan. 1733- Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Shepherd, 15 July. Hannah, dau. of Willm & Anne Paulkner, 10 Mar. 1734- Mary, dau. of John & Sarah Alder, 21 April. Jane, dau. of Rich<^ & Jane Thorne, 9 June. Martha, dau. of W'" Frogley Jun. & Sarah, 22 Sep. Mary, dau. of John & Mary Wiblen, 27 Oct. Sarah, dau. of Richard & Jane Kilingsbury, 24 Nov. Mary, dau. of John & Mary Alder, 2 Mar. William, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, 16 Mar. 1735- Edward, son of Edwd & Anne Goodenough, 13 Ap. Sarah, dau. of Owen & Elizabeth Hewett, 19 Oct. William, son ol William & Mary Brunsdon, 23 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 55 1736. Mary, dau. of VVillm Frogley Jun. & Sarah, 8 Aug. John, son of George & Mary Adams, 29 Aug. VVilHam, son of William & Ann Faulkner, 12 Sep. Edward, son of Richard & Anne Dry, 12 Sep. Sarah, dau. of Mary Prior a Single woman, 12 Sept. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Jane Thorn, 21 Nov. Sarah, dau. of John & Mary Alder, 27 Dec. John, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, 23 Jan. 1737- Mary, dau. of William & Mary Brunsdon, 17 Ap. Martha, dau. of Rich^ & Jane Kilingsberrey, 19 June. William, son of Rich"^ & Ann Dry, 25 Sep. 1738. Mary, dau. of Benjamin & Anne Hatton, 9 July. Elizabeth, dau. of Edwd Keap jun. & Elizabeth, 22 Oct. Mary, dau. of Willm & Anne Faulkner, 3 Dec. Anne, dau. of George & Mary Adams, 14 Jan. William, son of Willm & Mary Brunsdon, 11 Feb. Thomas, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, 4 Mar. 1739- Maria, dau. of Willm & Sarah Frogley, 6 May. William, son of John & Mary Alder, 5 Aug. John, son of Francis & Martha Sherd, 2 Sep. Thomas, son of Richd & Anne Dry, 7 Oct. Isaac, son of Richd. & Jane Thorn, 25 Nov. Thomas Brown John (sic), son of W" Brown & Anne his wife (Probably Brownjohn was the surname half heard. E.R.N. ), 27 Dec. 1740. Mary, dau. of Francis & Maria Belcher, 4 Jan. Jonathan, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, i Feb. Thomas, son of Francis & Martha Sherd, 8 Mar. 1741. Thomas, son of Thomas & Mary Field, 7 June. Martha, dau. of Willm & Mary Brunsdon, 2 1 June. Edwd: son of Edwd Keap jun. & Elizabeth, 13 Sept. John, son of William & Sarah Frogley, 7 Nov. 56 The Register of Sarah, dau. of George & Mary Adams, 28 Feb. John, son of Richd & Anne Dry, 2 1 Mar, Next page blank. 1742. Amelia, dau. of W" Brown (John) (sic) & Anne, 1 1 Ap. Mary, dau. of Robt & Anne Belcher, 4 July. Frances, dau. of Thomas & Mary Field, 8 July. Thomas, son of Willm & Mary Brunsdon, 24 Nov. Francis, son of Francis & Maria Belcher, 28 Nov. Edwd: son of Francis & Martha Sherd, 16 Jan. Martha, dau. of John & Sarah Shepherd, 23 Jan. 1743- William, son of Thomas & Mary Field, 7 Aug. Mary, dau. of Richd & Anne Dry, 1 1 Sept. Sarah, dau. of William & Mary Brunsdon, 11 Dec. 1744. William, son of Daniel & Anne Warner, 25 Mar. John, son of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, 5 Aug. Miriam, dau. of W" Brown (John) & Anne, 7 Oct. Sarah, dau. of John & Sarah Shepherd, 17 Feb. Maria, dau. of Francis & Maria Belcher, 3 Mar. 1745- Mary, dau. of Francis & Martha Sherd, 14 Ap. William, son of John & Mary Wiblen, 10 Sep. Martha, dau. of Willm & Mary Brunsdon, 29 Sept. Betty, dau. of Daniel & Anne Warner, 6 Oct. William, son of Robt & Anne Belcher, i Dec. James, son of William & Mary Grove, illegible, cut. John, son of Rich"^ & Anne Dry, 27 Dec. James, son of Edwd Keap jun. & Elizabeth, 9 Mar. 1746. Henry, son of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, i June. Martha, dau. of Edding Light & Martha, i June. Daniel, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, 13 July. Willm, son of Willm Frogley jun. & Martha, 12 Oct. John, son of Francis & Maria Belcher, 4 Jan. 1747- John, son of John & Mary Alder, 16 Aug. I)enchworth, Berks. 57 Mary, dau. of John &: Anne Robertson, 23 Aug. Martha, dau. of Edding Light & Martha, 1 1 Oct. Thomas, son of Francis & Maria Belcher, 7 Feb. (In modern ink : 1759 James ye son of William Grove «& Mary his wife baptd.) 1748. Thomas, son of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, 26 June. Martha, dau. of Richd & Anne Dry, 1 1 Sep. Mary, dau. of John & Amelia Heading, 27 Nov. Joseph, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Seery, 22 Jan. Joseph, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, 19 Mar. Sarah, dau. of John & Ann Robertson, 19 Mar. 1749. Jamefs, son of Willm Grove jun. & Mary, 9 Ap. Sarah, dau. of Edward & Martha Light, 23 Ap. 1750- William, son of John & Catherine Brown of Hanny, i April. Thomas, son of William & Mary Brunsdon, 1 Nov. James, son of Samuel & Rachel Lindsay born Dec. 25, bapt, 27 Dec. On blank side. The Reverend Francis Lernoult, Fellow of Wadham College Oxon, Vicar, 1750. 1750- William, the son of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, born Jan, 16, bapt. 20 Jan. James, son of John & Ann Robertson, bom 22 Jan., bapt. 27 Jan. William, son of William & Mary Belcher, born 23 Feb. bapt. 3 Mar. 1751- Martha, dau. of WiUiam & Mary Attiwell, 7 Ap. Benjamin, son of John & Sarah Shepherd, born 9, bp. 16 June. Anne, dau. of Richard & Anne Dry, born i July, bp. 28 July. John, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, born 5 Aug., bp. 1 1 Aug. Elizabeth, dau. of William «S: Mary Grove, born 17 Dec, bp. 22 Dec. 1752. New Style begins. Sarah, ye dau. of Edward & Ann Wells, born 9 Feb., bp. 16 Feb. Sarah, dau. of Francis & Maria Belcher, bn. Sep. 20, bp. i Oct. Ann, dau. of John & Ann Robertson, bn. 23 Oct., bp. 29 Oct. Mary, dau. of Henr}' & Elizabeth Shur)', bn. 19 Jan., bp. 21 Jan. 58 The Register of 1753- Anne, dau. of William & Mary Brunsdon, bn. ir, bap, 29 July. John, son of VVillm & Mary Belcher, bn. Aug. 5, bp. 19 Aug. John, son of Willm & Mary Groves, born 6 Sep., bap. 9 Sep. Martha, dau. of John & Mary Alder, born 3 Oct., bp. 14 Oct. Jane, dau. of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, born Nov. 23, bp. 25 Nov. Elizabeth, dau. of Francis & Maria Belcher, born 15 Jan. 1754, bp. 27 Jan. 1754. Ann, dau. of Eding & Martha Light, born 2 July, bp. 7 July. Charlotte, dau. of Henry & Martha Yate?, born 27 July, bp. 11 Aug. Joseph & Benjamin, twin sons of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, born 28 Jan. 1755, bp. 2 Feb. 1755- Ann, dau. of Samuel & Rachael Linsey, born 20, bp. 27 July. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Ann Robertson, born 23 Aug., bp. 31 Aug. William, son of William & Sarah Barns born 15, bp. 26 Oct. William, son of William & Mary Grove, born 11, bp. 14 Dec. 1756. Richard, son of Eding & Martha Light, born n, bap. 14 Mar. Sarah, dau. of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, born 28 Mar., bp. 4 Ap. William, son of William & Jane Onion, bp. 4 June. Joseph, son of William & Mary Brunsdon, bp. Jan. 6, 1757. 1757- David, son of John & Ann Robinson, bap. i May. Ann, dau. of Jo'^eph & Bettey Searey, bap. 15 May. Mary, dau. of William & Jane Onion, bap. 15 May. Benjamin & James, twin sons of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, 22 May. Mary, dau. of Bernard & Mary Green, 7 Aug. 1758. John, son of Samuel & Rachel Linsey, 1 7 Feb. Elizabeth, dau. of Aiding & Martha Light, 26 Feb. John, son of William & Jane Onion, 27 Aug. Mary, dau. of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 22 Oct. 1759- Sarah, dau. of William & Mary Grove, 18 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 59 Ann, dau. of John & Ann Robinson, i Ap. Martha, dau. of Bernard & Mary Green, 18 Nov. 1 760. Mary, dau. of John & Ann Ludgrove, 21 Sep. Martha, dau. of Ann & John Robinson, 25 Dec. 1761. Samuel, son of Samuel & Rachael Lindsay, 3 May. Edward, son of William «& Jane Onion, 31 May. Amelia, dau. of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 8 Nov. 1762. John, son of John & Ann Ludgrove, bap. privately 21 Feb., brought to church 7 Mar. James, son of Henry & Elizabeth Shury, 19 Sep. 1763. Benjamin, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 1 6 Jan. Martha, dau. of W™ & Mary Grove, 1 1 Sep. 1764. Sarah, dau. of James & Sarah Roberts, 18 Mar. John, son of John &i Ann Roberts, 4 Mar. Charles, son of John & Ann Logrove, 8 July. 1765. Bernard, son of Bernard & Mary Green, 10 Feb. John, son of John & Sarah Lord, 17 Mar. Martha, dau. of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 28 Ap. William, son of Samuel & Rachel Linsey, i Sept. 1766 none. 1767. Richard, son of John & Sarah Lord, 25 Jan. William, son of John & Hannah Bedwell, 17 May. 1768. Rachael, dau. of Samuel & Rachael Lindsay, 1 7 Jan Jacob, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 1 7 Ap. 6o The Register of 1769. Ann, dau. of William & Maria Alder, 30 Ap. Martha, dau. of William & Ann Broad, 30 July. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Martha Manly, 27 Aug. William, son of John & Sarah Lord, 15 Oct. Francis, son of John & Elizabeth Sheard. 1770. William, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 30 Sep. Joseph &\ sons of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 29 Oct. Benjamin f Thomas, son of William & Martha Manley, 25 Nov. 1771. Jacob, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 29 Sep. Ann, dau. of W"* & Maria Alder, 10 Nov. Joseph &\^ children of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 8 Dec. Mary \ 1772. Sarah, dau. of John <& Martha Frogley, 28 Ap. James, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 25 Oct. On blank page. 1771. Ann, dau. of Will" & Mary Clark, 2 June. Sarah May, dau. of Sarah Shepherd, a Singel Woman, i July. 1773- Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Mary Collins, 27 June. Martha, dau. of John & Martha Frogley, 15 Aug. Thomas, son of John & Mary Barker, 22 Aug. Martha, dau. of James & Martha Strong, 26 Sept. William, son of William & Martha Manley, 3 Oct. Sarah, dau. of Edward & Mary Keep, 14 Nov. Sarah, dau. of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 19 Dec. 1774. Sarah, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barret, 3 Ap. William, son of William & Maria Alder, i May. Edward, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 29 Dec. Denchworth^ Berks. 6i 1775- On blank page. Henry Bright, Master of Arts and Chaplain of New College Oxford became Vicar of Denchworth, Nov. 5, 1775. John, son of John & Martha Frogley, 5 Mar. Sarah, dau. of John & Hannah Bookker, 12 Mar. Sarah, dau. of James & Martha Strong, ig Mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barrett, 6 Aug. Mary, dau. of John & Mary Back. . . , 30 Oct. 1776. Martha, dau. of William & Martha Manley, 14 Ap. William, son of John & Martha Frogley, bapt. privately 2 June, received 25 June. John, son of John & Hannah Booker, 1 1 Aug. Mary, dau. of Edward & Mary Keep, 15 Sept. William, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, bap. priv. i Dec, received 29 Dec. James, son of John & Mary Booker, 8 Dec. 1777. Martha, dau. of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 2 Mar. Charlotte, dau. of James & Martha Strong, 6 Ap. Hannah, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barrett, 1 1 May. James, son of John & Martha Frogley, 9 Sep. John, son of Will™ & Meriah Alder, 24 Aug. Mary, dau. of William & Mary Clark, 14 Sep. Hanah, dau. of Ann Seary, single woman, 25 Oct. Mary, dau. of Will" & Martha Manly, 26 Dec. 1778. Edward, son of Edward &,Mary Keep, 12 Feb. John, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 8 Mar. Joseph, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shury, 21 June. Hannah, dau. of John & Hannah Booker, 11 Oct. Martha, dau. of Joshua & Ann Stalard, 27 Dec. 1779. Mary, dau. of John & Martha Frogley, bap. priv. 17 Jan. rec** 14 Feb. Martha, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barrret, 14 Feb. Fanny \ daus. of John & Elizabeth Sheard, bap. priv. 14 Feb. } Anne j Fanny was received 21 Feb. 62 The Register of James, son of James & Martha Strong, 25 Ap. Mary, dau. of John & EHzabeth Belcher, 27 June. EUzabeth, dau. of Edward & Mary Keep, baptised 18 July, received 8 Aug. John, son of George & Ann Champ, 19 Sep. 1780. Thomas, son of John & Martha Frogley, bap. priv. 30 Mar, received 27 April. James, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurrey, 2 July. John, son of William & Mary Clark, 6 Aug. Martha, dau. of Joseph & Ann Stallard, 6 Aug. Edward, son of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 20 Aug. William, son of John & Hannah Booker, 5 Nov. 1781. Elizabeth, dau. of James & Martha Strong, 2 1 Jan. Martha, dau. of William & Maria Alder, 28 Jan. Edward, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 21 Feb. Thomas, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 25 Feb. Richard, son of Richard cS; Sarah Barret, 1 1 Mar. George, son of George & Ann Champ, 13 May. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Martha Frogley, 16 Aug. 1782. John, son of Sarah Butcher, a singlewoman, 3 Feb. John, son of Richard & Jane Woodly, \ 7 Mar. Mary, dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurrey, 2 June. Thomas, son of John & Hannah Booker, 16 June. James, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 6 Oct. Israel, son of John & Martha Frogley, 13 Oct. William, son of William & Catherine Belcher, 13 Oct. Rachel, dau. of Mary Alder, a singlewoman, 27 Oct. Mary, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barret, 24 Nov. 1783. Elizabeth, dau. of Henery & Margaret Stallerd, 2 Mar. James, son of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 30 Mar. Betty, dau of Thomas & Elizabeth Belcher, 21 Sep. Ann, dau. of Thomas & Mary Broad, 5 Oct. 1784. Mary, dau. of James & Martha Strong, 4 Jan. Denchworthf Berks. 63 Thomas, son of William & Maria Alder, 8 Feb. Charlotte, dau. of Richard & Jane Woodly, 22 Feb. William, son of Josuah & Ann Stallard, 22 Feb. William, son of Richard & Sarah Barret, 28 Mar. 1784. Mary, dau. of John & Hannah Booker, 25 April. Richard, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 30 May. Thomas, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 30 May. William, son of James & Sarah Shurey, 18 July. Richard, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 29 Aug. Ann, dau. of John & Martha Frogley, 26 Dec. 1785- Joseph, son of Richard & Jane HoUiday, 20 Feb. William, son of William & Martha Frogley, born 28 June, bap. 3 July. Fanney, dau. of John & Hannah Booker, 23 Oct. John, son of William & Catherine Belcher, 27 Nov. 1786. Ann, dau. of John & Elizabeth Onion, 8 Jan. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 16 Ap. Jane, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barrat, 16 Ap. William, son of John & Betty Sheard, 30 Ap. Elizabeth, dau. of Josuah & Ann Stallard, 20 May. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Mary Broad, 8 Oct. Joseph, son of John & Martha Frogley, 29 Oct. Richard, son of Richard & Jane Woodley, 1 7 Dec. Elizabeth, dau. of James & Sarah Shurey, 24 Dec. 1787. Robert, son of Mgry Fuller, a Single woman, 4 Mar. Mary, dau. of Richard & Jane Holliday, 4 Mar. Mary, dau. of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 25 Mar. Maria, dau. of John & Mary Tichiner, 29 Ap. John, son of William & Sarah Holliday, 20 May. John, son of John & Elizth : Rouss, 29 July. Henry, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 9 Sept. William, son of John & Elizabeth Onion, 2 1 Oct. Prudent, dau. of John & Hannah Booker, 23 Dec. 1788. Sarah,' dau. of William & Catherine Belcher, 9 Mar. 64 The Register of Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 23 Mar. Thomas, son of John & Mary Broad, 20 Ap. Martha, dau. of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 4 May. Betty, dau. of Mary Ludgrove, singlewoman, 15 June. John, son of William & Elizabeth Alder, 31 Aug. John, son of William & Sarah HoUiday, 12 Oct. 1789. Ann, dau. of Richard & Sarah Barrat, 25 Jan. Ann, dau. of James & Sarah Shurey, 8 Mar. James, son of Richard & Jane Woodley, 22 Mar. Elenar, dau. of John & Mary Tichiner, 21 June. James, son of John & Hannah Booker, 8 Aug. William, son of John & Sarah Lord, 8 Aug. Lidea, dau. of Amelia Wheeler, a singel woman, 20 Sep. Thomas, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 7 Oct. Richard, son of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 22 Nov. 1790. Francis, son of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 14 Feb. William, son of Richard & Jane Holliday, 21 Feb. Ann, dau. of John & Elizabeth Rous, 28 Mar. Mary dau. of William & Catherine Belcher, 9 May. 1791. Thomas, son of William & Elizabeth Alder, 16 Jan, Mary, dau. of Thomas & Sarah Tuck, 16 Jan. Henery, son of John & Hannah Booker, 15 May. Joseph, son of William & Catherine Belcher, 24 July. Thomas, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 18 Sep. Richard, son of William & Sarah Holliday, 25 Sep. 1792. William, son of John & Mary Tichiner, 22 Jan. Charles, son of James & Sarah Shurey, 26 Feb. William, son of Joshua & Ann Stallard, 4 Mar. Martha, dau. of John & Mary Brood, 11 Mar. Salley, dau. of John & Ann Kimber, i Ap. Mary, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, 13 May. Thomas, son of John & Elizabeth Rouss, 13 May. Harreyat, dau. of John & Elizabeth Belcher, 20 May. Rachel, dau. of Elizabeth Manley, Singel woman, 17 June. Richard, son of Richard & Jane Holliday, 15 July. Janney, dau. of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 14 Oct. Denchworth, Berks. 65 1793- Cathrine, dau. of William & Catherine Belcher, 14 Ap. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Elizabeth Alder, 28 Ap. James, son of Amelia Wheeler, Single Woman, 19 May. William, son of William & Martha Keep, baptised 20 Oct. Israel, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 10 Nov. Elizabt^th, dau. of John & Hannah Booker, 17 Nov. Mary, dau. of John & Ann Kimber, 17 Nov. 1794. Job, son of Richard & Jane Woodey, 2 Feb. John, son of Ann Alder, Single Woman of West Challow, 23 Feb. William, son of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, 28 Feb. John, son of John & Elizabeth Onion, 9 Mar. Ann, dau. of John & Mary Walter, 22 June. Sarah, dau. of Elizabeth Grundey, Single Woman, 22 June. William, son of Thomas & Sarah Tuck, 7 Sep. TT • [daus. of James & Mary Hains, 5 Oct. Richard, son of William & Catherine Belcher, 2 1 Dec. 1795- Eleanor, dau. of James & Sarah Shurey, 8 Feb. Isaac, son of William & Sarah Holliday, 22 Mar. John, son of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 5 Ap. Mary, dau. of William & Martha Keep, 10 May. Richard, son of John & Elizabeth Rouse, 24 May. Elizabeth, dau. of James & Sarah Keep, 21 June. Jane Elizabeth, dau. of John Ann Kimber (sic), 15 Nov. Stephen, son of John Marey Tichiner (sic), 29 Nov. 1796. Sarah, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, 7 Feb. Martha, dau. of William & Catherine Belcher, 13 Mar. Thomas, son of Elizabeth Belcher, 3 Ap. John, son of Thomas & Sarah Tuck, 8 May. Ann, dau. of James & Mary Haines, 8 May. Thomas, son, of Richard & Jane Holleday, 28 Aug. Ann, dau. of John Hannah Booker (sic), 28 Aug. William, son of John Ann Cartar, 13 .Nov. James, son of William & Martha Keep, 20 Nov. 1797. James, son of William & Elizabeth Alder, 1 9 Feb. E 66 The Register of Martha, dau. of James & Sarah Keep, 03 Ap. William, son of John & Hannah Davis, 7 May. Miriam, dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth Shurey, 7 May. William, son of James & Mary Haines, 03 July. 1798. Martha, dau. of John & Ann Kimber, 7 Jan. William, son of John & Marey Walter, 25 Feb. John, son of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, i Mar. 1798 Walt Baptized at Little Coxwell. Matilda, dau. of William & Martha Grainger, 25 Mar. Danil, son of Thomas & Marey Shepard, 25 Mar. Lidea, dau. of John & Marey Tichiner, 22 Ap. Sarah, dau. of William & Martha Keep, 13 May. George, son of James & Marey Haines, 30 Sep. Elisa, dau. of John & Hannah Daves, 30 Sep. Ann, dau. of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 7 Oct. Dina, dau. of John & Elizabeth Rouss, 21 Oct. Hannah, dau. of John & Ann Booker, 11 Nov. Harrat, dau. of Thomas & Ann Milsom, 29 Nov. Sophia, dau. of Marey Shard, Singel woman, 20 Dec. 1799. Fanney, dau. of Elizabeth Belcher, 24 Feb. Sarah, dau. of Martha Strong, 14 Ap. Mercy, dau. of Joseph & EUzabeth Shurey, 19 May. John, son of John & Ann Cartar, 14 July. James, son of James & Sarah Keep, 4 Aug. Benjamin, son of William & Catrine Belcher, 1 1 Aug. Ann, dau. of William & Sarah Holleday, 1 5 Dec. 1800. Susanna, dau. of John & Ann Kimber, 12 Jan. James, son of Richard & James Holleday, 2 Mar. Ester, dau. of William & Martha Keep, 9 Mar. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Hannah Daves, 20 Ap. Emm, dau. of William & Elizabeth Alder, 8 June. James, son of James & Mary Haines, 13 July. Elizabeth Price, dau. of John & Elizabeth Frogly, 28 Sep. 1801. Hannah, dau. of Thomas & Sarah Tuck, 4 Jan. Elizabeth Shipprey, dau. of Thomas & Ann Milsom, 8 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 67 Persilia, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, 8 Feb. William, son of William & Marey Alder, 15 Feb. Rachil, dau. of Thomas & Mary Shepard, 22 Feb. James, son of John & Ann Booker, 22 Feb. Ann, dau. of John & Hannah Daves, 26 July. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Mary Carter, 16 Aug. John, son of Marey Barcker, singel woman, 16 Aug. John, son of John & Beett Frogley, 6 Sep. 1802. John, son of James & Sarah Keep, 10 Jan. James, son of William & Martha Keep, 7 Feb. Marey, dau. of Thomas & Martha Wiblin, 2 1 Mar. Elizabeth, dau of William &r Chariot Frogley, 17 Ap. John, son of John & Ann Kimber, 4 July. Francis, son of Thomas & Martha Belcher, 22 Aug: Marey, dau. of John & Ann Carter, 1 2 Sep. James, son of John & Elizabeth Roous, 19 Sep. Maria, dau. of William & Marey Alder, 3 Oct. Jane, dau. of Thomas & Ann Milsom, 9 Dec. 1803. Harrat, dau. of James & Sarah Keep, 30 Jan. William, son of John & Hannah Davis, 20 Feb. 1803. Ann, dau. of John & Bett Frogley, 3 April. Thomas, son of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, 3 April. Charles, son of James & Marey Haines, i May. Sarah, dau. of William & Marey Carter, 22 May. William, son of William & Chariot Frogley, 26 June. Martha, dau. of Thomas & Mary Shepard, 17 July. James, son of Martha Strong, singel woman, 2 1 Aug. Charls, son of William & Elizabeth Alder, 16 Oct. 1804. Elizabarth, dau. of William & Martha Keep, 1 2 Feb. John, son of John & Hannah Davis, 11 Mar, Richard, son of William & Marey Alder, 30 Mar. Reuben, son of Sarrah Wilkens, singel woman, 13 May. Lucy, dau. of John & Ann Carter, i July. (John Radcliffe, Curate.) Richarda, dau. of John & Beett Frogley, 2 Sep. Miriem, dau. of William & Ann Boocker, 30 Sep 6^ The Register of Sarrah, dau. of Thomas & Martha Wiblin, 14 Oct. Jane Elizabeth, dau. of John & Ann Kimber, 19 Dec. 1805. Leuiza 0 ^j^u. ot Thomas & Ann Milsom, 27 Jan. Edward, son of William & Martha Keep, 1 7 Feb. Marey, dau. of William & Marey Carter, 30 Mar. Richard, son of Richard & Elizabarth Lord, 10 Mar. Elizabarth, dau. of John & Hannah Davis, 10 Nov. 1806. Marey, dau. of John & Beett Frogly, 26 Mar. William, son of William & Martha Granger, 20 Ap. Jemima, dau. of John & Mary Tichiner, 25 May. James, son of John & Ann Kimber, 10 Aug. Sarrah, dau. of Francis & Marey Poureton, 8 Sep. John, son of WilUam & Ann Booker, 21 Sep. William, son of John & Eliabarth Routs (Rous), 12 Oct. Marey, dau. of John & Ann Booker, 9 Nov. Elizabeth, dau. of Edward & Elizabeth Keep, born 24 Nov, baptised 30 Nov. Isral? son of William & Martha Keep, 25 Dec. 1807. Mary, dau. of John & Hannah Daves, i Mar. Susan, dau. of William & Marey Carter, 15 Mar. William, son of Marey Shard, singel womman, 5 Ap. Thomas, son of Thomas & Martha Kimber, 24 May. John, son of Edward & Elizabeth Shard, 30 May. John, son of Thomas & Martha Wiblin, 23 Aug. Carline, dau. of John & Beet Frogley, 22 Sep. Elizaberth, dau. of John & Ann Chartiar, 4 Oct. Thomas, son of Edward & Elizabeth Keep, 25 Dec. William, son of William & Ann Booker, 27 Dec. Stephen, son of Benjamin & Phoebe Stroud, bn. 22 Mar., baptised 24 April. Elizabeth, dau. of Leonard & Mary Church, born 24 May, baptised 5 June. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, born 26 May, baptised 5 June. Denchworth, Berks. 69 Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Booker, born 7 Aug., baptised 14 Aug. Sarah, dau. of John & Hannah Davis, born 10 Sept., baptised g Oct. Edward, son of Edward & Elizabeth Keep, born 13 Dec, baptised 18 Dec. 1809. Hannah, dau. of Thomas & Mary Shepherd, born 14 Jan., baptised 15 Jan. John, son of John & Ann Booker, born 8 Feb., baptised 12 Feb. Richard, son of John & EHzabeth Frogley of Little Denchworth born 23 Jan., bapt. ig Feb. (Edward Nicholson, Curate.) Charles, son of William & Mary Carter, born 23 April, baptised 7 May. William, son of John & Anne Kimber, born 10 June, baptised 18 June. Noah, son of William & Martha Keep, born 30 June, baptised 9 July. Richard, son of William & Anne Booker, born 24 Aug., baptised 3 Sept. John, son of Richard & Anne Maria Woodley, born 1 1 Oct., baptised 15 Oct. Mary, dau. of Benjamin & Phoebe Stroud, born 7 Feb., baptised II Feb. Henry, son of Leonard & Mary Church, born 21 Mar., baptised 25 Mar. Charles, son of Edward & Elizabeth Keep, born 13 April, bapt. 15 April. Henry, son of Thomas & Martha Wyblin, born 3 June, baptised 10 June. Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Martha Kimber, born 22 June, bapt. 24 June. Anne, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Booker, born 22 July, bapt. 29 July, Sarah, dau. of John & Hannah Davies, born & bapt. 5 Aug. James, son of Henry & Mary Rutland, born 11 Sept., bapt. 16 Sept. Maria, dau. of John & Elizabeth Frogley of Little Denchworth, born 24 Sept., bapt. 7 Oct. Anne, dau. of John & Susannah Cooke of Circott, born & bap. 14 Oct. Charlotte, dau. of George & Mary Cupps of Chaddleworth, born 23 Oct., bap. 28 Oct. Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Sarah Lay, born 3 Dec, bapt. 9 Dec. ^<} The Register of Anne, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth Lord, born 5, bap. lo Mar. Aaron, son of William & Martha Keep, born 7, bap. 10 Mar. Susannah, dau. of Edward & Elizabeth Keep, born 24, bap. 30 June. Charles, son of William & Anne Booker, born 8 July, bp. 1 1 Aug. Sarah, dau. of Richard & Eleanor Stone, born 19, bap. 20 Oct. Mary, dau. of William & Elizabeth Frogley, born 7, bap. 10 Nov. Ann, illegitimate dau. of Harriet Harper of Denchworth & James Bishop of Burford, born 16, bap. 25 Dec. Mary, dau. of John &Mary Godding of Circott, born 30 Dec, 181 1, baptised 19 Jan., 181 2. Abraham, son of William & Mary Carter, born & bap., 26 Jan. Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Phosbe Stroude, born 16, bap. 22 Mar. John, son of Benjamin & Sarah Lay, born 14, bap. 21 June. Maria, illegitimate dau. of Mary Sheard, single woman, born 15 Mar., bap. 28 June. Ann, dau. of Thomas & Martha Kimber, born 22, bap. 26 July. Aaron, son of William & Rose Gills, born 3^"^, bapt. 23 Aug. Charles, son oi Thomas & Hannah Alder, born 9, bap. 23 Aug. James, son of Henry & Margaret Booker, born 25, bap. 30 Aug. Hannah, dau. of John & Hannah Davis, born i Sept., bap. 6 Sep. John, son of Leonard & Mary Church, born 23, bap. 25 October. Rebecca, dau. of Edward & Ehzabeth Keep, born 2, bap. 18 Dec. 13 blank leaves follow. 1692, Thomas Brown & Miriam Cook, both of Wantage, i May. Thomas Bew of North Heath, & Mary Smart of Harwell, 13 June. Joseph Bayley of Streatly & Mary Alder of the i Aug. Richard Dyer of Hinton & Mary Lawrence of Spersholt, 6 Oct. 1693. John Wiblen of this parish & Ann Wiblen of West Challow, 11 Ap. Daniel Belcher of this parish & Mary Lyford, of North More, i Jan. Stephen Attiwell of Grove in Wantage & Eleanor Alder, 26 Feb. 1694. Joseph Painton Jun' & Jane EUoway, 30 Sep. 1695. Marriages. Robert Belcher & Sarah West, both of Chieveley, 18 Ap. Denchworth, Berks. 71 John Baggs & Susanna Newman, both of Hanney, 20 June. John VVelman & Jane Jackson, 21 Nov. 1696. John Smith & Dorothy TuU, Dec. 1697. James Cox & Ann Wintcrborne, 2 Jan. Note that Joseph Belcher, a Day Labourer, of our parish, & Sarah Baker of ye parish of Marcham were married since a Lady Day last past but not in our parish. Ye tax to ye King, 2 s. 6d. 1698. Aaron Jones of Longworth, a Day Labourer, & Mary Hasel of Childrey. The tax to be paid at Longworth, 16 Jan. 1699. Charles Hughes, husbandman, & Frances Batten, both of Woolson in Uffington. Tax to be paid at Woolson, 23 Ap. Richard Yates of East Lockinge Berks, husbandman, & Thomasine VVellman, 26 Oct. Matthew VVingrove of Hanney, a Day Labourer, & Lydia Onion, 13 Nov. John Pusey, a Day Labourer, of Denchwoith & Mary Philips of Wantage, 13 Feb. 1700. Thomas Patey of Great Faringdon, Hatter, & Mary Fatt of Kingston Lisle, 24 July. 1701. M' John Beale of Lamborn, a chirurgion, & M''^ Martha Geering, 20 Nov. Edward Broadstoacke of Wantage, a meal- man & Mary Barnet of Woodhill, 29 Jan. 1703. Thomas Clarke of West Challow, Labourer, & Eleanor Cuss of Shrivingham, 28 Oct. 1704. William Bond of Marcham, yeoman, & Joan Painton of this parish, 17 Ap. fi The Register of 1705- Mr Nehemiah Lissett of Wantage & M« Sarah Hampe, 19 Oct. William Brunsdon of Lamborne, butcher, & Dorothy Gerrey, 6 Sep. 1706. William Onion, yeoman, & Mary Sherwood, 14 May. Richard Walter & Jane Pusey, 20 Jan. 1707. Thomas Ingram of Kemsford, co. Glouc, & Margery Cripps of Buck- land, Berks, 25 Mar. John Day of Kingston Bagpuiz & Margaret Hanmer of Grove, 4 July. Stephen Slatter of Abingdon, blacksmith, & Jane Strange of Charney, spinster, 19 Feb. 1708. Richard Wellman & Hannah Stone, late of Kingston Bagpuiz, 5 Ap. James Smart, late of this parish, & Frances Tucker of Meinty co. Glouc, 4 Nov. 1709. Charles Philips & Joan Quench, both of Little Hendred, 26 June. John Philips of Biddon & Elizabeth Farmer of Swindon, 7 July. M' John Pigott & M''= Mary Dod, both of West Challow, 31 Aug. 1710. John Belcher & Elizabeth Frogley, both of Wantage, 7 Nov. 1711. Samuel Wright of North-Leach of North com Gloc & Elizabeth Roe of Childrey, 8 Oct. John Whiting of East Hanney & Elizabeth Rouch of Letcombe Regis, 25 Oct. Richard Rivers of Wantage & Elizabeth Taylor of Letcombe Regis, 5 Feb. 1712. Edward Scarlet & Mary Pusey, 30 Oct. Tho : Barns & Mary Mills, 27 Feb. ifenchworth, Berks. *J^ 1713- John Cox of Harspury, co. Gloc, & Mary Wiblin of this p., 13 Ap. The : Bush & Elizabeth Holmes, 27 Aug. 1714. Elias Stiffe & Sarah Petit, both of Lamborne, 26 July. William Chapman of Letcombe Regis, & Sarah Adams of Wantage, 7 Oct. William Grove & Sarah Moore, 10 Oct. William AUman of Burcot, Oxon, & Mary Burghess of this p., 8 Nov. Goodman Essex of Newbury & M Ely of Wantage, Nov. 1715- George Brooker of Chilton & Mary Geree of Locking, 27 Mar. Mr John Turner of Kempscott, Oxon, & M""^ Mary Wilson of this p., 14 July. William Belcher of Kingston Bagpuiz & Mary Bird of Great Hendred, 14 Oct. Bartholomew Dew of Blewberry & Bathshebah Belcher, 1 2 Feb. 1716. William Hughes of Great Challow in Letcombe Regis & Judith Eustace of Wantage, 22 Ap. Samuel Dicker of Harwell & Mary Taylor of Radley, 31 July. John Collins of Frilford & Dorothy Tubb of Wantage, 2 Aug. Francis Paine of W. Hendred & Mary Martin of E. Hendred, 12 Aug. M' Henry Turner of Kelmscott, Oxon, & Mrs. Martha Geering, 4 Mar. 1717. Adam Lawrence & Hannah Wakefield, both of Gt. Challow, no date. Rich"! Wallington of Little Challow & Ann Thatcher of Letcombe Regis, I Aug. John Wodam of Wantage & Mary Griffin of Reading, 2 1 Aug. 1718. William Field & Margaret Bosier, 4 May. Francis Mulcock & Ann Woodwards, 18 June. John Cooper of Farmborough & Ann Sheward of Combe, 7 July. William Webb & Sarah Hasel, both of Wantage, July. William Eustace & Mary Vesey, both of G. Challow, Oct. ^4 "The Register of William Lake of Lamborne & Elizabeth Spoakes of Wantage, 12 Oct. John Vickars of Sutton Courtney & Ann Goodman of Eynsham, 28 Dec. 1719. William Stait of Wantage & Martha Yates of Standford, 5 April. Nathaniel Smith & Jane Robinson, both of Radley, 10 Mar. Christopher Lewis of Woodhill & Anne Eustace of G. Challow, 18 May. 1719. Thomas Stybbs of Shellingford & Ann Batten of Tulwick, 18 May. Thomas Stickland of Oxford & Martha Allen of Hanney, 26 May. Zechariah Gyles & Sarah Cooke, 2 Aug. Thomas Williams of Longcott & Mary Shilton of Standford, i Oct. John Field of Charney & Ann Wicks of West-Court, 8 Oct. William Alder & Elizabeth Kedden, 4 Dec. 1 720. Walter Collins of Standford & Mary Collins of South More, 1 1 June. Benjamin Haines of Burford & Hannah TuU of Grove in Wanting, 27 Dec. 1721. The Rev^ M' Anthony Hall, Rector of Hampton Powell, in ye county of Oxon, & M" Margaret Hudson of Garford, in ye Parish of Marcham in ye County of Berks, widow, 29 May. 1722. Thomas Sanders of West Hendred & Anne Bartholmew of the same* 26 Aug. 1723. George Burges of Hanney & Mary Belcher of Denchworth, 15 June. Richard Kislingberry & Jane Alder, 5 Nov. 1725. M' James Smith of London & M'^ Mary Geering of Denchworth, 14 Oct. Alexander Newe & Jane Warner, 2 7 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. ^^ 1728. John Martin & Anne Clement, both of Wartinge, 2 June. Edward Goodenough & Anne Frogley, 24 Nov. 1729. Thomas Hawkins of East Challow & Mary Andrews of Dench- worth, 4 Ap. M*^ Edward Tousey of Wantage & M" Sarah Geering of this p., 31 July. 1730. Charles Carter of Childrey & Joan Whitock of this p., 6 Oct. Thomas Willis of Wantage & Martha Fox of this p., 28 Feb. Benjamin Hatton & Ann Wyt, 8 Mar. 1732. John Wiblin & Mary Wellman, 1 1 Ap. John Wicks of West Chalow & Ursula Golden of East Chalow, 14 May. John Shepherd & Sarah Wellman, 1 7 Dec, William Faulkner of Stanford & Ann Wellman, 26 Dec. Thomas Baker & Mary Moulden, both of Wantage, 7 Feb. John Alder & Mary Wayeman, 7 Feb. 1734- Francis Claridge of Great Fawley & Hester Pocock of Compton, 7 Oct. Elizabeth Belcher of Denchworth & Owen Hewett of Stanford, 27 Jan. 1735- George Adams of Harwell & Mary Alder, 3 Aug. Edward Herbert & Mary Baker, both of Wantage, 1 2 Oct. 1736. Richard Dry & Anne Alder, 25 Aug. 1737- Gabriel Parker of North Moor, co. Oxon, & Deborah Alder, 21 July. William Tuff of Highworth, Wilts, & Jane Coldrey, 9 Oct. ^6 The Register of 1738 none. 1739- M' Ednaund Stevens of London & M" Mary Sawle of Hanney, 25 Dec. M' John Robins of Wantage & M""^ Mary Wiblin of this p., 14 Jan. 1740. William Belcher & Mary Heading, 29 Dec. 1741. Thomas Simmonds of Witney & Mary Bohun of Bucklan, 23 Sep. Thomas Combs of Witney & Frances Collier of the same, 23 Sep. 1742. Michael Trimnel of Malmesbury, Wilts, & Mary Coomb of Bucklan, 1 May. James Jones of Longworth & Elizabeth Hicks of this p., 10 May. William Warner of Winterborn, Berks, & Mary Bew of the same, 2 Sep. 1745. William Frogley, jun., & Martha Heading, 18 Nov. 1746. Edding Light & Martha Keep, 20 Ap. John Robertson & Ann Flurry, 5 Oct. 1747- Joseph Allen of Grove & Susannah Matthews of Denchworth, 3 Jan. John Heading of Denchworth & Amelia Matthews of Wantage, 15 Feb. 1748. Joseph Williams of Wantage & Sarah Heading of Southcott in this p., 7 June. John Woodbridge of Charney & Martha Robertson 1 1 Aug. John Green & Elizabeth Rolls, 6 Oct. 1750- Joseph Sadler of Garsington, co. Oxford, & Mary Moulden of Little Wittenham, Berks, Lie, 18 Oct. Denckivorfh, Berks. yy 1751- Jacob Wheeler & Mary Crisslebury, 1 1 Feb. 34-1 blank pp. In Vol. Ill only. 1672. Burials. Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas & Elizab : Smart, 1 1 June. 1673, William, son of Francis & Ann Belcher, 18 May. Robert Cox, 20 Sep. Ester Dowling, 27 Sep. Richard, son of William Belcher, 2 Jan. 1674. Vol. II. 1675. None. 1676. Ann, wife of Thomas Wiblen, 4 July. Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas Smart, 4 Dec. Jane, wife of Richard Pusey, 24 Dec. Henry Daniel, 26 Dec. Bridgett, wife of John Pusey, 4 Feb. 1677. John Dowling, 8 May. Ann, dau. of Willm Alder, 3 June. Catherine Pusey, 21 June. John Frogley, 4 July. 1679. (Vol. II.) 1683. Joan, wife of Richard Walter, 16 May. Jane, wife of Henry Jackson, 9 June. Mary, wife of John Alder, 14 June. Burials. Vol. III. 1636 to 1690 in both Vols. Last 2 years rather confused. 1690. . . . Cut. . . buried, Aug. 28. jS The Register of . . . Milner, Vicar of Denchworth, buried 14 Oct. Christian Frogley, 22 Oct. M' Gregory Geering, 8 Jan. Richard, son of John Symons, 20 Jan. 1691. Mary, wife of Richard Arnold, 26 Mar. Mary Hazelgrove, i Ap. Francis Playsterer, 23 July. 1692. Mary, wife of John Symons, 31 Mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Willm & Mary Belcher, 23 June. Alexandir Gerrey, 23 Sep. Sarah, dau. of WiUm & Sarah Andrews, 1 1 Mar. 1693. Henry Jackson, 28 Ap. John, son of William & Susanah Frogley, 2 June. Avice, wife of John Alder, Sen"^ 2 Jan. 1694. M's Ann Milner, widow, 3 Sept. Mary, wife of Francir. Attuwell, 8 Sep. Caleb, son of Francis & Alice Taylor, 9 Jan. Jane, wife of William Alder, 6 Feb. 1695. Gregory Ralph, son of Ralph Kedden, Clerk & Vicar of Denchworth, born 29 Ap., 1691, buried 29 May. 1697. Mf Daniel Wib'en, 13 June. M""^ Mary Wiblen, his wife, 15 Dec. Their son & heir M'' William Wiblen paid ye Tax to ye King. Ann, ye wife of Francis Belcher, yeoman, 28 Mar. her husband pays ye 4^ ye Tax due to ye King. William Aldworth, als Alder, was buried 1 1 Ap. and his son William Alder pays ye 4*^ ye tax due to ye King. the said Denchworth, Berks. 79 VVillm Alder, deceased, was a day-Labourer. John Alder, yeoman, 25 Jan. His son, Willm Alder to pay ye Tax. 1699. Edward, the son of M^ Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, 15 May. Jane Pusey, widow. Willm Pusey to pay ye tax, 27 July. William Frogley, yeoman, his son Willm to pay the tax, 10 Oct. Sarah, dau. of VVillm Frogley, yeoman, buried 14 Jan. the tax to be paid by her father ! Mary, dau. of William Payne, yeoman, 19 Jan. the tax to be paid by her father. Susannah, wife of Willm Aldworth, als Alder, a carpenter ; the tax to be paid by her husband, 1 1 Feb. 1700. None. 1701. Catherine, wife of William Alder, yeoman, 3 1 Mar. Thomas Turvey, a pedlar, 31 July. 1702. John Taylor, a Day Labourer, 31 May. John Pusey, yeoman, 10 Feb. James Perry, yeoman, 12 Feb. Joan, wife of Edward Elliot of Lyford Berks, yeoman, 19 Feb. 1703. Mary Lyford, widow, an Almes Woman, 19 Sep. William Belcher, sen"", yeoman, 28 Sep. Martha, wife of Francis Hilton, an Almes Man, 3 Feb. Robert Paxford, cordwainer, 22 Mar. Seen & allowed by us Greg. Geering. Charles Collins. Edw. Sherwood. 1704. Catherine Belcher, wid., 10 May. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Painton, jun.. Day labourer, & Jane, his wife, 28 Nov. Anne, dau. of Rich. Wellman, husb., & Anne, 6 Dec. Anne, wife of Rich. Wellman, husbandman, 8 Dec. Jane, wife of Joseph Painton, Day labourer, 1 2 Feb, TTu Register of 1705- Nicholas Marnes, als Swithin, i May. John Pusey of Waterperry, co. Oxon, 4 June. the said John Pusey was a Servant-man. William, the son of M^^ Ralph Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, & Elizabeth, his wife, 19 Aug. Mary, daw. of William Belcher, a Day-Labourer, & Margaret, his wife, 13 Oct. Dinah, dau. of Willm Belcher, a Day-Labourer, & Bathshebah, his wife, 15 Feb. 1706. William, the son of William Warner of Goosey, in the pTsh. of Stan- ford, a Day-Labourer was buried, June 15. The sd. W'" Warner a child between 8 & 9 years old, was drown'd in Polwick- Pond in ye pish, of Childrey. Andrew Dowling, 1 1 Aug. Mary Paxford, a child, 14 Aug. Sarah, ye dau. of W"" & Bathshebah Belcher, 1 1 Nov. George, the son of the worshipful Gregory Geering, Esq', & Martha his wife, i or 11 Dec. The female child of Daniel Belcher, bur. at Wantage, 20 Jan. Henry Jackson, 9 Feb. 1707. John, son of John & Eliz. Alder, 28 June. Justice, son of Mr Ral. Kedden, Vicar of Denchworth, & Eliz., his wife, 20 Aug. 1708. Alice Frogley, wid., 13 Ap. Anna Paine, 27 May. Joan Painton, 6 Sep. William Alder, 9 Nov. 1709. John, son of Joseph & Ann Painton, 17 Nov. Eliz., dau. of VV" & Mary Attwell, 5 Mar. 1710. Dinah, dau. of W*" & Bathshebah Belcher, 15 Jan. Isobel, dau. of M' Ral. Kedden, clerk, & Eliz., his wife, 26 Feb. Denchworth, Berks. 1711. Mary, dau. of Joseph Belcher of Goosey & Sarah, his wife, 30 May. Joseph, son of W^" Belcher & Bathsheba, i Jan. Elizabeth, dau. of Gregory Geering, Esq., & Martha, 1 2 Aug. Susanna Dowling, widow, 19 Aug. Dorothy, wife of Rich. Tull, 14 Oct. Gregory, the son of M'' William Geering of Hanney, 2 7 Feb. 1712. William Wiblen, 19 June. William Paine, 12 Oct. 1713- Elizabeth Paine, 14 June. 1714. Eleanor, the wife of Stephen Attewell of Grove, 26 Sep. William Andrews, 6 May. Richard Tull, 5 Aug. Francis Hilton, 28 Dec. John Smart, 19 Jan. Richard Walter, 22 Feb. Anne Winterbourne, 12 Mar. Nicholas Smart, 1 1 Aug. Francis Belcher, 21 Feb. M^^ Joan Geering, 7 Mar. James Keepe, 13 July. Mary Stephens, 26 July. Jane Baker, 4 Nov. William Frogley, 24 Ap. Anne Belcher, 6 May. F 1715- 1716, 1717. 1718. 1719. The Register of John Alder, 31 July. M''^ Joan Keate of Hanney, 6 Aug. Thomas Smart, 9 Oct. Joseph Painton, Jun., 7 Nov. Martha Keepe, widow, 13 Nov. John Wellman, Sen', 25 Nov. Sarah, wife of W'" Frogley, 26 Nov. Joan Alder, widow, 3 Dec. M« Elizabeth Kedden, 7 Jan. William Belcher, 9 Jan. Janothan Alder, 22 Jan. William Grove, 27 Jan. Mary Tull, 3 Mar. 1720. James Corderoy, 28 June. M"" John Keate of Hanney, 10 July. Hannah, dau. of Richd Wellman, 12 Nov. Richard Wellman, 30 Nov. Katherine Stevens of Kingston Bagpuze, 26 Jan. 1 721. John, son of Richard & Jane Corderoy, 18 June. Susannah Frogley, 12 Aug. Mary, dau. of John & Sarah Cox of Goozey in Stanford, 3 Oct. Thomas, son of William & Elizabeth Belcher, 29 Dec. Mary Belcher, 3 Jan. No 1722. 1723. Kempster, son of George & Mary Burgess, 22 Sep. M""^ Martha Geering, wife of Gregory Geering, Esq. i Oct. Joan, wife of Francis Belcher, 19 Jan. Philip Barton, Vicar. 1724. Thomas Cowley of Sparsholt, 9 June. Gregory Geering, Esq., 24 July. Alice, dau. of William & Dorothy Brunsdon, 1 2 Aug. Richard Walter, 9 Nov. Joseph Belcher of Goosey, 18 Dec. Alice Gerrey, 1 7 Feb. Denchworth^ Berks. 83 1725- William Alder, 24 Dec. 1726. William Brunsdon, i May. Sarah Andrews, 21 May. Edward Elliot, 21 June. Anne Wiblin, widow, 1 7 Aug. Martha, wife of W"' Frogley, 1 2 Sep. 1727. Thomas Alder, 1 1 May. Gregory Geering, Esq., 16 Mar. William Alder, Sen% 30 Ap. Joseph Painton, 28 Oct. 1728. 1729. William Alder, 15 May. Alice Puscy, wid., 14 July. M' William Wiblin, 8 Mar. 1730- Daniel Alder, a young man, 26 Ap. William Belcher of Goosey, 5 Nov. Mary Keates of Hanney, i Dec. 1731- Richard Wellman, 9 Sep. Isaac Cullum of Goosey, 4 Nov. Francis Belcher, an old man, 26 Dec. 1732. Daniel Alder, 1 9 May. Anne Smart, an old woman aged 92, 6 Mar. (not baptised or not entered at Denchworth). 1733- M" . . . Keate of Hanney, 10 July. Martha Painton, 9 Sep. F2 $4 The Register of Daniel Wiblin, 24 Sep. William Belcher, 3 Oct. Elizabeth Warner, 15 Dec. Daniel Belcher, an old man, 20 Dec. 1734. Lazarus, alias Thomas Smith, a stranger, 7 Ap. John Keate of Hanney, a young man, 2 May. A Travelling Girl whose name I cannot learn, 2 June. John Alder, 7 Mar. 1735- Richard Couldry, 7 Ap. Martha Granger of Kingston, 1 7 Oct. Elizabeth Lay of Grove, together with an infant putt into her coffin, 16 Nov. Ann Goodenough, 21 Dec. William Brunsdon, an infant, 1 1 Feb. 1737- Jane Thorn, an old woman, 12 Ap. Martha Granger, a child of Kingston in Sparsholt, 10 July. Mary Attewell, 16 Aug. William Frogley, an old man, 27 Nov. Anne Sherwood, i Feb. Joane Smart, 20 Dec. 1738. M" Mary Wiblin, an old woman, 13 Dec. Anne Painton, a young woman, 30 Jan. 1739- Ann Dickenson, an old woman aged 96, 20 Ap. Elizabeth Warner, 6 May. William Wright, an infant and a stranger, 20 Oct. William Attawell, 3 Jan. 1741. Martha Brunsdon, an infant, 31 Aug. Sarah Belcher of Goosey, 16 Sep. William Warner, an old man, 2 1 Feb. Denchworth^ Berks. 85 1742. John Dry, an infant, 7 Oct. Francis Field, an infant, 25 Oct. Ann Faulkner, of West Challow, 1 2 Dec. Thomas Brunsdon, an infant, 6 Feb. Sophia Scarlet, 20 Feb. 1743- Sarah Frogley of Little Denchworth, 1 1 May. Maria Frogley, a child, 28 July. John Alder of Baukin, 23 Nov. William Geering, Esq., i Mar. 1744. Jonathan Tull, 22 Ap. John Frogley, 7 Nov. Mary Knap of Garford, 5 Feb. Bathsheba Belcher, 3 Mar. 1745- Jane Walter, 31 Mar. John Wellman, an old man, 6 Mar. M" Sophia Rayer of Hanney, 24 Mar. 1746. William Dry of Grove, 9 Nov. 1747- Thomas Sherd, a child, 26 July. Joseph Belcher of Goosey, 5 Aug. Adams, a child, 8 Dec. 1748. M'' Daniel Wiblin, 4 Sep. William Alder, a very old man, 14 Feb. 1749. Mary Keep, 1 1 June. 1750. Elizabeth Whitehorn, 25 Feb. S6 The Re^ster of 1751- Benjamin Shepherd, an infant, 21 June. Margaret Aldworth, an old woman, 26 Oct. Sarah Tull, a widow, 2 1 Oct. 1752. Mary Phelp, wife of John Phelp, 2 1 Sep. William, son of William & Mary Wiblen, 21 Oct. 1753- Jane Walters, a widow, 28 Feb. Mary, wife of William Hedding, 16 Mar. 1754. Ann, dau. of William & Mary Brunsdon, 27 Mar. William Frogley, 26 Mar. Joseph, son of Richard & Catherine Belcher of Goosey, 21 Ap. Ann, dau. of John & Ann Robertson, 8 May. William, son of Thomas & Hannah Rogers of Hackney, 9 June. 1755- Benjamin, son of Henry & Elizabeth Shurey, 16 Feb. Daniel Wiblin, Batchelor, 18 May. William Wiblen, i Aug. Mary Wiblen, 15 July. 1756. 1757- Thomas Mathews, 6 Mar. John Phelps, 11 May. Jane Alder, 22 May. James Shury, an infant, 12 June. Benjamin Shury, an infant, 23 June. Mary, dau. of \V« & Jane Onion, 10 July. William Gregory, 2 Aug. Richard Light, 13 Nov. Joseph Brunsdon, 23 Nov. 1758. Richard Chistenbury, 8 Jan. Martha Yates of Longworth, 5 Nov. Denchworth, Berks. 87 Dorothy Brunsdon, 6 May. Benjamin Hatten, 11 Dec. Mary Scarlett, 16 Nov. 1759- 1760. 1761. Edward Keep, 25 Jan. Elizabeth Alder, 29 Mar. Richard Lewis, 8 May. William Shepherd, 27 Aug. William Heading, i Sep. John Alder, 29 Nov. 1763. James, son of Edward «& Elizabeth Keep, i Mar. Ann Painton, 31 July. Mary Grove, 6 Sep. Martha Grove, infant, 6 Sep. 1764. John Alder, 7 Jan. Thomas Brunsdon, 31 Jan. William Linsey, 3 Mar. Sarah Roberts, 1 1 Mar. Sarah Grove, 13 Mar. Catherine Crew, 19 Mar. Deborah Alder, 8 July. Ann Dry, 28 Aug. Sarah Weyman, 16 Feb. Edward Goodenough, 21 April Rachel Lindsey, 7 Feb. John Shepherd, 13 July. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. §S The Register of 1769. Edward Keep, 29 Mar. Elizabeth Belcher, 30 April. Jacob, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 29 May. Mary, dau. of Mary Roberts, 11 June. Francis Belcher, 15 Oct. John, son of John & Mary Barker, 12 Nov. 1770. Ed : Scarlet, labourer, 1 1 Mar. William Brunsdon, yeoman, 22 Mar. Sarah Shepherd, widow, 25 Ap. Joseph & Benjamin, sons of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 4 Nov. John, son of W*" & Maria Alder, 16 Dec. Ann, dau. of W" & Maria Alder, 30 Dec. 1771. Sarah, dau. of W™ & Maria Alder, 1 3 Jan. 1772. John, son of Francis & Maria Belcher, 19 Aug. 1773- Jacob, son of Jacob & Mary Wheeler, 26 Jan. Francis Kates, 20 Aug. Mary Ammonds, 29 Dec. William Walter, 25 Jan. John Scarlett, 7 Dec. 1774- 1775- 1776. Hano Wellmam (sic), 30 Jan. Benjamin Hatton, 3 Ap. John Wiblen, 22 Dec. 1777. M''* Jone Gerring of Wantage, 2 Feb. Detuhworth, Berks. 89 Edward, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 1 7 June. John, son of Will™ & Meriah Alder, 26 Dec. 1778. John Robards, 1 1 Jan. Edward, son of Edward & Mary Keep, 1 2 Mar. 1779. Martha, dau. of Joshua & Ann Stalard, 1 2 Jan. Ann, dau. of John & Elizabeth Sheard, 2 1 Feb. Faney, dau. of John & Elizabeth Shard, 7 Mar. Eliz, dau. of Edward & Mary Keep, 8 Sep. 1780. Mary Lewis, wid., 12 Jan. Elizabeth Barker, 18 Feb. M' John Gearing of Wantage, 24 Ap. John Alder, 26 Ap. William Belcher, 21 June. James Strong, an infant, 12 Oct. Richard Dry, 6 Dec. 1781. Francis Belcher, 5 June. William Onion, 14 June. 1782. Edwin Light, 20 Mar. William Frogley, 25 Aug. Mary Alder, 6 Oct. Memorandum, ten shillings due on the marriage of M" Belchier of Lower Circut, my Parishioner, Chr^ Beasley of East Hendred was paid Sep. 28, 1783, to me, Henry Bright, Vicar. 1783. Daniell Wiblen, 19 Aug. William Tuck, an infant, 9 Sep. 1784 Maria Alder, 31 Mar. James Grove, an infant, 10 Oct. Thomas Alder, 7 Nov. 96 The Register of 1785. Benjamin Wheeler, 20 Jan. Mary Wheeler, 6 Mar. Thomas Keep, 6 Mar. Mary Belcher, 13 Mar. Jane Krislingbury, 2 Ap. Martha Strong, 10 Ap. Elizabeth Stallard, 15 Ap. Edward Barker, 30 Ap. William Stallard, 4 May. William Manly, 6 May. Richard Belcher, 29 May. Mary Strong, 3 June. John Belcher, 3 June. Mary Broad, 10 June. Mary Smith of Wantage, 22 Aug. James Sheard, 29 Dec. John Clark, 5 Nov. Rolls buried. Grace Champ, 2 June. John Holyday, 30 May. Mary W'iblen, 24 Oct. Mary Grove, 2 Dec. Mary Brunsdon, 19 Mar. Ann Hatton, 19 Mar. Ann Warner, 28 June. William Grove, 7 Aug. Lidea Weeler, i Oct. Thomas Shirey, 23 Oct. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. M' William Gearing of London, 5 Jan. Martha Belcher, 25 June. 1791. Mary Smith of London, 2 7 Sep. Denchworth, Berks. 91 1792. John Heding, 31 Jan. Richard Barrat, 2 Ap. Richard Holiday, 10 May. Martha Frogley, 12 June. Francis Shard, 24 June. 1793- Maria Belcher, 25 Dec. Mary, wife of Tho. Shepherd, 28 Aug. William Wiblin, 6 Oct. Joseph Seary, 22 Oct. 1794. William Brunsdon, 18 Mar. John, son of John and Elizabeth Onion, 30 Mar. 1795- James Wheeler, 5 Sep. Ann Roberts, 30 Sep. Elizabeth Keep, 8 Oct. Martha Sheard, 22 July. Mary Clarck, 15 Feb. John Lord, 22 Ap. Hannah Booker, 20 Sep. Ann Booker, 25 Oct. Martha Shard, 22 Feb. James Keep, 14 Mar. Miriam Shurey, 1 1 July. William Davis, 30 July. William Belcher, 13 Sep. Samuel Linsey, 2 Oct. Henny Shurey, 14 Oct. Frances Belcher, 26 Oct. 1796. 1797. 1798. g2 The Register of 1799. James Booker, 21 Jan. William Wiblin, 25 June. 1800. Sarrah Lord, 18 Mar. Sarrah Strong, 6 July. Elizabeth Davis, 30 Sep. Elizabeth Shurey, 31 Dec. Ann Wells, 29 Nov. John Keep, 3 Mar. William Onion, 13 Sep. Martha Light, 24 Ap. Martha Belcher, 12 Aug. Sarah Belcher, 21 Aug. 1802. 1S03. 1804. Richard Alder, 6 May. Eliz. Cerey, wid. of Joseph Cerey, Day Labourer, 1 7 July. (John Radcliff, Curate of D.) Emm Alder, 8 Aug. Ann Lovegrove, 2 Dec. Elizabeth Belcher, 18 May. 1806. 1808. Amelia Heading, 12 Jan. Marey Barker, 14 Jan. Mary, wid. of Edward Keep, Aet. 71, 13 Ap. 1809. Edward Nicholson, M.A., Curate. Sarah, dau. of John & Hannah Davis, an infant, 5 months, 5 Feb. Edward Wells, Aet. 82, 31 Mar. Joshua Stallard, Aet. 57, 18 June. Ann, wid. of the above, Aet. 59, 10 Sep, Denckwortht Berks. 93 I«IO. James Frogley, Aet. 32, 10 Mar. His death was occasioned by a fall from his horse near Faringdon. Mary, wife of John Broad, Labourer, Aet. 61. She died after an ill- ness of 2 or 3 hours, 7 Nov. i»ii. Elizabeth, dau. of Leonard & Mary Church, aet. 2. She was drowned in the brook, 20 Ap. Mary, wife of John Robins, a soldier, bur., aet. 23, 13 May. Charlotte Minchin of Wantage, aet. 57,6 Oct. Sarah Shepherd, Single woman, aet. 68, 20 July. James, infant son of Henry & Margaret Booker, 6 Sep. [End of Vol. IIL] 94 The Register of VOLUME IV. MARRIAGES. 1754-1812. William Onion & Jane Scarlet, 20 Ap., 1755. Bernard Green & Mary Wiblen, 16 Aug., 1756. John Stevenson of Denchworth & Martha Noke of Sparsholt, Berks, Lie, 5 Nov., 1756. John Ludgrove & Ann Phelps, 17 Oct., 1759. James Roberts of Radley, Berks, & Sarah Brunsdon, Lie, 31 Jan., 1763. VV"': Belcher of Wantage & Martha Frogley of this p., wid. (Lie), 9 June, 1763. John Lord & Sarah Barnes, 22 Oct., 1764. John Barker & Mary Roberts, 2 July, 1769. John Sheard & Elizabeth Warner, 20 Aug., 1769. William Clark & Mary Cox (Lie), i Feb., 1770. William Clarke & Mary Sheard, 16 Ap., 1770. Edward Keep & Mary Brunsdon, Lie, 20 Aug. U'illiam Grove & Mary Fawkener, 24 Sep. Thomas Shepherd & Mary Joy, 29 Oct. James Strong & Martha Alder, 4 May, 1773. Richard Barret & Sarah Light, 8 Nov., 1773. William Dance of East Challow & Sarah Spicer of this, 17 Ap., 1775- William Dewe of Longworth, Berks, & Martha Brunsdon (Lie), 6 July, 1775- Joseph Allen of Hanney & Mary Belcher (Lie), 2 Oct., 1775. John Tyrrell of Steventon & Ann Kent, 12 Oct., 1777. Joseph Stallard & Ann Dry (Lie), 14 Nov., 1778. George Champ of Shipton, Berks, & Ann Lindsey, 24 May, 1779. John Broad & Mar)' Sander, 6 Nov., 1781. Edward Nnrris &: Martha Barnes, 22 Oct., 1782. Henry Stallard & Margaret Barker, 22 Oct., 1782. James Shury & Sarah Butcher, 5 Oct., 1783. (On a piece of paper, stuck with black wax.) Richard Holliday & Jane Davies, 7 Nov., 1784. John Onion & Elizabeth Ackriel, 6 Feb., 1785. Thomas Bolcher, wid., & Martha Winterbourne of Littleham in Ex- mouth, Devon, 6 May, 1786. Denchworth. Berks. 95 John Titchiner & Mary Alder, 8 Oct., 1786. John Cumley of Goosey Stanford & Ann Champ, 3 Dec, 1786. James Pearce of Ogborne St George, Wilts, & Elizabeth Turner, 20 May, 1787. John Rous & Elizabeth Clark, 10 June, 1787. William Alder, wid., & Elizabeth Greenaway of Sparsholt (Lie), 4 Nov., 1787. Thomas Tuck & Sarah Grove, 10 Oct., 1790. William Smith & Mary Holiday, 16 Oct., 1791. Richard Lord & Elizabeth Higgs, 25 Mar,, 1792. William Keep & Martha Fruin (Lie), 14 Oct., 1793. John Bridges of Hanney & Mary Ely, 21 Oct., 1793. John Walter & Mary Lovegrove, i Dec. James Keep & Sarah Frogley, (Lie.) 29 Dec, 1794. William Granger of Shellingford, Berks, & Martha Frogley (Lie), 21 June, 1795. William Frogley, wid., & Mary Beasley, Lie, 12 Nov., 1795. John Davis & Hannah Seary, 25 Oct., 1796. John Carter & Anne Clarke, 30 Oct., 1796. Richard Johnson of Stanlake & Hannah Greenaway, 19 Ap., 1797. John Alder of Marylebone, Middx., & Sarah Keep, Lie, 14 Aug., 1797. John Booker, wid., & Sarah Barrett, wid., 17 Dee Thomas Shepherd & Mary Clark, 8 Jan., 1798. William Alder & Mary Ackers, 5 Nov. M'' William Frogley & Charlotte Woodbridge, wid., of Goosey, Lie, 13 July, 1801. Thomas Wiblin «& Martha Green, 12 Oct., 1801. John Stallard & Mary Shury, 26 Sep., 1803. Mark Cox of Stanford & Martha Hayward, 12 Oct., 1803. William Booker & Ann Pusey, 20 Oct. Jas. Batten Hillier of All Saints, Oxford, & Charlotte Brown (Lie), 3 Nov., 1803. John Robins & Mary Biggs of Wantage, Lie, 30 Oct., 1805. Francis Purton of Thatcham & Mary Keep (Lie), 8 Sep., 1806. Isaac Shaw of Speen & Elizabeth Frogley (Lie), 29 Sep. James Fereman of Longcott & Mary Britten (Lie), i June, 1807. Thomas Booker & Elizabeth Belcher, 9 Nov. Joseph Sheard & Emmey Pendall, 14 Dec. William Cox & Martha Belcher, 22 Feb., 1808. William Standley & Sarah Wilkins, 7 Aug., 1808. Daniel Higgs of Drayton & Hannah Kimbery (Lie), 21 Oct., 1808. James Woodley & Mary Patience, 28 Oct., 181 1. Henry Booker & Margaret Haines of Wantage, 6 Ap., 181 2. End of Vol. IV. DENCHWORTH. INDEX LOCORUM. Compiled by Miss Edith Hobday. [An asterisk (*) denotes that the name occurs more than once on the page.] Abingdon, 24, 72. Baulking (Baukin), in Uffington, 85. Bidden, 72. Blewberry, 73. Buckland, 72, 76*. Burcott, Oxon, 73, Burford, 70, 74. Chaddleworth, 69. Challow, East, 75*, 94. „ West, 42, 65, 70, 72, 75, 85, Great, 73*, 74. Little, 73. Charney, 19, 72, 74, 76. Chawlie, 25. Chieveley, 70. Childrey, 14, 36, 71, 75, 80. Chilton, 73, Circourt (Circot, Cirket, Cyrcot, Sur- cott), p. Denchworth 23, 24, 38, 69, 70. Circourt (Circot , Cirket, Cyrcot Sur- cott), p, Denchworth (Circut), Lower, 89. Combe, 73. Compton, 75, Court, West, 74. Coxwell, Little, 66. Denchworth, passim. „ Little, 69. Drayton, 95. Duxford, p. Hinton, 41. Exmouth, Devon, 94. Eynsham, 74. Faringdon, 71, 93. Farnborough (Farmborough), 73. Farnham, Hants., 36. Fawlcy, Great, 75. Frilford, p. Marcham, 73. Garford, p. Marcham, 11, 74, 85. Garsington, Oxon, 76. Goosey, p. Stanford, 80, 81, 82*, 83, 84, 85, 86, 95*. Grove, p, Denchworth, 41, 70, 72, 74, 76, 81, 84, 85. Hackney, 86. Hampton Poyle (Powell), Oxon, 74. Hanney (Hannie, Hany) ; 26, 36*, 40, 42, 57, 71, 74*. 76, 81, 82 ? 83, 85. 94. 95- Hanney, East, 24, 72. Hartpury (Harspury), Glouc, 73. Harwell, 42, 70, 73, 75. Heath, North, 70. Hendred, East, 73, 80, West, 73, 74. „ Great, 73. ,, Little, 72. Highworth, Wills, 75. Hinton (Waldridge ?), 41, 70. Kelmscott (Kempscott), Oxon, 73. Kempsford (Kemsford), Glouc, 72. Kingston, 84. Kingston Bagpuiz (Bagpuz), 72, 73, 82. Kingston Lisle, p. Sparsholt, 71, 84. Lambourn (Lamborn), 71, 72, 73, 74. Letcombe Regis, 24, 72*, 73*. Littleham p. Exmouth, Devon, 94. Locking (Lockinges), 20, 73. ,, East, 71. London, 43, 74, 76, 90*. 98 Index. London, Marylebone, 95. Longcott, p. Shrivenham, 74, 95. Longworth, 71*, 76, 86, 94. Lyford, 2, 79. Malmesbury, Wilts, 76, Marcham, 11, 71*, 73, 74, 85. Minty, Glouc, 72. Newbury, 73. Northleach, Glouc, 72, Northmooor (Northmore), Oxon, 70, 75. Ogborne, St. George, Wilts, 95. Oxford, 74. ,, All Saints, 95. ,, Wadham College, 57. Polwick Pond, p. Childrey, 80, Radley, 73, 74, 94. Reading, 73. Shellingford, 74, 95. Shipton, 94. Shrivenham, 71, Southcott, 76. South More, Oxon, 74. Sparsholt (Spersholt), 70, 71, 82, 84, 94, 95. Sipeen, 95. Stanford, 74*, 75*, 95. Stanlake, 95. Steventon, 24, 94. Streatley, 70. Surcott (? Circourt), 38. Sutton Courtney, 45, 47*, 74. Swindon, 72. Thatcham, 95. Tulwick, 74. UflSngton, 41, 85. Wantage, 24, 42*, 43*, 50, 70*, 71*, 72*, 73*. 74*, 75*. 76*, 80, 88, 89, 90, 93. 94. 95*. Wartinge, 75. Waterperry, Oxon, 80. Winterborn, 76. Witney, 76. Wittenham, Little, 76. Woodhull, 71, 74. Woolston, p, Uppington, 71, INDEX NOMINUM. Compiled by Miss Edith Hobday. [An asterisk (*) denotes that the name occurs more than once on the page.] John, the son of a wandering woman, 5. A travelling girl whose name I cannot learn, 84. — Annis, 12. A certayne poore man whose name was — , 16. — , My, a strange woman, 21. — , Edw., 41. — , Walter, 66. Ab Jenkin, Dav., 16. Acres (Ackers), Jane, 33 ; My., 95. Ackriel, Eliz., 94. Adams, -— , 85; Ann. 55; Geo., 55* 56, 75 ; Jacob, 39 ; Jn„ 55 ; My., 55* 56, 75 ; Sar., 56, 73. Alder ( All der), Alice, 14, 39; Ann, 32 50, 60*, 65, 75, 77, 88 ; Annes, 18 22 ; Avice, 27, 28, 29, 33, 78 ; Cath. 32, 41*, 42, 44*, 79; Chas., 54, 67 70 ; Christn., 18 ; Christph., 49 ; Dan 44. 45, 51, 53. 54*. 83* ; Deb., 49* 50*, 51*, 75, 87; Dor., 25; Elean. 70; Elin., 14, 30*, 32, 33, 40; Eliz. 25, 32, 38, 49, 50*, 5i*.52*, 53*. 64* 65*, 66, 67, 74, 80, 87, 95; Emm. 66, 92; Han., 70; Jas., 65; Jane 20, 31*, 32, 35*, 41*, 47*, 48*, 49, 50* 74, 78, 86; Joan, 5, 28, 34, 43, 44 45, 46, 82; Jn., 7, 8, 27, 28, 29*, 30 32*, 33. 36?, 40. 41. 42*, 43*. 44* 45. 46*, 49*. 50*, 51*. 52*, 53 54*. 55*. 56*, 58, 6r, 64, 65, 75, 77 78, 79, 80*, 82, 84, 85, 87*, 88, 89* 95 ; Jonath, 40, 50, 82 ; Maria, 6r 62, 63, 67, 88*, 89* ; Martha, 9, 40 58, 62, 94 ; My., 31, 32, 36 ? 41*, 42 49. 52, 53. 54*. 55*. 56, 58, 60*, 62 67*. 70, 75*. 77, 89, 95* ; Maud, 18 Rach., 62; Rich., 31, 50, 67, 92 Rog., 6; Sar., 53, 54, 55, 88, 95 Thos., 9, 21, 25, 26, 40, 47, 52, 63 64, 70, 83, 89; Wm., 4*, 5, 6, 7, 8 10, 17, 26*, 27, 30*, 31*, 32*, 33, 37 40, 41*, 42*, 43*, 44*, 46*, 47*, 48 49*. 50*, 51, 52*, 53*, 55, 60*, 61, 62 63, 64*, 65*, 66, 67*, 74, 77, 78* 79*,8o,83*,85,88*, 89, 95. Aldworth (Alworth, Alw'ath, Auld- worth), Ann, 10, 44 ; Annes, 11, 12* ; Cath., 44; Dan., 44; Jn., 36?, 44, 50; Margt., 86; Margy., 12, 24; My->36 ?, 42*, 50* ; Rog., 10; Thos., 12* ; Wm., 44. Aldworth, als. Alder, Sus., 79; Wm., I 78, 79. j Allen, Jos., 76, 94; Martha, 74 ; My., 44, 94 ; Sus., 76. Allman, My., 73 ; Wm,, 73. Ammonds, My., 88. Andrews, Eliz., 45 ; Joan, 44 ; My., 45, 7S; Sar., 44. 45*. 47*. 78*. 83; Wm., 44, 45*, 47, 78, 81. Angell, Annis, 12 ; Thos., 12. Apyley, Eliz., 16; Jn., 16. Arnold, My., 43*, 44, 78; Rich,, 43, 44, 78; Sar., 44. Ascu, Rog., 17. Attewell (Attiwell, Attawell, Atwell, Attuwell), Ann, 51 ; Elean., 70, 81 ; Eliz., 80; Francis, 29*, 30*, 31*, 40, 78; Martha, 57; My., 29*, 30*, 31*, 40*, 41, 42, 49, 50*. 51*. 57. 78, 80, 84; Rich., 31; Steph., 70, 81; Thos., 30, 39, 51 ; Wm., 29, 49*, 50, 51*, 57, 80, 84. Ayleworth, Millie, 34. Ayres, Alice, 35 ; Jane, 34. Back . . ., Jn., 61 ; My., 61*. Baggs, Jn., 71 ; Sus., 71. Baker, Jane, 81; Jn., 50; My., 75*; Sar., 71; Thos., 75; Wm., 19. Bande, Eliz., 25 ; Thos., 25. Barker (Barcker), Edw., 90; Eliz., 89; Jn., 60, 67, 88*, 94; Margt., 94; Index. My., 60, 67, 88, 92, 94; Thos. 60. Barnard, Just., 34 ; Margt., 34. Barnes (Barns), Ann, 50, 51 ; Jn,, 51* Martha, 94; My., 72; Sar., 58,94 Thos., 50*, 72 ; Wm., 58*. Barnet, My., 71. Barr (Barre), Jone, 34 ; My., 14. Barrett (Barret, Barrat), Ann, 64 Eliz., 61; Han., 61; Jane, 63 Martha, 61 ; My., 62; Rich., 60, 61* 62*, 63*, 64, 91, 94 ; Sar., 60*, 61*, 62 63*, 64, 94, 95; Wm., 63. Bartholomew, Ann, 74. Barton, PhiHp, 52, 82. Batten (Battin, Battinn), Ann, 74; Dennis, 7; Frances, 71; Hen,, 7: Joan, 24. Batty, Cornel., 42 ; Sam., 42. Bayley, Jos., 45, 70; My., 45, 70 Thos., 48, 50; Wm., 45. Beale, Jn., 71 ; Martha, 71. Beasley, Chrs., 89; My., 95. Bedellcome, Arth., 13; Jane, 13. Bedwell, Han., 59 ; Jn., 59 ; Wm., 59- Belcher (Belchere, Belchar, Belchier) — , 47, 48, 49, 80 ; Ahce, 4, 9, 28 Andr., 47 ; Ann, 6, 9, 29*, 30*, 32 37. 43, 49. 56, 66, 77, 78, 81 ; Annes 13 ; Avis, 31 ; Batnshebah, 44*, 45* 47, 48, 49*, 50, 51, 73. 80*, 81, 85 Benabine, 31 ; Benj., 66; Betty, 62 Brid^^, 5, 14, 21 ; Cath., 28, 29* 30*, 62, 63*, 64*, 65*, 66, 79, 86 Cicely, 29, 35, 39; Dan., 29, 30, 47 48, 49, 70, 80, 84 ; Dinah, 30, 49, 50 80*; Dor., 6, 8. 23, 25, 35; Edith 33 ; Eliz., 29, 31, 52, 53, 58, 61, 62* 63*, 64*, 65, 66, 72, 75, 78, 82, 88 92, 95 ; Fanny, 66 ; Frances, 91 Francis, lo, 29*, 30*, 31*, 32*, 43 46, 48*, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56*, 57*, 58 64, 67, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 88*, 89 Geo., I, 2, 5, II, 19*; Han., 31, 48 Harriet, 64 ; Jane, 64 ; Jas., 62 ; Joan I. 3. 30. 35*. 48*, 49. 50, 51. 82 ; Jn. 4, 6*, 9, 14, 21, 23*, 50, 56, 58, 61* 62*, 63*, 64*, 65, 72, 88, 90 ; Jos., 30 31, 51, 64, 71, 81*, 82, 85, 86 ; Margt. II, 48*, 50*, 80; Margy., 19; Maria 55. 56*. 57*. 58, 88; Martha, 4, 9 10, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 38, 39, 63, 64* 65*, 66, 67, 90, 92, 94*, 95 ; Mrs. 89; My., 9, 25, 31*. 32, 37. 41. 45 47. 48. 50. 55, 56*. 57, 58, 62, 63, 64 70, 73, 74. 76, 78, 80, 81, 8a, 90, 91 94; Philipe, 14,20; Rich., 5, 6*, 9* 10*. 21, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 53, 63, 64 65, 77, 86, 90 ; Robt., 6, 9, 10, 29, 30, 35, 39, 40, 56*, 70; Sar., 49, 57, 63, 64, 70, 71, 81, 84, 92 ; Thos., 6, 51, 52, 57, 62*, 63, 64*, 65*, 66, 67, 82, 94 ; Wm., 2, 3, 4*, 5*, 6*, 8, 9*, 10*, 14, 20, 21, 23*, 25, 28, 29*, 30*, 31*, 32*, 35, 37, 39, 41*, 43*. 44*. 45*, 46, 47, 48, 49*, 50*, 51, 52*, 53, 56, 57*, 58, 61, 62*, 63*, 64*, 65*, 66, 73, 76, 77*, 78, 79, 80*, 81, 82*, 83, 84, 89, 91, 94. Bellinger, Hen., 49; Martha, 49*. Bennett (Benet, Benett), . . . ssomes, 25; Agn., 14; Jane, 14; Jn., 5; Thos., 5. Bernard, Elean., 27; Jane, 27; Margt., 32; Margy., 27*, 28*, 29, 38; Martha, 29; My., 28; Robt., 27*, 28*, 29, 32 ; Thos., 32. Bew, My., 70, 76; Thos., 70. Biggs, My., 10, 95 ; Steph., 10. Bird, My., 73. Bishop (Byshoppe), Jas., 70 ; Jane, 11 ; Jn., 15 ; Wm., 11. Blagrove (Blagrave), Jn., 15; Lucy, 34; Mnrgy., 15. Bohun, My., 76. Bonde, Eliz., 38 ; Jone., 33, 71 ; Thos., 33, 38; Wm., 71. Booker (Bookker, Boocker), Ann, 65, 66, 67*, 63*, 69*, 70, 91, 95 ; Chas., 70 ; Eliz., 65, 69*, 95 ; Fanny, 63 ; Han., 61*, 62*, 63*, 64*, 65*, 66, 91; Hen., 64,70, 93, 95; Jas., 61, 64, 67, 70, 92, 93 ; Jn., 6r*, 62*, 63*, 64*, 65*, 66, 67, 68*, 6q*, 95 ; Margt., 70, 93, 95 ; My., 61, 63, 68 ; Miriam, 67; Prud., 63 ; Rich., 69; Sar., 61, 69, 95; Thos., 62,69*, 95; Wm., 62, 67, 68*, 69, 70 95, Borr, My., 34; Wm., 34. Bosier, Margt., 73. Bowles, Dor., 26; Eliz., 33; Wm., 25*. Bridge-, Jn., 95 ; My., 95. Bright, Hen., 61, 89. Brintoy, Margy., 11 ; Zac, 11. Britten, My., 95. Broad (Brood), Ann, 60, 62; Eliz., 63 ; Jn., 63, 64*, 93, 94; Martha, 60, 64 ; My., 62, 63, 64*, 90, 93, 94; Thos., 62, 64 ; Wm., 60. Broadstoacke, Edw., 71 ; My., 71. Brookes (Brooke, Brook), Eliz., 15 ; Margt., 35; Philipe, 14. Brooker, Geo., 73 ; My., 73, Browne (Brown, Brownjohn), Amel., 56; Ann, 55, 56*; Cath., 57; Char- lotte, 95 ; Eliz.; 25; Jn.,57; Miriam, Index. roi 56, 70 ; Thos., 70 ; Thos. Brown, 55; Wm., 55, 56*, 57. Brunsdon, Alice, 53, 82; Ann, 51, 58, 86; Dor., 50*, 51*, 52*, 53, 72, 82, 87; Jos., 58, 86; Martha, 51, 55, 56, 84, 94; My., 50, 54, 55*, 56*, 57, 58*, 86, 90, 94; Ruth, 52 ; Sar., 50, 56, 94; Thos., 52, 56, 57, 85, 87; Wm., 50*, 51*, 52*, 53,54*, 55*, 56*, 57, 58*, 72, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 91. Brynson, Eliz., 8 ; Jn., 8. Buckle, My., 34. Bullpitt, Cath., 34; Edw., 34. Bunce, Cath., 14; Jn., 14. Burgess (Burghess), Geo., 53, 74, 82, Kempster, 53, 82; My., 53, 73, 74, 82. Burte, Jn., 27 ; Thos., 27. Bush, Eliz., 73; My., 35; Thos., 73. Butcher, Jn., 62; Sar., 62, 94. Butler (Buttler), — , 41; Elen., 12; Geo., 12; Jane, 34; Jn., 34; My., 41 ; Robt., 41. Butt, Eliz., 24 ; Jn., 24. Calcott, see Cawcott. Carter (Cartar), Abrah., 70; Ann, 65, 66, 67*, 95 ; Chas., 69, 75 ; Eliz., 67; Joan, 75; Jn., 65, 66*, 67*, 95; Lucy, 67; My., 67*, 68*, 69, 70; Sar., 67; Sus., 68; Wm., 65, 67*, 68*, 69, 70. Castle, Joan, 33 ; Lucy, 34 ; Wm., 34 ; See also Hassle. Cawcott (Calcott), Sar., 44. Cerey, %ee Seary. Champ, Ann, 62*, 94, 95 ; Geo., 62*, 94; Grace, 90; Jn., 62. Chapman, Sar., 73; Wm., 73. Chartiar, Ann, 68; Eliz., 68; Jn., 68. Chistenbury, Rich., 86. Church (Churche), Ann, 35 ; Annes, 20; Eliz., 68, 93; Hen., 69; Jane, 35; Jn-. 35. 70; Leon., 68, 69, 70, 93 ; Martha, 42; My., 33, 68, 69, 70, 93 ; Thos., 20, 35, 42. Chyles, Jud., 34 ; Robt., 34. Claridge, Francis, 75; Hest., 75. Clarke, see Gierke, Clements (Clemance, Clemment), Ann, 36, 75 ; Annis, 12 ; Eliz., 41 ; Ell., 12 ; Jn., 27, 41 ; Jud., 27. Gierke (Clarke, Clark, Clarck), Ann, 60, 95; Eliz., 95; Elyn, 1,71; Jn., 16, 62, 90 ; Margt., 37 ; Margy., 15 ; My., 60, 61*, 62, 91, 94* 95; Rich., i; Thos., 71 ; Wm., 60, 61, 62, 94*, Coles (Cole), Alice, 25; Amy, 15; Margt., 33. Coldrey (Couldry), Jane, 75 ; Rich., 84. Collier, Frances, 76. Collins (Colins), Alice, 11; Chas., 79; Dor., 73 ; Jane, 35 ; Jn., 73 ; My., 60, 74; Sar., 60; Thos., 60; Walt., ,74. Cooke, Ann, 6g ; Edm., 16; Jn., 69; Miriam, 70; Sar., 74; Sus., 69. Coolly, (Coolye, Coulye, Coully, Cooly), Alex., 10, 24; Amy, 15, 20, 21; Ann, 12; Annes, 11, 18; Geo., 9; Jn., 3*. 4. 7*. 8*, 9*. 10, 13. 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ; Margy., 13, 14, 23 ; Martha, 8, 9, 22, 23; My., 9, 40; Pet., 4, 8; Rich., 8, 11, 12, 17*, 19; Thos., 8 ; Wm., 7. Coomb (Combb, Combs), Frances, 76 ; Joan, 15; My., 76; Thos., 76, Coomber (Comber), Alice, 12 ; Eme, 12; Joan, 13; My., 18; Mother, 20 ; Thos., 17. Connbly, Margt., 18. Cooper, Ann, 73 ; Jn., 73. Corderoy, Eliz., 53 ; Jas., 52, 82 ; Jane, 52*. 53*. 54. 82; Jn., 52, 82; My., 53; Rich., 52*, 53*, 54, 82; Sus., 53; Thos., 54. Cornishe, Jn., 17. Coventry, Martha, 34. Cowley, Thos., 82. Cowll, Amy, 11. Cowper, Robt., 16. Cox (Coxe), Alice, 14, 22 ; Amy, 7 ; Ann, 51, 71; Cath., 24; Ell., 6, 12, 13, 26, 37, 40; Em., 18; Jas., 71; Joan, 5, 13, 37; Jn.. 4*, 5*, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 22, 51, 73, 82; Margt., 34; Mark, 95; Martha, 26, 37, 95*; My., 9. 5i» 73. 82, 94; Oliv., 16; Robt., 5, 24, 26, 37, 77 ; Sar., 82 ; Thos., 18, 34 ; Wm., 6*, 7*, 12, 18, 95. Coxheade, Eliz., 24; Ralph, 24. Craven, Matth., 6 ; Myls, 6. Crew, Cath., 87. Cripps, Margy., 72. Crisslebury, My., 77. Cullie (Cully), Jn., 39, 40. CuUum, Isaac, 83. Cumiey. Ann, 95 ; Jn., 95. Cupps, Charlotte, 69; Geo., 69; My., 69. Cuss, Elean., 71. Cyssell, see Syssell. Dance, Sar., 94 ; Wm., 94. Daniel (Danyell, Daniell), Alice, n ; Jdi Index. Hen., 77; Mrs., 12; Wm., 11, 12. Dauston, Alice, 18. Davis (Davie, Daves, Davies), Ann, 67 ; Dor., 34; Eliz., 66*, 68, 92; Han., 66*, 67*, 68*, 6g*, 70*, 92, 95 ; Jane, 94 ; Jn., 34. 66*, 67*, 68*, 69*, 70, 92, 95; xMy., 68; Sar., 69*, 92; Wm., 66, 67, 91. Dawstrie, Alice, 11 ; Edm., 11. Day, Jn., 72; Margt., 72. Dewe (Dew), Barth., 73 ; Bathsheba, 73 ; Bennet, 44 ; Margt., 34 ; Martha, 94 ; Sar., 44 ; Wm., 94. Dickenson (Dickeson, Dickson, Dicki- son), Ann, 32, 36, 37, 41*, 42, 43, 44*, 45, 46, 47, 84; Dan., 44; Grace, 42; Han., 45 ; Hen., 43 ; Jas.,44; Joan, 27. 28, 34, 35, 41 ; My., 47 ; Pet., 32 ; Robt., 26, 27*, 28, 32*, 33, 34, 36, 39, 41*, 42,43, 44*, 45, 46*, 47; Ruth, 46; Thos., 28, 32. Dicker, My., 73 ; Sam., 73. Dodd (Dod), August., 25; My., 72; Sus., 25. Doe, Alice, 25 ; Calh., 34 ; Wm.. 25. Dolphin, Rich., 31. Dorman, Ann, 34 ; Jn., 34. Dowley (Dowlye, Duly, Dully), Andr., 33. 43.44*, 46; Ann, 44; Jane, 43, 44*, 46 ; Martha, 33 ; Sus., 33 ; Thos., 16; Wm., 46. Dowlinge (Dowling, Dorrling, Doule- ingl, Andr., 27,30. 31*132, 80 ; Bridg., 27*, 28, 40; Esth., 77; Jane, 32; Jn., 27*, 28*, 30, 38, 77 ; My., 27, 31, 39, 40 ; Sus., 30, 31*, 81. Downe, Elen., 12, Draper, Margy. , 12; Robt., 12. Dry, Ann, 55*, 56*, 57*, 75, 87, 94; Edw., 55; Jn., 5O*, 85; Martha, 57; My., 56 ; Rich., 55*, 56*, 57*, 75, 89 ; Thos., 55; Wm., 55, 85, Dyer, My., 70; Rich., 70. Eales, Frances, 34. Earlye, Jn., i ; Mich., i. Edwards, Margy., 12. Elliot, Edw., 79; Joan, 79. Ellett ah Alder, Alice, 14; Wm., 14. Elliott (Elyat), Edw., 83; Jn., i; Margt., 34; Robt., 34; Wm., i. Ellis, Alice, 34 ; Edw., 37 ; Margt., 34 ; Martha, 29; My., 29; Rich., 34; Wm., 29. Elloway, Jane, 70 ; Rich., 27. Elston, Eliz., 24. Elton (Ellton), Bridg., 8, 23 ; Eliz., 8, 15 ; EH., 7, 13, 23 ; Thos., 7, 8*, 9, 23 ; Wm., 3*, 9, 13, 15, 19*, 21. Ely, M., 73 ; My., 95. Esse.x, Goodman, 73 ; M., 73. Eustace, Ann, 74 ; Jud., 73 ; My., 73 ; W.m., 73. Farmer, Eliz., 72. Fatt, My., 71. Faulkner (Fawkener), Ann, 54, 55*, 75, 85 ; Han., 54 ; My., 55, 94 ; Wm., 54, 55*, 75- Felpes (Filpes), Ann, 54; Jane, 53; Jn., 53*, 54*; My., 53*, 54*. Feryman (Fereman), Jas., 95 ; Jane, II ; My., 95. Field, Ann, 74; Frances, 56; Francis, 85; Jn., 74; Margt., 73; My.. 55, 56*, Thos., 55*, 56* ; Wm., 56, 73. Floyde, Ann, 14; Matth., 14. Flurry, Ann, 76. Foddesley (Foddesle, Foddeslie), Alex., 13 ; Alice, 19 ; Bridg., 2 ; Francis, 2 ; Margt., 3 ; Philipe, 13 ; Thos., 2*, 3 ; Wm., 19. Foddesley, Frogley o/s. %ee Frogley. Fowler, Thos., 16. Fox, Martha, 75. Francklin (Francklen, Frankelon), Eliz., 41; Jn.,4, 5*, 20; Margt., 5; Thoi., 4- Frodishe, Amy, 11. Frogley, Agn., 29 ; Alex., 4, 21, 23 Alice, 29*, 32, 80; Ann, 8, 34, 40 47, 63, 67, 75; Beet., 67*, 68* Caroline, 68; Cath., 9, 38; Char- lotte, 67*, 95 ; Christn., 28*, 29, 78 Dennis, 33; Dionis., 37; Dor., 34 Elean., 3, 20; Eliz., 14, 28, 32, 38 42, 45, 62, 66, 67, 69*, 70, 72, 95 Eliz. Price, C6 ; Francis, 21, 29 Israel, 62; Jas., 61, 93; Jn., 7, 28 34, 45*, 55, 60*, 61*, 62*, 63*, 66 67*, 68*, 69*, 77, 78, 85 ; Jone, 14 15, 21, 24, 42 ; Jos., 63 ; Margt., 15 Maria, 55, 69, 85 ; Martha, 34, 53* 54, 56, 60, 61*, 62*, 63*, 76, 83, 91 94, 95; My., 55, 61, 68, 70, 95 Nich., 47 ; Philip, 23; Rich., 67, 69 Robt., 9 ; Sar., 45*, 48*, 53, 54, 55* 60. 79, 82, 85, 95 ; Susan, 32, 42, 44 45*. 47*, 78. 82 ; Thos., 3, 4, 14, 2r 22, 62 ; Wid., 38 ; Wm., 7, 8, 9*, 15 24*, 26*, 28*, 29*, 32*, 36, 37, 38 40*, 41, 42*, 43, 44*, 45*, 46, 47* 48, 53*. 54, 55*. 55*. 61, 63*, 67*, 70 76, 78, 79*, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 89 95*. Index. 103 Frogley ai5. Foddesley, Alex. 2; Eliz. 2. Frost, Martha, 42. Fruin, Martha, 95. Fulbrooke, Jone, 34; Thos., 34. Fuller, My., 63 ; Robt., 63. Gamball, Jn., 5; Wm., 5. Gates, My, 34; Rich., 34. Gearing (Gyri.ige Gyring, Geringe, Gearinge, Geering), Alex, 30, 31, 32; Alice, 6, 30; Amy, 31, 40; Ann, 2, 31, 40, 48; Chas.,48; Edw., 4*, 6 ; Eliz., 51, 81 ; Erne, 12 ; Geo., 49, 80; Greg., 29*, 30*, 31*, 38, 39. 45*, 46*, 47*. 48*, 49*. 50*. 51*, 78, 79, 80, 81*, 82*, 83 ; Jane, 47; Jn., 2, 12, 51, 89; Joan, 6, 14,30*, 31*, 81, 88; Margy., 14; Martha, 29*, 31, 38, 39, 45*, 47*, 48, 49*, 50*, 51*, 71, 73, 80, 8r, 82; My., 30, 32, 43, 47, 74; Nath., 50; Rich., 6,31; Sar., 50, 75; Soph., 49 ; Thos., 29, 39 ; Wm., 30*, 45, 81, 85, 90. See also Geery. Geery, (Gyrye Gyree, Geere, Gerye, Geerye, Gyerye, Gearye, Gearie, Gyry, Geere, Gearie, Gerrey, Gary, Geree), Alex., 24, 32*, 41, 78; Alice, 32, 41, 82; Amy, 23 ; Ann, 5 ; Annis, 11,14, 22; Bridg., 10; Christn., 5; Dor., 25, 26, 39, 41, 72 ; Edw., I, 4*, 5*, 14, 22, 23; Em., 20; Jn., I*, 4, 16, 19; Martha, 38; My., 14, 15, 43? 73; Oliv ., I, 18; Rich., 26; Wm., 4, 10, 24, 25*, 26, 39. See also Gearing. Gibbs (Gybbs), Ell., 6; Margy., 6; Robt., 6*, 7; Wm., 7. Giles (Gyles), Sar., 74; Zach., 74. Gills, Aaron, 70; Rose, 70 ; Wm., 70. Glenton (Glynton), Alice, 19; Cath., 3, 19; Francis, 3, 13, 19*; My., 13., Godart, Jn., i ; Rich., i. Godding, Jn., 70; My., 70*. Godfree (Godfry, Godffrie, Godfrey), Ann, 11; Frances, 34; Jone, 13; Margy., 2 ; Wm., 2, 11, 34. Golden, Urs., 75. Goodenough, Ann, 54*, 75, 84 ; Edw., 54*, 75, 87; Jonath., 54; Wm., 54. Goodman, Ann, 74. Goulding, Ann, 28 ; Jone, 28, 34 ; Thos., 28, 34. Granger (Grainger), Martha, 66, 68, 84*, 95 ; Matilda, 66 ; Wm., 66, 68*, 95- Green (Grene), Bern., 58, 59*, 94 ; Eliz., 76; Jn., 76; Martha, 59, 95; My., 58*, 59*, 94; Thos., 17. Greenaway, Eliz., 95, Han., 95. Gregory, Wm., 86. Griffin, Eliz., 11 ; My., 73. Griffithes, Eliz., 4 ; Rich., 4. Grimway, Joan, 22 ; Jn., 22* ; Wm., 22. Grove (Groves), Eliz., 52, 57; Jas., 56, 57*. S9; Jn., 58; Martha, 59, 87; My., 53. 56, 57*. 58*, 59. 87. 90, 94 ; Sar., 52*, 53*, 58, 73, 87, 95 ; Wm., 52*. 53*. 56, 57*. 58*, 59. 73. 82, 90, 94. Grundey, Eliz., 65 ; Sar., 65. Gyssell, Laur., i ; Margy., i. Haines (Hains,), Ann, 65; Benj., 74; Chas., 67 ; Eliz., 65 ; Geo., 66 ; Han., 74; Harriet, 65; Jas., 65*, 66*, 67 ; Margt.,95; My., 65*, 66*, 67 ; Wm., 66. Hall, Anth., 74; Margt., 74. Hanon, Shipston, ah., see Shipton ah. Hamon. Hampe, Sar., 72. Hanmer, Margt., 72. Harding, Sar., 44. Harper, Ann, 70 ; Harriet, 70. Haskins, — , 27 ; Ann, 34 ; Elean, 27 ; Wm., 34. Hassle (Hasel), Ann, 35 ; My., 71 ; Sar., 73. See aho Castle. Hatton (Hatten), Ann, 54, 55, 75, 90; Benj., 54, 55, 75, 87, 88; My., 55; Sar., 54. Hawkins, My., 14, 75 ; Thos., 75 ; Wm., 37. Hayes, Joan, 15. Hayward, Martha, 95. Hazelgrove, My., 78. Head (Hedd), Eliz., 13 ; Jas., 44 ; Jane, 11; Jn., 16; Jone, 19; Robt., 11, i5, 19; Sar,, 44; Wm., 16. Heale, Fletcher, 20. Hedding (Heading), Amel., 57, 76, 92 ; Jn., 57, 76, 91 ; Martha, 76 ; My., 57, 76, 86; Sar,, 76; Wm., 86, 87, Helmes, Robt., 27. Herbert, Edw., 75; My., 75. Heringe (Hearinge), Cic, 13; Edith, 16; Jn., 12, 15; Margt., 16; Margy., 12. Hewer, Grace, 54; My., 54. Hewett, Eliz,, 54, 75; Owen, 54, 75; Sar., 54. Hicks, Eliz., 41, 76 ; Rich,, 41. Hidden, Thos., 37 ; Philip, 37. Higgs (Higs), Ann, 43; Dan., 95; 104 Index. Eliz., 95; Han., 95; My., 43; Rich.,! 43- Hillier, Charlotte, 95 ; Jas. Batten, 95. i Hilton, Francis, 33, 43, 79, 81 ; Martha, j 33. 79- Hobbs, Margt., 33. Holliday (Holleday, Holyday, Holi- 1 day), Ann., 66 ; Isaac, 65 ; Jas., 66* ; | Jane, 63*, 64, 65, 66, 94 ; Jn., 63, 64, 90; Jos., 63; My., 63, 95; Rich. ,'63*, 64*, 65, 65, 91,94; Sar., 63, 64*, 65, 66; Thos., 65; Wm., 63, 64*, 65, 66. Holmes (Homes), Eliz., 73 ; Ell., 15. Holton, Hen., 2 ; Jane, 2; Lynel, 12; Margy., 12. Hopkins, Eliz., 35 ; Jane, 35 ; Lettice, , 35; Rich., 35. j Home, Ann, 22; Jn., 22*; Jone, 12; Margy., 22. i Hosley, Agn., 16. | House, Jone, 13. | Hudson, Margt., 74. I Hughes, Chas., 71 ; Frances, 71 ; Jud., j 73; Wm., 73. I Huthin, Jn., 19. Hyde (Hide, Hyd), Alex., 17; Alice, . 20 ; Ann, 12, 13 ; Arth., 2 ; Christn., II ; Dav,, 7 ; Francis, 7 ; Friswide, 12; Geo., 7*, 22; Jane. 7, 13, 22 ; 1 Jn., 2*, 12, 17; Lowencott, 12, 18;! Margt., 2, 12, 13; Margy., 18*; My., 12, 13 ; Thomazine, 2; Wm., 2, 17, i8*, 21. I Ingram, Margy., 72 ; Thos., 72. Jackson (Jacksonn), Dor., 6, 36; Edm., 20; Eliz., 26, 27*, 28, 30; Francis, 28; Hen., 7, 26*, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 42, 77, 78, 80; Jane, 30, 31*, 35, 42, ' 7i> 77; j"-i 24; Margt., 21; My., 24 ; Oliv., 6, 7, 36, 37. Jacob, Jn., 15; Margt., 15. James (Jeames), Ann, 13; Jn., 5, 20; Margy., 5; My., 20; Robt., 13. Jegins, Ann, 13. Johnson (Jonson), Edw., 11, 12; Eliz., 11; Han., 95; Margt., 12; Moris, 15; Rich., 95; Sar., 34. Jones (Johnes, Joanes), Aaron, 71 ; Ann, 4; Avis, 4 ; Dor., 35; Eliz., 34, 76; Jas., 76; Jn.,4*,5; Margy., 5; My., 71 ; Thos., 4, 35 ; Wm., 41. Keates (Keate, Keite, Keit, Kates), Eliz., 42 ; Francis, 88 ; Jane, 30, 39 ; Jn., 30, 34, 39, 82, 84 ; Jo., 28 ; Joan, 82; Jonathan, 30; My., 83; Mr., 41 ; Mrs., 83. Kedden, Ann, 48 ; Dan., 45 ; Edw., 47, 79 ; Eliz., 36, 45*, 47*, 48*, 49, 50*, 51, 74, 80*, 82 ; Greg.-Ralph, 36, 44, 78; Isab., 51, 80; Joan, 48; Justice, 50, 80; My., 49; Ralph, 36, 44, 45*, 46*, 47*, 48*, 49, 50*, 51, 78, 79, 80* ; Sar., 47 ; Thos., 45 ; Wm., 50, 80. Keepe (Keep, Keap), Aaron, 70; Ann, 53 ; Chas., 69 ; Edw., 42, 51*, 52, 53*, 55*, 56, 60*, 61*, 62*, 63, 68*, 69*, 70*, 87*, 88, 89*, 92, 94 ; Eliz., 14, 55*, 56, 62, 65, 67, 68*, 69*, 70*, 87, 89, 91 ; Ester, 66 ; Harriett, 67 ; Israel, 68; Jas., 52, 56, 60, 65*, 66*, 67*, 81, 87, 91, 95; Jane, 33; Jn., 14, 33. 35. 67, 92; Margt., 35; Martha, 42, 53, 65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 69, 70, 76, 82, 95; My., 51, 52, 53*, 60*, 61*, 62*, 63, 65, 85, 89*, 92, 94, 95 ; Noah, 69 ; Reb., 70 ; Sar., 60, 65, 66*, 67*. 95* ; Sus., 70 ; Thos., 63, 68, 90 ; Wm., 60, 65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 69, 70, 95. Keins?, Jn., 5; Magda., 5. Kent, Ann, 94 ; Martha, 35 ; Rich., 35. Kidwiche, My., 12. Kilingsburey (Kilingsbury, Kilingsber- rey, Kislingberry, Krislingbury), Jane, 53. 54*. 55, 74. 9o ; Jonath., 54; Martha, 55 ; My., 53 ; Rich., 53, 54*, 55, 74 ; Sar., 54. Kimber (Kymber), Ann, 64, 65*, 66*, 67, 68*, 69, 70 ; Jane, 68 ; Jane-Eliz., 65; Jas., 68; Jn., 14, 64, 65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 69 ; Jone, 14; Martha, 66, 68, 69, 70; My., 24, 65; Sallv, 64; Sar., 69 ; Sus., 66 ; Thos., 68*, 6g, 70 ; Wm., 24, 69. Knappe (Knap), Abig., 35; My., 85. Knight, Ann, 17 ; My., 35 ; Rog,, 35. Kimbery, Han., 95. Kinge (Kynge), Annes, 15 ; Joan, 33 ; Rich., 34; Sar., 34; Wm., 33. Knowles, Eliz., 27 ; Francis, 27; Joan, 27. Krislingbury, see Kilingsbury. Kymersh, Joan 11. Lacy, Ell., 15 ; Robt., 7, 22 ; Rog., 7*, 15, 22 ; Wm., 7. Lambell, Jn., 36; My., 36. Lake, Eliz., 74; Wm., 74. Langbridge, — , 24 ; Robt., 24. Lawrence, Adam, 73 ; Ann, 44 ; Benj., 44 ; Eliz., 45 ; Han., 73 ; Hen., 44*, 45, 47, 48; Joan, 44*, 45, 47, 48; Jos., 47 ; Martha, 48 ; My., 70. Index. to^ Lay, Benj., 69, 70; Eliz., 69, 84; Jn., 42, 44*, 70; My., 42, 44; Sar., 69, 70. Lempster, Eliz., 33 ; Robt., 33. Lernoult, Rev. Francis, 57. Lewis (Lewes), Ann, 74; Christoph., 74; My., 28*, 53*, 89; Rich., 53*, 87; Thos., 28. Leys (Ley), Francis, 11; Jn., 21; Margy., 11. Light, Aiding, 58; Ann, 58; Edding, 56, 57, 5S*, 76; Edw., 57; Edwin, 89; Eliz., 58; Martha, 56*, 57*, 58*, 76, 92; Rich., 58, 86; Sar., 57, 94. Lindsay (Linsey, Lindsay), .^nn, 58, 94 ; Jas., 57 ; Jn., 58 ; Rach., 57, 58*, 59*, 87; Sam., 57, 58*, 59*. 91; Wm., 59, 87. Lissett, Nehem., 72; Sar., 72. Lord, Ann, 70; Eliz., 64, 65*, 66, 67*, 68*, 70, 95 ; Jn., 59*, 60, 64, 66, 91. 94; My., 64; Pris.,67; Rich., 59, 60, 64, 65*, 66, 67*, 68*, 70, 95 ; Sar., j 59*, 60, 64, 65, 92, 94; Thos., 67;] Wm., 64, 65. Love, Alice, 12 ; Robt., 12. ! Lovegrove (Ludgrove, Logrove), Ann, , 59*, 92, 94; Betty, 64; Chas., 59;! Jn., 59*, 94; My., 59.64,95. Lyford (Lyforde), Eliz., 39; Jn., 24; My., 24, 70, 79. Maine (Marnes), Sus., 36. Manley (Manly), Eliz., 60, 64; Martha, 60*, 61*; My., 61 ; Rach., 64; Thos., 60; Wm., 60*, 61*, 90. Manninge, Wm., 17. Marks, Whiche, ah., see Whiche aU. Marks. Marnes aU. Swithin, Nich., 80. Marrett (Marett), Eliz., 13, 19; Wm., 13, 20. Martin, Ann, 75 ; Jn., 75 ; My., 73. Matthews (Mathews), Amel., 76; Sus., 76 ; Thos., 86. Meckocke, Alice, 22. Middleton, Jud., 34. Mills, My., 72. Milner, — , 78; Ann, 78; Edm., 44; Gul., 43 ; Jane, 43 ; My., 44 ; Wm., 41*. Milsom, Ann, 66*, 67, 68 ; Eliz. Ship- pery, 66 ; Harriet, 66 ; Jane, 67 ; Louisa, 68 ; Thos., 66*, 67, 68. Minchin, Charlotte, 93. Moore (Morre), Jn., 2; Margt., 12; Sar., 73 ; Thos., 2, 12, Moris (Mores, Morj-s), Ann, 13 ; Fris" wide. 12; Jn., 2, 13; Margt., 2. Morlande, Eliz., 24. Moscrope (Muscroppe, Muscrope), Alex., 16; Edw., 2 ; Jn., 2 ; Wm., 2*, 16. Moulden, Jane, 34; My., 75, 76. Mulcock, Ann, 73 ; Francis, 73. Mumford, Eil., 19. Muscrope, see Moscrope. New (Newe), Alex., 74; Jane, 74 ; My., Newberry (Newbery, Newberrie), Alice, 14; Ann, 9, 39; Annis, 12, 18; Bridg., 14; Cath., 18; Christn., 24; Dor., 8; Edw., 3, 6*, 7*, 8; Joan, 6; Jn., 3, 7, 9*, 12, 13, 20*, 38; Margy., 13; My., 7; Wm., 7. Newell, Eliz., ig. Newman, Sus., 71. Nichols (Nycols), Jn., 14; Mgt., 14. Nicholson, Edw., 69, 92. Noke, Martha, 94. Norris, Edw., 94; Martha, 94. Norwood, Alice, 27; Robt., 27, Wm., 27. Oates, Rich., 36. Ogborne, Jane, 14; Thos., 14. Ollard ?, Alice, 13. Onion, Ann, 63 ; Edw., 59 ; Elir., 63*, } 65, 91, 94; Han., so; Jane, 58*, 59, 1 86, 94; Jn., 58, 63*, 65*, 91*. 94; I Lydia, 71; My., 50, 58, 72,86; Wm., I 50, 58*, 59, 63, 72, 86, 89, 92, 94. i Orson, My., 24. Painton (Paynton), Ann, 50, 51*, 52*, i 80, 84, 87; Edw., 51; Francis, 51; Han., 49, 79 ; Jane, 48*, 49, 70, 79* ; 1 Jn.,50, 80; Jonathan, 52; Jone, 32*, 47, 48, 71, 80; Jos., 32*, 47*, 48*, 49. 50. 51*. 52*. 70. 79*. 80, 82, 83 ; I Joshua, 51 ; Martha, 83. Palmer (Pawmer). EHz., 25 ; Thos., 21. ] Parke, Ann, 3 ; Geo., 3. Parker (Perker), Ann, 34, 36 ; Deb., 75 ; Gab., 75; Margy., 11; My., 52; Rich., 34 ; Wm., 52*. Parsons, Alice, 26, 37 ; Anth., 24, 25, 26*, 27, 42, 43; Eliz., 25, 26, 27, 44; Jane, 27, 38; Jn., 25; Rich., 26 ; Wm., 24. Patie (Patey), Alice, 18; Dor., 35?; My., 71; Thos., 71. Se£ a/so Rayte. Patience, My., 95. Paxford, My., 49*, 80; Robt., 49, 79. Payne (Paine), — , 44; Ann, 13, 50, 80; Edw., 5*, 14; Eliz., 4, 23, 45* io6 Index. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 81 ; Eme, i, 17; Francis, 73; Jane, 14; Joan, 3, 11, 21, 22 ; Jn., 16, 28*, 29, 30, 34, 42, 43. 4S; Jonah, 49; Jos., 51; Margt., 24; Margy., 17; Martha, 28*, 29, 30*, 34, 42, 48 ; My., 5, 44, 47, 73, 79,; Robt., 24 ; Sus., 28, 38 ; Thos., 3*, 4*, 21* ; Wm., I, 2*, 3, 5, II, 16, 21*, 29, 43. 44*. 45, 47. 4^*. 49. 50. 5i. 79,81. Pearce, Eliz., 95; Jas., 95. Pecke, Annes., 11 ; Jn., 11. Pendall, Emmey, 95. Percivall (Persyfald), Eliz., 37; Jn,, 23- Perker, $ee Parker. Perks, Geo., 14; Margy., 14. Perry (Perrey), Ann, 53 ; Jas., 43, 79 ; Margt., 53; Wm., 53. Peter, Agn., 16. Petit, Sar., 73. Phelps (Phelp), Ann, 94; Jn., 86*; My., 86. Philips, Chas., 72; Eliz., 72 ; Joan, 72 ; Jn., 72 ; My., 71. Pigott, Jn., 72 ; My., 72. Pinnock, Christn., 11; Win., 11. Piper, Thos., i*. Pirk, Margy., 13. Pizzie, %ee Pusey. Playsterer, Francis, 78. Plate, Joan, 10; Jn., 10. Pledell, Margy., 15. Pocock, Hest., 75. Pope, Amy, 46; Ann, 13 ; Jn., i, 17, 18, ^6* ; Margy., i, 12, 17. Porter, Jn., 33 ; Margt., 33, 34. Poureton, Francis, 68; My., 68; Sar., 68. Povye, Ann, 34. Powell, Lewis, 17. Prater, Jn., 4 ; Margt., 14 ; Thos., 4. Prettie, — , 24. Prince, Ann, 27; Jane, 37; Jn., 27*. Pugh, A., Jn., 2, Wm., 2. Piillbrooke, see Fullbrooke. Purton, Francis, 95 ; My., 95. Pryor (Prier, Prior), Hen., 29; My., 29, 36, 42, 55; Sar., 55. Pusey, (Pusie, Pusye, Pusy, Pizzie, Pusay, Pisey), — , 49; Alice, 8, 27, 33. 34. 41. 42, 44. ^3 ". Amy, 11 ; Ann, 27.31.38,40,95; Annes., 9; Bridg., 9.32,36,77; Cath., 32,77; Francis, 38, 44 ; Jane, 3, 21, 26*, 27, 32, 36*, 43. 44. 72, 77. 79 ; Joan, 6, 13, 15. 23*. 27*, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47; Jn., 3*, 4, 8, II, 13, 16, 18, 21*, 27, 31, 32*, 36*, 38, 41*, 42*, 43*, 44, 45, 49, 71, 77, 79, 80; Margy., 16, 23; Martha, 33, 36, 42*,; My., 14, 19, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, 41, 43*, 71, 72;Reb.,3i; Rich., 3, 6, 7*, 8*, 9*, 14, 26*, 27*, 32*, 36*, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42*, 44*, 47, 77 ; Thos., 4, 7, 32 ; Wm., 3, 8, 15, 16, 23, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42 43, 44, 45, 47, 79- Quench, Joan, 72. Radcliff (Radcliffe), Jn,, 67, 92. Radishe, Mistress, 20. Raly , Ann, 29; Sar., 29 ; Thos., 29. Ratye (Ratiel, Dor., 35?; Thos., 39. See also Payte. Rawlins, Joan, 37; Margt., 33, 38; Marmad., 33, 37, 39. Rayer, Sophia, 85. Richards, Ann, 12 ; Jn., 11 ; Maud, II. Rive, Thos., 16. Rivers, Eliz., 72; Rich., 72. Roberts (Robards), Ann, 59, 91; Jas., 59, 94; Jn., 59*, 89; My., 88*, 94; Sar., 59*, 87, 94. Robertson, Ann, 57*, 58, 76, 86* ; Eliz., 58, Jas., 57; Jn., 57*. 58, 76. 86; Martha, 76; My., 57; Sar., 57. Robins, Jn., 76, 93, 95; My., 76, 93, 95 ; Margy., 13. Robinson (Robynson), Ann, 34, 58, 59* ; Dav., 58; Francis, 35; Jane, 74; Jn.,58, 59*; Martha, 35 ,59. Roe, Eliz., 72. Rogers, Han., 86; Thos., 86; Wm., 86. Rolls, — , go; EHz., 76. Rouch, Eliz., 72. Rouse (Rouss, Rous, Roous, Routs), Ann, 64; Dina, 66; Eliz., 63, 64*, 65, 66, 67, 68,95; Jas., 67; Jn.,63*, 64*, 65, 66, 67, 68, 95; Rich., 65; Thos., 64; Wm., 68. Rowland, Bridg., 36. Russell, My., 10. Rutland, Hen., 69; Jas., 69; My., 69. Ryme, Jone, 13 ; Rich., 13. Sadler (Saddler), Annes., 11; Jane, 36; Jos., 76 ; My., 76 ; Wm., 11. Salmon, Margt., 11. Samwell, Alice, 33. Sanders (Sander), Ann, 74 ; My., 94 ; Thos., 74. Savery, — , 2; Alice, 5 ; Annes., 7, 19; Earth., 3 ; Dor., 5 ; Edw., 3, 6*, 7*, Index. 107 8, 22; Ellen, 21; Hen., 8; Jane, 7; Joan, 22 ; Margy., 3, ig ; Martha, 4; My., 5; Purnel, 4; Thos., 2, 3*, 4*. 5*. 7, 19, 21*, 22 ; Wm., 3. Sawle, My., 76. Scarlett (Scarlet), Ann, 51 ; Edw., 51*, 52*, ';3, 54, 72, 88; Jane, 52, 94; Jn., 88; My., 51*, 52*, 53. 54. 72, 87 ; Sar., 53 ; Sophia, 54, 85 ; Ursula, 52. Scogin, Jane, 6 ; Rich., 6. Seary (Seery, Searey, Cerey), Ann, 58, 61; Bettey, 58; Eliz., 57, 92; Han., 5i, 95 ; Jos., 57*, 58, 91, 92. Seerege, Amy, 11; Thos., 11. Shard, see Sheard. Shaw, Eliz., 95; Isaac, 95. Sheard (Sherd, Shard), Ann, 61, 89 Benj., 88; Betty, 63; Edw., 56, 62 68; EHz., 60*, 61*, 62*, 68, %'i,, 89* 94; Emmey, 95; Fanny, 6r, 89 Francis, 55*, 56*, 60, 91 ; Jas., 62 90; Jn., 55, 60*, 61*, 62*, 63, 68 88, 89*, 94 ; Jos., 60, 88, 95 ; Maria 70; Martha, 55*, 56*, 61, 91*; My. 56, 60, 66, 68, 70, 94; Sar., 60 Sophia, 66; Thos., 55, 85; Wm. 63, 68. Shepherd (Shepard), Benj., 57, 86 Dan., 56, 66; Han., 69; Jn., 54* 55*. 56*, 57*. 75. 87; Jonath., 55 Jos., 57; Martha, 56, 67; My., 54 66, 67*, 69, 91, 94, 95 ; Rach., 67 Sar., 54*, 55*, 56*, 57*, 60, 75, 88 93 ; Sar. May, 60 ; Thos., 55, 66, 67* 69, 91, 94. 95; Wm., 54, 87. Sherwood, Ann, 84; Edw., 79; My., 72; Millie, 34; Rich,, 34. Sheward, Ann, 73. Shilton, My., 74. Shipton, Jn., 5 ; Thos., 5, 21*. Shipton ah. Hamon, Thos., 5*. Shirey, see Shury. Shorte, Em., 14; Lawr., 14. Shury (Shurrey, Shurey, Shirey, Sury), Ann, 64; Benj., 58*, 86*; Chas., 64 ; Elean., 65 ; Eliz., 41, 56*, 57*, 58*, 59, 6r, 62*, 63*, 64*, 65, 66*, 86, 92 ; Hen., 56*, 57*, 58*, 59, 63, 86, 91; Israel, 65; Jas., 58, 59, 62, 63*, 64*, 65, 86, 94; Jn., 56; Jos., 58, 61*, 62*, 63*, 64*, 65, 66*; Mercy, 66.; Miriam 66, 91 ; My., 57, 62,95; Rich., 63; Sar., 63*, 64*, 65, 94 ; Thos., 57, 64*, 90 ; Wm., 57, 63. Simons (Simmonds, Symons), Jn., 42, 78* ; My., 76, 78 ; Rich., 42, 78 , Thos., 76. Slatter, Jane, 72; Staph., 72. Smart (Smarte, Smert), Alice, 14 ; Ann, 42*, 43. 44. 83; Eliz., 30*, 31*, 32, 35. 77* ; Frances, 72 ; Hen., 43, 44 ; Jas., 32, 72 ; Joan, 10, 25, 26, 27, 32, 34. 38, 42, 84; Jn., 14, 27, 30, 37, 81 ; Martha, 25, 35 ; My., 31, 34, 40, 70; Nich., 10, 25, 26*, 27, 30*, 31*, 32*. 35. 37. 38, 41*. 42*, 43. 44*. 77*. 81; Rich., 31*; Robt., 42*; Thos., 41, 44, 82 ; Wm., 10, 30, 38. Smith (Smyth), Ann, 6, 11 ; Dor., 71 ; Edw., 6; Eliz., 13, 15; Em., 14; Faith, 53; Jas., 74; Jane, 74; Jn., 71 ; Lawr., 53 ; Lazar als., Thos., 84; My., 74, 90*, 95; Nath., 74; Rich., II, 15, 17; Thos., 20, 84; Wm., 53, 95. Southby, Cic, 35. Sparowhawk (Sparowhawke), Alice, 15; Annes., 11; Jn., 16; Margy., 11. Spicer, Jane, 33 ; Jn., 33 ; Margy., 11 ; Sar., 94. Spinnage, Jane, 34 ; Robt., 34. Spoakes, Eliz., 74. Stait, Martha, 74 ; Wm., 74. Stallard (Stalard, Stallerd), Ann, 61, 62, 63*, 64, 89, 92, 94 ; Eliz., 62, 63, 90 ; Hen., 62, 94; Jn., 95 ; Jos., 62, 94; Josh., 61, 63*, 64, 89, 92; Margt., 62,94; Martha, 61, 62, 89; My., 95 ; Wm., 63, 64, 90. Stambrooke (Standbrooke), Dor., 8, 23 ; Edith, o; Wm., 8*, 9*, 23. Standley, Sar., 95; Wm., 95. Starke, Margy., 4; Thos., 4. Steere, My., 24 ?. Stevens (Stephens), Cath., 82; Edm., 76; Jonas, 43*; My., 76, 81. Stevenson, Jn., 94 ; Margt., 24 ; Martha, 94. Stickland, Martha, 74; Thos., 74. Stiffe, Ellias, 73 ; Sar., 73. Stokes, My., g; Nich., 9. Stone, Ann, 23 ; August, 9 ; Cath., 4 ; Ell., 9, 14, 33, 70; Han., 72; Jane, 14. 33; Jn-. 15. 22; Joan, 9, 15; Margt., 39'; Moses, 4, 14 ; Rich., 70; Robt., 9, 23,25, 43 ; Sar., 70; Thos., 9*, 39 ; Wm., 9. Stooker ?, Jonas, 43. Stower, Dor., 4. Strange (Strainge), Ann, 41 ; Jane, 72 ; Jn., 12; Jone, 12; Rich., 41; Wm., 41. Streat, Eliz., 15. Strong, Charlotte, 61 ; Eliz., 62 ; Jas., 60, 61*, 62*, 67, 89, 94 ; Martha, 60*, lo8 Index. 6i*, 62*, 66, 67, 90, 94 ; My., 62, 90; Sar., 6r, 66, 92. Stroud, Benj., 68, 69, 70; Eliz., 70; My., 69; Phoebe, 68, 69, 70 ; Steph., 68. Stybbs, Ann, 74; Thos., 74. Sury, ice Shury. Sutton, Alice, 21 ; Annas., 11 ; Edith, 17; Oliv., i; Thos.. i; Wm., 21, 22*. Swithin Marnes ah. see Marnes. Syssell (Cyssell), Lawr., 15; Mrs., 12. Tayer, Jn., 33; My., 33. Taylor (Tayler), Alice, 44*, 45*, 47, 78; Caleb., 45,78; Elean., 27, 33; Ehz., 72; Francis, 29, 43*, 44*, 45*, 47. 7^ ; Jane, 29 ; Jn., 27, 29, 33, 44, 79; M.irk, 45; Martha, 43*; My., 47, 73 ; Rich., 44; Wm., 27. Thatcher (Thacther), Abig., 35; Alice, 13 ; Ann, 13, 73 ; Avice, 33 ; Francis, 35; Jane, 20; Joan, 35; Jn., 8*; My., 39; Reppington, 35 ; Rich., 13 ; Wm., 13. Thom.is, Nich., 38. Thorn (Thome), Ally., 53; Ann, 52; Eliz., 55 ; Hen., 54; Isaac, 55 ; Jane, 52, 53*, 54*. 55*. 84; My., 53; Rich., 52, 53*, 54*, 55*. Thorpe, Eliz., 18. Thorton (Thirtton, Thirtene), Alice, 9 ; Ann, 9; Eliz., 10, 24; Robt., 9*, 10, 24* ; Thos., 40. Thrupp, Ede., 14; Rich., 14. Titchiner ( i ichiner), Elean., 64 ; Jemima, 68; Jn., 63, 64*, 65, 66, 68, 95; Lydia, 66; Maria, 63; My., 63, 64*, 65, 66, 68, 95 ; Steph., 65; Wm., 64. Tombes, Alice, 28; Elin., 33; Robt., 33; Thos., 28; Wm., 28. Toms^on, Mgt., 17. Tousey, Edw., 75; Sar., 75. Tovie (Tovye), Eliz., 11 ; Gemy., 16; Jn., II, 16* ; Joan, 16. I ownsend, Annes, 24 ; Rich., 23. Trimnel, Mich., 76; My., 76. Tubb, Agn., 13,22 ; Dor., 41, 73; Eliz., 3, 13, 19; Ell., 4; Hen., 4; Jn., 5, 21, 41* ; My., 21 ; Rich., 3, 13, 22, 42, 43 ; Thos., 3 ; Wm., 3,* 4*, 5, 13*, 19, 21*, 22. Tuck, Han., 66; Jn,, 65; My., 64; Sar., 64, 65*, 66, 95; Thos., 64, 65*, 66, 95; Wm., 65, 89. Tucker, Frances, 72. Tuckye, Jone, 14. Tuff, Jane, 75 ; Wm. 75. Tull, Dor., 29, 30*, 31, 32, 35, 71, 81 ; Han., 74 ; Hen., 35 ; Jn., 34 ; Jonathan, 32, 41, 85; Jone, 34; Martha, 31; My., 29, 35, 82 ; Rich., 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 41, 81* ; Sar., 86. Tural, Eliz., 11. Turner, Dor., 34 ; Eliz., 95 ; Hen., 73 ; Jn., 73; Martha, 73 ; My., 73. Turvey, Thos., 79. Tyrrell, Ann, 94 ; Jn., 94. Varny, My., 36. Veale, Sus., 25. Vesey, My., 73. Vickars, Ann., 74; Jn., 74. Vokins, My., 14 ; Rich., 5, 14 ; Wm., 5- W . . . Ales, I. Wakefield, Han., 73. Wallington, Ann, 73 ; Jone, 33 ; Rich., 73. Walters (Walter), Agn., 12; Ann, 30, 53, 65; Geo., 51; Jas., 52; Jane, 30, 50*, 51*, 52*, 53*, 72, 85, 86; Jn., 65, 66, 95; Joan, 31*, 77; My., 31, 51, 65, 66, 95 ; Rich., 30, 31*, 42, 50, 51*, 52*, 53*, 72, 77, 81, 82; .>ar., 53; Wm., 66, 88. Wanborowe, Ann, 14. Wancell, Margt., 12 ; Margy., 12. Warner, Ann, 56*, 90 ; Betty, 56 ; Dan., 56*; Eliz., 50, 84*, 94; Jane, 74; My., 76; Wm., 50*, 56, 76, 80*, 84. Wason, Jane, 11. Wayeman (Weyman), My., 75; Sar., 87. Webb, My., 35 ; Sar., 73 ; Wm., 73. Wellman (Welman), Agn., 40; Alex., 9, 10*, 24, 28*, 34, 36, 40* ; Ann, 49*. 51. 75. 79*; Cath., 27*; Dor., 24, 28*, 34; Han., 50, 51*, 52, 72, 82, 88; Jane, 47*, 48*, 50, 51, 71; Jn., 10, 30*, 31, 35, 39, 47*, 48, 50, 51*, 71, 82, 85; My., 30*, 31, 35, 40, 47.50. 75; Phillippa, 39 ; Rich., 27, 30, 47. 49, 50, 51. 52*, 72, 79*, 82*, 83 ; Sar., 50, 75; Thomasin, 31, 71 ; Wm., 9, 10, 36. Wells, Agn., 3; Ann, 57, 92; Edw., 57, 92; Jn., 3; Sar., 57. West, Sar., 70. Westbrooke, Francis, 29*; Jn., 15; Martha, 29. Westbrooke, Willis ah., see Willis. Weston, Wm., 24. Wheeler (Whyler, Weeler, Whilier), Index. 109 Amelia, 59, 64, 65; Benj., 59, 90; Jacob, 57, 58*, 59*, 60*, 77, 88* ; Jas., 65, 91; Jane, 58; Jn., 57; Lydia, 64, 90; Martha, 59; My., 57, 58*, 59*. 60, 77, 88*, 90; Rich., 4, 13; Sar., 58; Sysell, 13; Thos., 4. Whiche als. Marks, Thos., 20. Whichlowe (Whichlow, Whichlo), Cath., 5; Margy., 14; Matth., 5, 20; Thos., 5*, 14, 20* ; Wm., 5, 20. White (Wite, Whit, Whyght, Wyt), Agn., 12; Ann, 75; Ede, 14; Geo., 35 ; Lettice, 35 ; Margt., 13 ; My., 33,52; Sar., 52; Thos., 1,52; Wm., 13- Whithorne (Whitehorn), Ann, 12 ; Eliz., 85. Whiting, Eliz., 72; Jn., 72. Whitloock, Margt., 16. Whitock, Joan, 75. Whittier, Jone, 35. Wiblin, (Wiblen, Wiblyn, WybHn) Alice 7, II, 14; Ann, 11, 12, 13 23*. 43. 52*. 54, 70. 77. 83 ; Annis 25 ; Cath,, 2, 14, 23 ; Dan., 9, 28* 29, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 52*, 54, 78, 84 85, 86, 89; Dor., 25*, 26, 28, 36, 39 Eliz., 27, 34, 37; Ell., 8; Francis 29, 40; Geo., 18; Hen., 6g ; Jane 30; Joan, 3*, 6, 10, 15, 30*, 35, 39 Jn., I, 6, 10, 17*, 30, 31, 39, 40, 49 54*, 56, 68, 70, 75, 88; Margy., i 12, 18 ; Martha, 8, 10, 26, 28, 29*, 31 34. 35, 37, 42*, 48. 54. 67, 68*, 69, 95 My., 3, 6, 10, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28* 29, 37, 42, 43*, 44, 45*, 47, 48*, 49 52, 54*. 56, 67, 73, 75, 76, 78, 84 86*, 90, 94; Moses, 10; Philip, 4 Rich., 2*, 3, 8, 12*, 22, 23, 27*, 37 Sar., 68; Sus., 10, 37; Thos., 7, 22 24, 25*, 31, 37, 41, 67, 68*, 69, 77 95; Thomasin, 31; Wm., 2*, 3*, 4 6*, 7*, 8*, 9, 10*, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 23*, 24*, 25, 26*, 28* (29) 30*, 31* 34*, 35, 36*, 39*. 40. 42, 43*. 44, 45 46*, 47*, 48*, 49, 54, 56, 78, 81, 83 86*, 91, 92. Wicks, Ann, 74 ; Jn., 75 ; Urs., 75. Wilkins (Wilkens), Anth., 27, 33 ; Dennis, 27, 33; Edith, 33; Reub., 67; Rich., 46*; Sar., 67, 95; Wm., 27. Wilkinson, Ann, 26* ; Jas., 26*, 33 ; Jone, 34. Williams (Willms), Abrah., 5, 10; Alice, 6, 10, 23 ; Annes, 7, 10, 22 ; Eliz., 5, 10, 24; Ell., 10; Jane, 10; Joan, 8, 10, 23; Jn., 5, 8, 10*; Jos., 76; Martha, 7, 10; My., 7, 10, 74; Rich., 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, 10*, 22, 23*; Rog., 10*; Sar., 76; Thos., 74. Williamson, Thos., 17, Willis, Martha, 75 ; Thos., 75. Willis ah., Westbrooke, Eliz., 24 ; Thos., 24. Wilshire, Jn., 24. Wilson, My., 73. Wingrove, Lydia, 71 ; Matth., 71. Winterborne (Winterburne, Winter- bourne), Ann, 36, 71, 81 ; Martha, 94 ; Robt., 36. Withers, Alice, 35 ; Hen., 35. Witt, Jn., 33; My., 33. Wodam, Jn., 73 ; My., 73. Wolte, Joan, 42; Rich., 42. Woodbridge, Charlotte, 95; Jn., 76; Martha, 76. Woodcoke, Ann, 12; Geo., 12. Woodley (Woodlie, Woodly, Woodey), Ann, 10 ; Ann-Maria, 69 ; Charlotte, 63; Dor., 26; Edm., 24, 26; Eliz., 24, 26; Jas., 64, 95; Jane, 62, 63*, 64, 65; Job, 65; Jn., 62, 69; My., 95 ; Rich., 38, 62, 63*, 64, 65, 69. Woodwards, Ann, 73. Wright, EHz., 72: Sam., 72 ; Wm.,84. Yates (Yate, Yeat), Andr., 11; Char- lotte, 5S; Eliz., 16; Hen., 58; Margy., 11; Martha, 58, 74, 86; Rich., 71; Thomasine, 71. Yerly, Jn., 16; Thos., 16, Yevan, Maud, 11. Yonge, Eliz., 24. ABERDEEN : THE UNIVERSITY PRESS THE REGISTERS OF DENCHWORTH CO. BERKS. JEsetttfb tx) ^ubsrribcvs bjj THE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY 1914 JlifSS 3 1197 21442 83bb Date Due Alllibrary items are subject to recall at any time. Brigham Young Univereity